Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone

What is the hype behind Mindvalley University 2023?

The buzz surrounding Mindvalley University 2023 is electrifying, and it’s not hard to see why. This unique event is more than just a gathering – it’s a transformative experience that attracts over a thousand individuals each year, all eager to grow and evolve in a supportive and stimulating environment.

Table of Contents

Imagine a place where you can not only learn from world-class educators but also connect with a diverse community of like-minded individuals. From entrepreneurs to creatives, this is a melting pot of people all looking to better themselves and each other. 

Each summer, Tallinn, Estonia plays host to this 21-day event, offering a rich tapestry of classes, workshops, and activities. 

Get ready to delve into the world of MVU and discover why it’s the ultimate destination for those seeking personal growth and self-improvement. For those of you who have a Mindvalley Membership, you already have a glimpse into the transformational power of Mindvalley. 

Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Introduction to Mindvalley University

Imagine a university where the classroom is the world, where learning is not confined to textbooks but is brought to life through experiences, and where the community is as diverse as it is united in its quest for personal growth. Welcome to Mindvalley U, a groundbreaking, transformative event that redefines education and community.

Vishen Lakhiani, a former Silicon Valley engineer, found solace and transformation in meditation, which led him to create a community dedicated to human development and personal transformation – Mindvalley.

 Conceived by Vishen as a way for his family to connect with like-minded individuals, explore new cultures, and experience significant personal growth, Mindvalley University has now grown into a landmark event that attracts over 1000s every year from all walks of life.

Entrepreneurs, parents, students, teachers, creatives – the Mindvalley community is a melting pot of inspiration, innovation, and connection.

What Makes Mindvalley University Unique?

Get ready to take all you’ve learned from your Mindvalley Membership throughout the year and send things into overdrive! At Mindvalley University, learning is not a solitary act but a shared journey.

From structured learning sessions to spontaneous gatherings, you’ll find yourself immersed in a vibrant, supportive community that shares your passion for growth and discovery. Every day, you’ll feel more and more at home as you connect with your fellow Mindvalley students, creating deeper bonds and perhaps even finding your future co-founder!

The curriculum at MVU goes beyond traditional education. Mindvalley University is a 21-day immersion into membership’s best content, workshops and teachings, designed to equip you and your family with real-world life skills that are often overlooked in today’s education system. Through workshops, talks, and seminars, you’ll gain invaluable insights and practical knowledge that will guide you in living an extraordinary life. Come as a family and experience together the tools you need to live a better life. 

Explore, Connect, Learn

  1. Explore: Discover a new city, embrace new experiences, and meet amazing new people. Every year, Mindvalley University is held in Tallin, Estonia, offering you the chance to immerse yourself in a new culture, broaden your horizons, and see the world from a fresh perspective.
  2. Connect: Build meaningful relationships with a diverse community of individuals who share your passion for learning and self-improvement. Networking isn’t just about business at Mindvalley University – it’s about building lifelong friendships and creating a support network that will inspire and motivate you.
  3. Learn: Transform yourself through world-class teachings in business and personal development. At Mindvalley University, you’ll learn real-world life skills that lead to a happier, more fulfilled life. Develop an accelerated path to your next level of life, guided by some of the best minds in the field.

Like the Mindvalley Membership, Mindvalley University is designed to transform every area of your life. 

Mindvalley University Review 2023

Every year, the folks at Mindvalley University strive to improve, expand, and refine the extraordinary experience they create for their members. So, what was new for Mindvalley University 2023?

Magnifying the Magic of Mindvalley

Firstly, the magic of Mindvalley was amplified. The events at Mindvalley University have always been about more than just personal growth and learning new skills. They’re about creating life-altering transformations, forging lifelong friendships, and building a network of like-minded individuals who are committed to elevating themselves and the world around them.

In 2023, the team at Mindvalley is took this a notch higher. They introduced new quests designed to deep-dive into specific areas of personal growth. Furthermore, the number and diversity of seminars, workshops, and networking events were ramped up to provide even more opportunities for learning, growth, and connections.

New Speakers, Fresh Perspectives

Another exciting development is the addition of new speakers to the Mindvalley University roster. These industry experts and thought leaders brought fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and transformative teachings to the table. They’re joined by the returning masters who have been an integral part of the Mindvalley journey, providing a unique blend of new energy and time-tested wisdom. Get a chance to hang out and talk to your favorite transformational teachers that you’ve been learning from all year on your Mindvalley App! See a list of some of the speakers later in this article. 

