Home For Military Life DIY Halloween Candle Holders

DIY Halloween Candle Holders

DIY Halloween Candle Holders

Got baby food jars on hand? Got some colorful tissue paper in the closet? Have you managed to hide at least some of the white Elmer’s glue from your kids all year? Got some crafty kids and the itch for some fall crafting? Yes, yes, yes, and yes — then you’re ready to whip up some awesome Halloween candle holders!

Summer and its triple-digit, record-setting weather can show itself out. We’re over here craving all the pumpkin things. Grab your PSL and open your windows to breathe in that crisp fall air. It’s time to get our DIY on.


What’s great about this project? You can make it on the cheap while using and reusing supplies you probably have sitting around the house (or supplies you can get your hands on with a simple ISO post on the base classifieds Facebook page). To make these DIY Halloween candle holders, you’ll need:

  • Empty, clean baby food jars (or any jars you have on hand — Mason jars, pickle jars, etc.)
  • Tissue paper — white for ghosts, spider webs, or mummies, orange for pumpkins, green for monsters (or any color, really — monsters can be pink if they want to be)
  • Mod Podge or DIY Mod Podge (mix a 1:1 ratio of white glue and water)
  • Permanent marker
  • Paintbrush 
  • Dropcloth or paper to cover your work surface

Diy Halloween Candle Holders


OK, supplies are collected, and you have a spooky movie playing in the background (G or PG — of course — because you do want your kids to sleep tonight). Let’s create!

  1. Prepare your craft area. Mod Podge is just glue, so to minimize sticky floors and tables later, cover your craft area.
  2. Apply Mod Podge to a jar. Diy Halloween Candle Holders
  3. Add tissue paper on top of the Mod Podge. You can apply it in strips, torn pieces, or as a single, solid piece. Diy Halloween Candle Holders
  4. Apply a second layer of Mod Podge.
  5. Let it dry. You can turn the jars upside down to dry so they don’t stick to your table cover.
  6. Use the permanent marker to draw a scary face or your favorite Halloween-themed design. Diy Halloween Candle Holders
  7. Drop in a battery-operated light or small tea light.
  8. Enjoy the DIY Halloween ambiance while you sample the Halloween candy you bought to pass out (optional).

Diy Halloween Candle Holders

Want to make this craft with just your kids and not the whole block? You’ll also need our DIY Can’t Play Sign
Diy Halloween Candle Holders

Photo Credits: Heather Walsh