A Healthy Me: The Journey Starts Today


My name is Megan. I’m about to turn 31 years old, and I feel like I am the walking epitome of the word tired. Being a mother to a three year old daughter and an 14 month old son with, shall we say, “less than stellar sleeping habits” typically lends itself to being exhausted. But that’s not what I’m talking about right now. I’m tired of making excuses. I’m sick and tired of being overweight. Not just overweight, obese. That’s what the doctors call it, and I’m done making excuses and sugar coating things.

A Healthy Me The Journey Starts Today


Back to the tired part. I could go on and on here, but for lack of time, I’ve decided to narrow it down to a few things. I am tired of:

  • feeling ashamed, and disgusting when I am in photos. Hiding behind a camera rather than proudly in front, and taking photos always of my kids, rather than with my kids.
  • fad diets. I’m so over starving myself, or eating nothing but disgusting soup for 2 weeks straight, or “cleansing” by drinking gross shakes. I don’t want to live my life eating portioned food out of my freezer, or go to a support meeting every Tuesday that always seems to be strategically placed next to my favorite fast food restaurant.
  • using the fact that I’ve been pregnant, or that I’m currently nursing as an excuse as to why I don’t take my fitness seriously. If anything, that should be a case for the other side.
  • fitness bloggers. Yes, I know the irony of this considering that I am a blogger, and I am writing about fitness. But if I see another skinny girl taking a gym selfie wearing lululemon and saying how much fun they had at the gym that day, I’m going to snap. Or curl up with a large pizza while feeling sorry for myself and binging on bad reality shows. Let’s be honest here- that second option is probably far more likely.
  • having to shop at specific stores, or in a tiny (mostly always crappy selection) clothing department. I would rather turn into Gilbert Grape’s mom than be seen in public sporting elastic waisted blue jeans.

A Healthy Me: The Journey Starts Today 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Really I could go on forever. But the other day, something switched in me. I was tired of making excuses. I was tired of making a “plan” and “starting a diet on Monday.” And I have been going about this all wrong for the past 15 years.


The thing that hits home with me, is that I am sending the wrong message to my daughter. I am raising her and letting her witness her most influential woman in her life live daily with a negative body image. I want to bring her up her as a strong, proud woman. I don’t want her to see me avoid looking in the mirror, or covering myself in a moomoo when I go to the swimming pool with her.

Instead of making excuses, I’m going to make promises.

  1. I promise to change my eating habits, and set a good example of quality food for my kids. Starting now.
  2. I promise to make an effort to get out and get off the couch.
  3. I promise to take the time for me, and put the effort into myself. I deserve it, and subsequently, so do my children.
  4. I promise to view this as a lifestyle change, and not a diet.
  5. I promise to adhere to my weight loss goal by not looking at the big, overwhelming number, and instead, focus on dropping 2 pounds per week.

This is my journey, and I’m taking you along for the ride with me. I won’t be perfect, but I promise to be honest. Today is the first post. Today I let it all hang out. Only time can tell what the future will hold for me. Wish me luck!

Stay tuned for more posts in this series.

In the meantime, please check out this post on Tips for Making More Time for You

Photo Credits: Schaffner Photography | The Art of Making a Baby | Kelly A. Read Photography 



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Megan lives in Michigan with her husband, daughter, and son. Her days are spent hanging out and doing family projects on her real-life farm, and spending time on the Great Lakes. She loves swimming, celebrity gossip, University of Michigan and Denver Broncos football, trashy reality TV, and writing. In addition to being a Mommy and self-proclaimed urban-farmer, she owns a photography business located in Southeast Michigan, Memoirs Photography, and is a partner in a niche Michigan wedding photographer team called Mulberry & Sage.


  1. Great article. Good for you for making a start on this journey. I am sure with your determination it will be successful. Succeeded myself helped by repeating the mantra ‘Eat Less, Move More’!
    I was attracted to the article because of the lovely picture of you and your family and the lovely Amber Necklace your daughter is wearing. We supply similar items on our website http://www.ambersos.com. I hope you don’t mind my sharing. We ship worldwide!

  2. This is such a brave and wonderful step! I’m assuming you’re well on your way, and keep going! I’m still struggling with this and my kids are all in school. I am still learning to juggle, sometimes I call in a cleaning service, sometimes I serve leftovers, just to make time for a work out. Sometimes I skip on the work out to do something with the kids. So much give and take, but it’s worth it.

  3. Thank you for saying all the things I’ve been thinking! I’ll join you on this journey and wish you the best of luck!

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