Greater Focus on Families

Recognizing the profound impact of collective growth, Mindvalley University 2023 is placing a greater emphasis on family involvement. It’s not just about personal growth, but about mutual growth as a family unit. The youth programs have been expanded and made more interactive, allowing children to partake in the transformative journey. The aim is to create an environment where both adults and children can evolve together, making Mindvalley University an all-encompassing family affair. The kids have their own programs and speakers to attend to give them a dedicated track with insights relevant to their current needs. This event is perfect for people of all ages. 

The role of Vishen Lakhiani in Mindvalley University

Imagine walking into a space filled with thought-leaders, innovators, and experts from various fields, all gathered in one place with a singular mission: to transform and elevate lives. This is the reality of Mindvalley University, a revolutionary educational platform that transcends the traditional boundaries of learning. At the helm of this transformative movement is none other than Vishen Lakhiani, the visionary founder of Mindvalley.

What makes founder Vishen Lakhiani a unique figure in the world of self-improvement is his  commitment to redefining education. He doesn’t just aim to inform, he seeks to inspire, to ignite, and to instigate positive change in individuals and communities. 

Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Under Lakhiani’s leadership, Mindvalley University has become a beacon for those seeking to level-up in every aspect of their lives. Whether you join for a week or for the entire event, you’re promised a journey of growth and discovery. 

  1. Learning from the best: Lakhiani has gathered a roster of remarkable individuals, including Jon & Missy Butcher, Founders of Lifebook, Marisa Peer, Britain’s #1 Hypnotherapist, and Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome, among others. These thought-leaders are the best in their respective fields, offering invaluable insights and wisdom.
  2. Real-world application: The teachings at Mindvalley are not just theoretical, but are designed for practical application. Lakhiani believes in actionable knowledge, tools that can be integrated into daily life for immediate transformation.
  3. Community building: Lakhiani has fostered a thriving community of like-minded individuals at Mindvalley. This community serves as a support system, a space for collaboration, and a source of constant inspiration for its Mindvalley members.

How does Mindvalley University operate?

Imagine a transformational journey that lasts for three weeks, where personal growth is not just a goal, but a way of life. This is what happens at MVU. The beauty of it is that you don’t have to commit to the full tenure. You can choose to immerse yourself for one week, two weeks, or the entire three weeks, depending on your schedule and personal growth goals.

During this time, you will deep dive into workshops, seminars, and talks, networking with some of the brightest minds in personal development. It’s like a global campus, but one that shifts the paradigm of traditional education.

Whether you’re an adult, a teen, or a toddler, there’s a place for you. Mindvalley University offers different ticket prices for different age groups, making it a family-friendly event. Just remember, only those with an active Mindvalley membership or approved application can attend.

And if something comes up? No worries. Mindvalley University provides a flexible refund policy. You can cancel up to 30 days before the event and request a refund. Now, that’s peace of mind!

Decoding the 3-week-long transformational event

Imagine plunging into a realm of mind-expanding knowledge, vibrant culture, and groundbreaking personal growth strategies. This is precisely what you get when you attend a Mindvalley University event. But what does this transformational event entail? Let look at the 3 weeks at Mindvalley University. 

Picture this: You’re not just attending a conference or a seminar. You are embarking on a learning adventure, a personal growth journey, a transformational retreat.

During the first week, the focus is on self-discovery and mindfulness. Various workshops and seminars are held, each designed to help you unearth your hidden potential and align your thoughts and actions with your deepest desires. This week serves as a foundation, helping you to set your intentions for the upcoming weeks.

As we move into the second week, the focus shifts to skills development. This is the time to start implementing what you’ve learned in the first week. There are numerous workshops that touch on various aspects of life, from health and wellness to networking and entrepreneurship. Whether you’re looking to improve your public speaking prowess or learn how to meditate effectively, there’s a workshop waiting for you.

The third week ends up all about networking and building relationships. This is an incredible opportunity to connect with like-minded people from around the globe, forge meaningful friendships, and extend your network. Plus, with the Tribe events organized by fellow attendees, you get to be part of a community that supports you in your journey towards personal growth.

