Why Mothering Without Your Tribe Is NOT the Way to Go

Not everyone has a built-in tribe when they start a family, but most will quickly realize they need to find their tribe.  In order...

A Letter to Stay-At-Home Moms

Dear YOU,To the dedicated, hard-working, always-going, sometimes shouting, often laughing, sometimes crying, ALWAYS loving - stay-at-home moms: First of all, let’s just agree that no...

A Diaper Bag Checklist – From a 2 under 2 Mom

Registering for a fancy diaper bag might seem extravagant and silly while pregnant with your first child. Once that baby comes, you realize just...

Traveling the Road to Becoming a Happy Empty Nester: 3rd Times...

I celebrated as my son left for college to pursue his future. I did not cry. I did not mourn the younger years. It...

Home From College – Do You Require Your Big Kids to...

So, the big kids are home from college for a three or four-week winter break. It’s part of the ups and downs of your...

Magical Elf on the Shelf Visits Not Required

It’s almost time for that Elf on the Shelf to fly back from the North Pole creating mischief in your home. Do you feel...

Dear Maya: A Letter from a First Time Mom to Their...

An open letter to my daughter about the first few weeks of her life, and my unexpected and difficult journey to becoming a mom.

Becoming A Parent & Embracing My New Identity

Becoming a parent has been one of the most amazing things to happen to me. From the minute my baby was born, the love...

We are done at two kids but I still wanted more

Let me start off by saying when I was younger I wanted 5 kids, but I have two kids.  Growing up with 3 siblings,...

Turning 30: Living Through A Pause

Turning 30 was bittersweet. An age that seemed so far off at one point and yet so young when the time came. Turning 30...

Having A Baby In A Pandemic: Mourning The Loss Of A...

2020 has been one for the books. Pandemic, murder hornets, virtual learning, toilet paper shortage, and the list goes on and on. What many...

Single Mom Survival Guide

Motherhood can be overwhelming. Single motherhood can be completely exhausting! Whether you have always been a single mom or find yourself newly single, we...

I Used to Feel Like a “Single” Married Mom

It’s the 21st Century, women who are working outside of the home is not an unexpected trend to society anymore. Many households with children...

There Actually Is A “Favorite” Kid

No one admits it. Everyone seems to deny it. Yet, we all have one. The favorite kid. Whether you have one or going on...

The Root of Mommy Wars

Can we ditch the terms stay-at-home mom (or SAHM) and working mom? As mothers, we all work. We work to raise our kids and...

The Emotional Weight on a Mother’s Shoulders: What I Wish I...

Everyone has some degree of emotional weight on their shoulders. It is not easy to deal with, but it is unfortunately a very common...

Important Life Lessons From My Toddler

As parents we think we must teach our children so much about the world. We want to prepare them for success in leading their...

On Reconnecting With My First Born

A long time ago, it was just you and me. Every day, from the morning when Dad left for work, until the evening when he...

He Broke The Cliché – Eli #3 of 9

When I found out I was pregnant with our third baby, I thought, “This is perfect! I’ve always wanted three kids!” to get out...

The End of an Era – My Last Baby

It is 3:30 AM as we sit here in the dark and I rock your tiny body while you nurse. As you look up...

“Hey Brady Bunch” A Grandpa’s Take on Baby #4

Looks like we’re pregnant again. We must be pushing our luck because having baby number 4 apparently is a big deal! After all, the...

Screen Time Summer Rules For Kids

I'll be the first to admit - we have a major screen-time issue in my home. I know it's an ever-present issue, but there are...

I Want Her To Know – A Message To My Daughter...

I want her to know.   I want her to know that she's strong. I want her to know that she's beautiful, no matter what her size...

Kindergarten Graduation: The Hardest Part

Becoming a mother has made me acutely aware of how quickly time flies. People tell you over and over how fast time moves post...

Please Stop Telling Me I Need a Boy

“Oh, are you going to try for one more to get your boy?” “I bet Daddy would like a little boy, right?” “Your poor husband!”   “Your high...

My Year With Postpartum Depression – How I Got Better

My journey with postpartum depression has been long, surprising, and transforming. You can read more about my story in parts 1, 2, and 3....

My Mom Still Colors Easter Eggs with Me

Nothing can influence a child’s development more than the interactions with their mother. A mother and a daughter have a special connection. One day...

Losing My Mommy Tummy With The Mutu System

*deep breaths* Sharing these photos is scary and makes me want to puke a little. But sharing also holds me accountable, and shows other...

A Letter To My Children About Postpartum Depression

To Benjamin, Julia, and William. My dear, sweet babies. I wish I had a different story to tell about the past few years. I wish...

Meet Andi – Mother of 9 No Doubt She’s A Daily...

I never imagined that I’d be a minority statistic – like ever. Hi there! Check out a wee little part of my life as...

What I’ve Learned From Loss

Grief, although a natural part of life, is a topic most people avoid. At least I used to, until my sister died. The words...


Lately, my children have been telling me that I look beautiful. I have to admit, I take a moment – just a few seconds...

Why I Stopped Being The “Perfect” Mom

  Should I breastfeed or bottle feed? Swaddle or co-sleep? Read to them every night or just hold them close? Never yell or keep my...

My Surprising Journey To Better Health And Wellness – Part 2

If you missed part 1 of my surprising journey to better health and wellness, please read that first, here. I left my doctor’s office,...

My Surprising Journey To Better Health And Wellness Part 2

If you missed part 1 of my surprising journey to better health and wellness, please read that first, here. I left my doctor’s office,...

Scheduling Tasks: Unlocking Flexibility and Fun in Your Household With 5...

Scheduling tasks for your family can feel like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can create a system that works for everyone in your household. Assigning chores, creating menus, maintaining a family calendar, and doing other things to bring order to your daily lives can make everyone feel happier. Read on to learn how you can start scheduling tasks and becoming a more organized parent.