Rebellia Self Love Challenge

As women, and especially as moms, we tend to put everyone else in our lives before ourselves, and that can tend to be detrimental to our physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Rediscovering, or discovering for the first time, the kind of love and attention that we show to ourselves can sometimes be tough, if not downright impossible, especially as we navigate the muddy waters of postpartum, endless breastfeeding, cranky toddlers, needy husbands, sleep deprivation, moody pre-teens, overtime hours, mental health issues, and just about every other thing that gets in the way of taking care of and nurturing our personal souls and bodies. It’s time to take back ourselves, and give ourselves the love that we show to everyone else. We want to help you do that, alongside ourselves and hundreds of women all over the country, by participating in the Rebellia Self Love Challenge.

Rebellia is an online clothing boutique “where girls with muscles find pretty clothes that fit”, founded by Chrystal Rose – entrepreneur extraordinaire, self love guru, unicorn lover, founder of the Hey Little Rebel blog, and all around badass.
Read her story here.

“Finding love for myself has been one of the biggest game changers of my life. I wear my skin now like a perfectly tailored suit, no matter what I weigh, what I eat, who I’m with, or what I’ve accomplished. I wish I could sprinkle this shit on every woman I come in contact with, because I meet so many who need it, and it hurts me that they can’t see how beautiful every piece of them truly is. So I created the #rebelliaselflovechallenge to combat the epidemic of women who simply don’t love themselves enough – or at all. I created it to give them the space to develop or add to their very own self-love, in their own unique and beautiful way.” – Chrystal

Rebellia Self Love Challenge 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

The Rebellia Self-Love Challenge is designed to help you develop a little more self-love, acceptance, and confidence than you had before. You can never have too much, and like most things, self-love must be nurtured and maintained, or there’s a chance you’ll lose it. You’ll also have the support of the amazing Rebel Babe Community to keep you accountable and to lean on.

How it Works

Each week you receive an email with prompts for your daily life and a social media post. You are more than welcome to participate as much or as little as you like, and if you don’t feel comfortable posting on your public social media, you may post in the Rebellia community group only. We ask that you comment on other’s posts to support them, and they will do the same for you!

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The Prize
One Lucky Woman Will Win:

– A trip to Charlotte, NC
– A session with Chrystal’s personal glam squad Gl’amour Kristin & Champa Beauty & CO
– A photoshoot with the amazing Dani Nicole Photography (former editor at Daily Mom)
– A $250 Shopping spree to Rebellia
– A fun private workout & dinner with Chrystal

Registration for the second #RebelliaSelfLoveChallenge is happening right now until April 1st. Find out all the details and join the movement that starts April 2nd here.
Let’s get to self lovin’!

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You can love yourself no matter the circumstances. Read Dani’s story, What Being Separated for Year Taught Me.

Photo Credits: Dani Nicole Photography

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Kristen Douglas
Kristen Douglas
Kristen lives in Alabama with her handsome hubby and sweet son, along with her cat who thinks he’s a dog. Happily, she left behind the life of a Washington D.C. attorney to be a stay at home mama in the south.