The three-week long transformational event of Mindvalley University is, without a doubt, a life-changing experience. It’s not just about acquiring knowledge; it’s about experiencing life in its fullest, vibrant colors. And remember, the journey doesn’t stop after the event concludes. The lessons learnt and the connections made during these three weeks will continue to influence and shape your life long after you’ve returned home.

Our Experience, a Mindvalley University Review 2023

Stepping into the world of Mindvalley University is akin to embarking on a magical journey, a sentiment echoed by many who have had the privilege to attend. The enchantment of this transformative experience is best articulated through the stories of its students.

Imagine entering a space where every individual you encounter is brimming with passion, dedicated to their unique journey of self-discovery and personal growth. This is the essence of Mindvalley University. It’s more than just an institution; it’s a vibrant community, a tribe of extraordinary individuals united by their shared pursuit of greatness.

Everyday you will check your Mindvalley Univerity app for the schedule and see what speakers you’d like to attend. There are many speakers happening at once so you will need to choose what you feel you get will get the most out of.

Tip: the speakers in the Blackbox Stage are recorded so you can always view them later. Therefore, you can go to see the other speakers on the other stages as much as you can since you can’t watch them later. However, since some of the biggest speakers of the event  are in the Blackbox, so you need to be sure to be there for a few speakers to feel the big energy! 

There is food and coffee vendors available to fuel up between speakers. You’ll want to grab food quickly and get back to the sessions, so going off site for lunch may be only reserved for certain days. We had food trucks, as well as other vendors inside the hub, with good healthy food avaliable.

After the speakers are done for the day be sure to check the app again for Tribe Events. These are events put on by fellow attendees and are great ways to connect with others further, learn more and have tons of fun! 

Voices of the Tribe

The tribe members themselves best encapsulate the spirit of Mindvalley, their voices echoing the call to join this remarkable journey.

Join Mindvalley U and create a Tribe Event and share the knowledge you have. Many of the greatest learning sessions are those impromptu set up by fellow attendees that have something to share. These are completely informal, but are very effective at creating lasting bonds with others. 

Interacting with Fellow Entrepreneurs and Masterminds

You start to realize that this is a different kind of immersive experience when your in a city for one month from people across the globe but you start to feel as one. 

Connect with your tribe

At Mindvalley University, you don’t just attend lectures and workshops—you connect. The event is designed to foster deep bonds and lifelong friendships. It’s a place where you could potentially meet your future business partner or co-founder. This is not your typical networking event. It’s a melting pot of diversity, ideas, and collaboration.

Discover new horizons

But it’s not all about business. Mindvalley University is also an opportunity to discover new cities, experiences, and cultures. It’s an immersive event where the host city plays a significant role in the learning experience. Whether you’re exploring the best-kept secrets of Tallinn or diving into the rich Baltic culture of Estonia, these experiences are sure to enrich your personal and professional life.

Change the lives of your family

And let’s not forget about the family. Mindvalley University is not just an event for adults. There are workshops, talks, and seminars for teens and kids too. It’s an opportunity to better yourself and your relationships with others, and to become more connected to the world around you.

Have the time of your life

Finally, expect to have fun. Mindvalley University is more than just an educational event—it’s a party. Meet, network, and celebrate with an incredible community of diverse leaders, thinkers, and doers. These are people who are shaping the world in diverse fields, from CEOs and best-selling authors to award-winning artists and growth-hacking entrepreneurs.

Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 11 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Why Tribe Events Matter

Imagine yourself in the heart of one of the most vibrant cities in the world, surrounded by a tribe of changemakers who are as passionate about personal growth and self-improvement as you are. But the journey doesn’t end with the structured programs and sessions. One of the most unique aspects of this event is the tribe events put on by fellow attendees.

These tribe events are more than just a chance to network or unwind after a long day of learning. They’re a platform for attendees to share their own insights, knowledge, and experiences, adding a unique, personal touch to the overall Mindvalley experience. In essence, they are as much a part of the learning process as the sessions led by the thought-leaders in their field.

Imagine learning from the likes of Jon & Missy Butcher, founders of Lifebook, or Vishen Lakhiani, the founder of Mindvalley himself, during the day, and then continuing the conversation with a fellow attendee who’s applying these teachings in their own unique way. You can meet up and practice yoga, breathwork, have an interesting talk about what you learned that day, learn a new skill, play volleyball, go for a hike or simply share a pleasant dinner with your new like-minded friends and make lifelong connections. This is the power of the tribe events.

