2 Classic Cupcake Recipes: Chocolate & Vanilla

  Whether you are baking cupcakes for a birthday party, wedding, baby shower or just for yourself, it is essential to have the perfect chocolate...

Visitors are Coming! Fake a Clean House FAST

  Your phone beeps with a new text. Your mother-in-law is in the area and would love to stop by to see you and the...

How To Make The Perfect Summer Clam Bake

  Warm weather, sunshine, long days and cool nights. Summertime is here! You've dusted off the patio furniture and fired up the grill. Now, you...

DIY Yogurt Melts for Baby

  When your little one is starting solids you'll probably be looking for a variety of finger foods for him or her to practice self...

All about Hemp: Benefits and a Recipe

  Looking to add more to your family's diet in a quick and easy way? Don't have time to cook a breakfast every morning, yet...

Love Your Locks: 3 Homemade Conditioners

  Your family has made the decision to live a Green Lifestyle. You buy local organic food, you wear organic clothing, you even make your...

3 Dairy Free Ice Cream Recipes

  I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! The sun is out and everyone wants ice cream, including the kids. Here are...

Buying Organic: CostCo Edition

  Organic and "big box" stores are not often used in the same sentence. CostCo is a well-known bulk grocery and home goods chain, but...

Fire-Roasted Jalapeño Guacamole

  With summer cookouts and picnics in full swing, you might find yourself looking for something different to bring to the table. If macaroni salad,...

7 Tips for Maximizing your Space with Baby

Looking to downsize your living space?  Are you trying to be "greener" with regards to cost savings and environmental impact?  Or maybe you are...

Add Character to Your Child’s Space with 3 Sprouts

  In the sea of juvenile products, it is easy to get lost or get what's convenient while sacrificing looks, quality and often price. However...

4 Natural Ways to Keep the Bugs Away

A lot of hours are spent outside during the summer time. Whether it be in the backyard, at the park, or at the local...

6 Kitchen Hacks

Have you ever said to yourself "Why didn't I think of that"? Of course you have. We all have! We've all come across that ingenious...

3 Healthy Finger Foods for Your Baby and Toddler

Meals and finger foods for your baby and toddler don't have to be bland, boring or time consuming. Here are 3 finger foods for...

Pesto Tortellini Salad

  As summer approaches, and the weather gets warmer, you might find the thought of cooking over a hot stove and eating a hearty dinner...

Boost Your Supply At Breakfast: Breastfeeding Granola Bars

It's no secret that babies and toddlers go through a zillion growth spurts. For breastfeeding mothers, this can be extremely tiring as your body...

Managing Toy Clutter

  Blocks, toy cars, stuffed animals, balls, books, dolls, and lincoln logs are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the toys...

Yard Sale Secrets For Success

  Summertime is the season of shorts and tank tops, lemonade stands, backyard barbecues and... YARD SALES! As yard sale season commences, we have compiled...

3 Simple Summer Salad Recipes

  Ahhhhhhh, sweet summertime! Bring on the sunshine, long daylight hours, extended time with family and friends, and lots of great food! Here are three summer...
Father's Day Canvas Craft

Father’s Day Canvas Craft

  We moms adore receiving those precious handmade gifts from our little ones. There's just something about seeing that work of art from your kids...

How To Remove Stuck-On Grease Naturally

  As busy moms ourselves, we know you don't have time to spend standing over the kitchen sink at the end of the day, scraping...

Using Avocado as a Dessert Ingredient

  When thinking of dessert, thoughts of butter, oil, milk & sugars usually pass through your mind. It is time to expand your horizons and...

How To Remove Pet Stains Naturally And Effectively

  You love your pets. But you don't love the messes they sometimes leave on your carpets and furniture. From hairballs to pee puddles, it...

DIY Non-Toxic Fabric Refresher Spray

  With husbands, kids and pets, you might feel like it's impossible to keep your house clean and your air and furniture smelling fresh. You...

Fun Desserts Your Kids Can Make With You

Do your little ones love to help you in the kitchen, but the recipes are often too complicated, or require unsafe cooking mechanisms to...

How to Avoid Mosquito Bites Naturally

It’s the season of warm weather, cottage country, camping trips and you guessed it….MOSQUITOES! Not to worry, all is well, Daily Mom is here to...

Gnocchi with Beef and Mushroom Cream Sauce

If you're looking for a tasty, simply yet hearty dinner that your whole family will love, we've got the perfect recipe for you! Gnocchi...

Homeowners Maintenance Checklist: Spring Edition

You've done it! You (and your home) have made it through the long and daunting winter season, and you're ready to begin preparing for...

Banana Nut & Coconut Chicken Salad

  Have you been searching for a way to bring new life to your chicken salad? Our banana and coconut encrusted chicken salad recipe will...

Easter Dinner: Sides & Sweets

Whether you're hosting Easter dinner or bringing something to a family member or friend's house, we've got some delicious recipes that are sure to...

Wild & Crazy Drinks for Spring Break

At Daily Mom, we know that "alone time" is few and far between, as is the idea of a vacation or letting lose. But...

Tips On Maintaining House Rules With Guests

  It takes time to establish house rules with your family. Old habits are hard to break. It might have been difficult to get your...

Grow Greener! 3 Garden Ideas From Repurposed Household Items

  Did you know that gardens can grow so much more than pretty flowers and tasty vegetables? Gardening is shown to reduce stress, elevate your...

Pronto Paella: Dinner In An Hour

  As winter drags on and on, are you getting tired of heavy winter stews and hearty, meat and potato dishes? Are you having trouble...

St. Patrick’s Day Recipe Roundup

Whether or not you're Irish, you'll want to try out our awesome St. Patrick's Day recipes. We've rounded up the best:  from corned beef...

St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

  Even if you're not Irish it's fun to get in the spirit of St. Patrick's Day. Get crafty with your kids and try these...

The Best Natural Remedies for Fibromyalgia: Good Solutions for Pain Relief...

Fibromyalgia, a complex and often challenging condition, can significantly impact an individual's quality of life due to its chronic pain, fatigue, and other debilitating...