Have you seen a twitter feed recently that proclaimed “The Beauty of the Dad Bod”? Did you have to do a double take? If...

Sexy Halloween Costumes Based on Children’s Stories: Yay or Nay?

We all know that Halloween has changed from scary ghosts and creepy ghouls to candy and costumes.  The modern day Halloween is very different from...

33 New Year’s Jokes to Tickle Your Kids’ Funny Bone

Ring in 2022 with laughter as you celebrate with sparkling cider and New Year’s jokes with your family. Humor teaches children to be in...

Daily Mom Military: Military Acronyms

Daily Mom Military is coming to you July 2018! Want more military life? Sign up on our launch page to be the first to know...

How to handle fall activities like a boss

It’s the most wonderful time of year, fall. Only a true fall lover’s eyes well up with tears (happy tears of course) knowing what...

When I Run I Pee a Little: The Truth about Urinary...

There are some things you just don’t talk about in mixed company… unless you’re a mom. Somehow, holding a Mommy Card in that bottomless-pit-of-a-purse...

46 Jokes About School Make Summer’s Sunny End Bearable

Jokes about school will add joy to morning breakfasts and school drop-offs. You may be celebrating that summer is over and the kiddos are...

Halloween Hacks For Baby’s First Halloween

The moment you've been waiting for is finally here. It's baby’s first Halloween. It’s time to dress up the kids in itchy costumes, take...

60 Jokes for Kiddos that will have them Rolling on the...

Children are naturally funny. Let’s be honest: most of the time, they are hilarious! Their little giggles and laughter are the sweetest noise. And...

Labor Day Party Must Haves

  Labor Day is known as one of the busiest times of year historically, so it's important to start planning your Labor Day party a...

25 Best Knock-Knock Jokes for Kids

Parents, let's be real: We can only hear "Banana...banana who?" a few more times before we ban knock-knock jokes forever. However, as parents we...

10 Hilarious Things From Distance Learning You Don’t Want To Admit

Quarantine 2020 has made everyone a little cray. There has been laughter, tears, and moments of temporary insanity when it comes to distance learning...

Life as an Interracial Couple What We Didn’t Realize

  “Hmm, I wonder what it’d be like to marry a white guy?” – said me never. Seriously, have you ever thought about what it “would...

36 Tongue Twisters To Tease Everyone From Toddlers to Teens

Tongue twisters test your talent to talk terrifically through words that twist, turn and tease your tongue. Tongue twisters strengthen mouth muscles and English...

A Guide to Surviving Kids Shows

Picture this: you're with your child, having a jolly time playing with Little People and that precious face looks up at you with her...

30 Coronavirus Memes To Add Some Much Needed Laughter To Your...

Coronavirus memes. Who would have thought at this time last year that our lives would be pushed into a global pandemic? The situation we...

35 Funny Valentine’s Day Jokes Bring Miles of Smiles For Your...

Show love to your children by sharing Valentine’s Day jokes. Laugh, giggle, and smile as you tickle their funny bone. Let your hair down...

Interesting Farm Life Facts About 9 Animals To Build Your Trivia...

When you picture farm life, you might envision open fields and a beautiful red barn. You might picture cows grazing, chickens pecking and horses...

Millennial Pink

Criticized for killing off napkins, casual dining, bars of soap and diamonds, there’s little we can’t blame on Millennials these days. Now lingering between...

I love Fall and there is nothing basic about it

I love fall and there is nothing basic about it. There is so much to love this time of year that has absolutely nothing...

Moms vs. Non-Moms: How did they stack up?

  This post brought to you by Fisher-Price . The content and opinions expressed below are that of Daily Mom. As moms, we've all felt the...