Mindvalley Themed Parties 

Mindvalley knows how to throw a themed party and you’ll have to experience for yourself to truly understand. Imagine stepping into a world where every night is a celebration of learning, growth, and connection.

Let’s focus on one of the highlights of this extraordinary experience: the extravagant themed parties.

These parties are more than just a social gathering, they’re a kaleidoscope of culture, ideas, and human connection. Picture sharing a toast with a best-selling author, discussing growth strategies with a successful entrepreneur, or dancing the night away with a world-renowned artist. This is the reality at Mindvalley University, where the community of students includes CEOs, award-winning artists, and specialists from diverse fields.

Each party is meticulously planned and executed, providing an immersive experience that leaves a lasting impression. One night, you could be transported to a vibrant carnival, complete with colorful masks and rhythmic music. The next, you might find yourself in a roaring 20s speakeasy, or a futuristic space-themed extravaganza. The possibilities are as limitless as the learning opportunities at Mindvalley University.

But these parties aren’t just about having fun – they’re about personal growth and transformation. They provide the perfect setting to forge deeper bonds with your family, meet potential business partners, and make lifelong friendships. You’ll leave each party with not just wonderful memories, but also a stronger sense of connection to the world around you.

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Mindvalley University Youth Programs

Mindvalley University Youth Programs are not just programs, but life-changing experiences, tailored to instill personal growth and self-improvement in children.

The benefits of involving children in such experiences are immense. It’s like watering a seedling, nurturing it into a mighty tree. The Apollo program, for instance, is a sterling example of our commitment to this cause.

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Success Stories

Children who’ve participated in our programs have shown remarkable growth, and their parents couldn’t be happier. “Our child’s transformation has been incredible!”, shared one ecstatic parent.

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Teen Programs from the Perspective of an 11 year-old

Hear it first hand from one of the amazing kids that attended the Mindvalley Universtiy kids programs. 

My name is Alexis and I went to Mindvalleys university’s teen program in Tallinn Estonia. When I went there, my intent was to learn more about spiritually and mental health, and maybe make some new friends. This was my experience at MVU Teens:

Let’s start with the classes. The start time of them varied, and you could leave anytime. There are comfortable bean bags (or chairs depending on the class) to sit on, and everyone would bring a notebook, tablet or phone to take notes on. Sometimes it would be a video and a discussion, sometimes an activity, sometimes a speaker would come in and talk, or do an activity with us. Whatever it was, it was always interesting and useful.

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The topics ranged from mental health, to spirituality, to AI and how it could be used for good. All of the classes were optional, and you were always free to attend an adult class with your parents or on your own. Overall, the classes were useful and relevant, and I certainly enjoyed them.

In the morning, we would arrive and buy some food before going to the teen room and hanging out before the program starts. Throughout the day, there would be classes that you could attend, and also a lunch break. The day ended at 5pm.

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We had field trips where we went out to various places. For example, we went on a tour of the old town of Estonia. It was good that we were able to get out of the building and see the area.

The MVU teen program welcomes all teens from everywhere. There were many teens from so many places and backgrounds!

During my time there, I made a ton of friends! It was so much fun having people to share this experience with, and I even stayed in contact with some of them long after my 3 weeks there. We’ve become extremely good friends, I’m still talking with them today! The most valuable part of meeting friends there was to be able to talk to them on the topics of self-improvement and spirituality and be aceepted and understood and not looked at like you just fell off some alien planet.

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During the 3 weeks I stayed at Mindvalley, I learned more about spirituality, mental health, how to manage my emotions, and how to use AI, all of which are such important things in this new day and age. I’m so glad I got to go and experience how amazing Mindvalley is. I will never forget the lessons, and the place, and the parties, and the people that helped me grow.Mindvalley was an amazing experience that helped me in so many ways.

If this doesn’t spark something inside you as something you want for kids we don’t know what will?! 

The Curriculum and Speakers at Mindvalley University

Mindvalley University believes in holistic growth, aiming to improve every aspect of life, from health and relationships to finances. The curriculum is a smorgasbord of transformative courses, interactive seminars, and immersive workshops designed to supercharge your personal and professional development. The variety of speakers and things you can learn is so vast you truly can’t take it all in over the course of 3 weeks. You simply can’t attend every speaker and every workshop so don’t stress yourself out trying to do it all. Find what calls to you and really commit to it. The things you discover about yourself will be transformational. 

The speakers are the luminaries of their fields. From industry experts to thought leaders, they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table. Some of the esteemed speakers you get to personally learn from are:

  • Naveen Jain, Founder of Viome
  • Eric Edmeades, Founder of WildFit
  • Paul McKenna, World’s Leading Hypnotist
  • Jon & Missy Butcher, Founders of Lifebook
  • Marisa Peer, Britain’s #1 Hypnotherapist
  • Sheila Kelley, S Factor® Founder
  • Ronan Diego De Oliveira, Mindvalley’s Head of Health & Fitness
  • Regan Hillyer, Speaker and Manifestation Coach
  • Jade Shaw, Out of Body Experience (OBE) Teacher
  • Kristina Mand-Lakhiani, Co-founder of Mindvalley and Author
  • Niraj Naik, Founder of Soma Breathe, Musical Teacher
  • Kaitlin O’Tool, Entertainment and Sports Journalist, Media Personality
  • Juan Pablo Barahona, Transformational Leader, Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, Energy Master and Coach
  • Johann Urb, Estonian-American Actor, Producer
  • Jimmy Naraine, Entrepreneur & Bestselling Author
  • Neil Strauss, Best-Selling Author
  • Dave Asprey, Biohacking Lifestyle and Author 
  • John Lee, Entrepreneur
  • Bernard Hiller, Author, Actor, Screenwriter, Producer, Director, Teacher and Success Trainer

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg! There are many more amazing speakers at Mindvalley University ready to share their knowledge with you. Each one of these speakers above deserves several articles dedicated to them just to begin to cover what they have to offer. A great way to keep up with these speakers all year long is to download the Mindvally App. Here many of these teachers have classes that you can take and quests to complete to help you on your personal growth. Becoming a member of the Mindvalley community and having these world-class teachers at your fingertips is priceless. Join the community today. 

A Closer Look at the Host City of Mindvalley University: Tallinn, Estonia

Why was Tallinn, Estonia chosen for Mindvalley University? It’s simple, Tallinn is a city that thrives on innovation. Known as the “Silicon Valley on the Baltic Sea”, Tallinn boasts the highest number of startup companies per person among all capitals and larger cities in Europe. It’s a city that embodies the same spirit of innovation and personal growth that we at Mindvalley champion. Tallinn is also the world headquarters of Mindvalley for all these same reasons. 

Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 30 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

But it’s not just the tech scene that makes Tallinn the perfect host. Its rich history provides a stunning backdrop for our event. The city’s Old Town, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, serves as a reminder that while we look towards the future, we also honor the wisdom of the past.

And let’s not forget about the weather. Summer in Tallinn is a dream. The city becomes a hub of activity, with long, warm days perfect for exploring. But do pack an umbrella, as the weather can be unpredictable!

Exploring the Rich History of the City of Tallinn

This is a city where history mingles with modernity, where the air is clean, and the vibe is relaxed. A city that feels like a fairytale come to life.  Bursting with a rich Baltic history and vibrant culture, Tallinn is a treasure trove of experiences waiting to be discovered.

Located on the north shore of Estonia, overlooking the magnificent Gulf of Finland, Tallinn is not just a city, but an embodiment of the country’s spirit. With a population of around 454,000, it is the most populous city of Estonia. But don’t let the numbers fool you. Despite being the governmental, financial, industrial, and cultural hub, Tallinn retains a cozy charm that never fails to enchant its visitors.

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One of the unique aspects of Tallinn is its accessibility. Whether you’re at the airport, train station, coach station, or ferry port, the city center is never more than a 15-minute drive away. It’s almost as if the city is inviting you to explore its treasures, without any hindrance.

Now, let’s talk about the heart of Tallinn – its Old Town. Stepping into the Old Town is like stepping into a time machine. The cobblestone streets, the medieval houses, the ancient churches – everything tells a story of a time long gone, yet beautifully preserved.

But Tallinn is not just about its past. It’s a city that embraces the future with open arms. A testament to this is the Mindvalley University Hub – Kultuurikatel. Nestled in the heart of Tallinn, just a few steps away from the Old Town, Kultuurikatel is a beacon of creativity and innovation. It’s here that the transformational event for families, Mindvalley University, will take place. Remember, Tallinn is not just a city. It’s an experience, a story, a journey. And it’s waiting for you to be a part of it.

Top Must-See Attractions in Tallinn

This is no fantasy – it’s Tallinn, the capital city of Estonia. Picture a fairytale come to life, and you’ve got the Old Town, a place teeming with history and culture. It’s practically a cozy capital, with every corner of the city center never more than a 15-minute drive away, making it an ideal location for Mindvalley University.

1. Mindvalley University Hub – Kultuurikatel

The Mindvalley University will be held at Kultuurikatel, a creative hub located in the heart of Tallinn, just a few steps from the medieval Old Town. Imagine learning and growing in a place that is a manifestation of past meeting present.

2. Toompea – The Upper Town

Then there’s Toompea, an area that was once an almost separate, heavily fortified town. It has always been the seat of power ruling Estonia, offering a panoramic view of the surrounding districts. Here, you can marvel at the medieval Toompea Castle, the Lutheran St Mary’s Cathedral, and the Russian Orthodox Alexander Nevsky.

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3. Museums Galore

If you’re a history buff, you’re in for a treat. Tallinn is home to the Estonian Maritime Museum that provides an overview of the nation’s seafaring past, and the Tallinn City Museum that covers Tallinn’s history from pre-history until 1991. But that’s not all, there’s also Tallinn’s Museum of Photography, which features a permanent exhibition covering 100 years of photography in Estonia.

4. Experience the Local Cuisine

Feeling peckish after all the sightseeing? Well, you’re in luck. Tallinn is known for its traditional rye bread open sandwich, kiluvõileib, a delightful mix of sprat, butter, and optional toppings of boiled egg slices and culinary herbs. And let’s not forget the craft beer breweries that have mushroomed over the past decade, offering a taste of local and regional brews.

The Unique Experience of Igloo Saunas at Iglupark, Noblessner

Iglupark’s igloo saunas, situated by the picturesque sea in Noblessner, offer a truly unique relaxation experience. These specially designed saunas accommodate up to 10 people, making them perfect for both intimate gatherings and larger groups. Located right on the water so you can heat up in the sauna and jump into the ocean for a cold swim! So much fun! 

The Iglupark saunas are not just about warmth and wellness, they are also a hub for socializing. Whether you’re attending a Mindvalley event or just looking for a place to unwind, these saunas provide the perfect setting to:

  • Engage in meaningful conversations with fellow attendees,
  • Participate in group breathing exercises,
  • Practice meditation sessions with a spectacular sea view.

Tips for attending Mindvalley university in 2024

Embarking on a journey with Mindvalley University is like stepping into a world of transformation. To make the most of this life-changing event, here are some tips:

  1. Maximize Your Learning Experience: Immerse yourself in the wealth of knowledge offered by thought-leaders like Vishen Lakhiani and Marisa Peer. Attend workshops, masterclasses and seminars. The magic happens when you step out of your comfort zone.
  2. Get a Mindvalley Membership: The learning doesn’t stop when the event ends. With a Mindvalley Membership, you can continue to access the Mindvalley courses from the speakers you’ve connected with at the event. Don’t stop learning and find a passion for personal growth with a curated community that is like no other experience on earth. 
  3. Time Management: Balance is key. While it’s important to soak up as much knowledge as possible, make sure to also engage in social activities. Networking is a huge part of the Mindvalley experience. Fill up your schedule from morning to evening, but don’t stress about the sessions you’re missing. 
  4. Be sure to get your tickets early because they do sell out. 
  5. Line up your accommodations well in advance. Many people attend every year and reserve their apartment a year in advance. You can room with other attendees and volunteers. Most people connect in the Facebook group
  6. Download the BOLT app on your phone. That way when you land in Tallinn you can order a ride right away. 
  7. Download the Mindvalley University App. (this is a separate app from the Mindvalley membership app)
  8. Bring fun costumes for the themed parties. 

Remember, this is not just an event, it’s a journey of personal growth. So, dive in, explore, learn, connect, and most importantly, enjoy every moment!

What to know about THE HUB, Kultuurikatel (Host Building)

Kultuurikatel, a charming industrial complex, is a unique blend of old and new. It’s situated just a stone’s throw away from the medieval Old Town and the serene Baltic sea. This venue has been the epicenter for numerous international projects, including the events held during the presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2017, and the previous editions of Mindvalley University in 2018, 2022, and 2023.

But what can you expect from Kultuurikatel, the main hub for Mindvalley University 2024?

  1. Learning and Speaking Sessions: The venue will host all the speaking and learning sessions. You’ll get the opportunity to learn from leading-edge experts, teachers, and thought-leaders in their respective field. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, parent, student, or creative, there’s something for everyone. There are multiple areas in which to attend speakers and engage with presenters. The headline speakers will always be in the “Blackbox” or the main stage. There are also smaller venues for speakers around the hub, but it doesn’t mean the speakers there are any less significant. There’s a large open area with bean bags to lay on and partake in a breathwork session or practice your out of body experience. 
  2. Networking and Co-working Spaces: Kultuurikatel will also have various lounge areas for networking and co-working purposes. It’s the perfect place to connect with like-minded individuals, make lifelong friendships, and even find your future co-founder. There’s seating set up in the basement as well as outside for a variety of meeting spaces. Grab some lunch and mingle with the tribe! 
  3. Programs for all ages: At Mindvalley University, learning is not restricted to adults. There will be programs for toddlers, kids, and teens as well. So, it’s a great opportunity for the entire family to learn and grow together. There is a designated kids learning area where adults are not allowed to enter as well as a teen room for all of their programming. 
  4. Food Vendors: Of course, what’s an event without some delicious food? Mindvalley University will have a variety of food vendors, offering a range of culinary delights to keep your taste buds satisfied as you fuel your mind and body for the transformative experience. As the weeks progress there may be a variety of food trucks outside with amazing food. Usually there two food trucks outside and a food vendor inside so there are plenty of options on site so you don’t have to leave. 

Located at Põhja puiestee 27a, 10415 Tallinn, Kultuurikatel is easily accessible, with the city center never more than a 15-minute drive away. It’s the perfect destination for an event like Mindvalley University, where the city’s rich history and culture play a major role in the immersive experience.

Where to stay in Tallinn near Kultuurikatel

Imagine being nestled in the heartland of a country that’s a beautiful blend of Baltic history and modernity. This is Estonia, a gem in Northern Europe. Its capital, Tallinn, is a city that effortlessly weaves together the old and the new, creating a tapestry of experiences that leaves you enriched and enchanted. As you traverse the city’s medieval streets, you’re never more than a 15-minute drive away from the heart of Tallinn which leaves many options for places to stay. 

Accommodation Options in Tallinn

With the Mindvalley University event taking place at the Kultuurikatel, a creative hub just a few steps from the medieval Old Town, you might be wondering about the best places to stay in Tallinn. Well, fear not, for Tallinn has a plethora of accommodation options, ranging from luxury hotels to cozy Airbnb rentals when you’re looking for place in Tallinn.

  1. Hotels: Tallinn boasts a wide array of hotels, from opulent establishments that provide a taste of luxury to budget-friendly options that offer comfort and convenience. Many of these hotels are strategically located close to the Kultuurikatel, making them a convenient choice for attendees of Mindvalley University. Many of the hotels are located in or around Old Town which is not far from Kultuurikatel and easy walking distance. 
  2. Airbnb: If you’re looking for a more homely feel during your stay, Airbnb offers numerous options in Tallinn. From quaint apartments nestled in the heart of the Old Town to modern lofts with a view of the Baltic Sea, there’s an Airbnb for every taste and budget. Plus, you’ll get to experience the city like a local! You could get together with other Mindvalley University attendees that you met in the Mindvalley community and decide to get an apartment together for a month. 

Remember, choosing the right accommodation goes beyond just finding a place to sleep. It’s about finding a space that complements your transformative journey at Mindvalley University. It’s about finding a home away from home where you can reflect, relax, and recharge. 

Transportation in Tallinn

The best way to get around in Tallinn is usually by foot. Everything is very concentrated around Old Town and Kultuurikatel. You’re usually no further than 15 minutes walking distance from anything you want. However, the second most popular mode of transportation is renting a scooter on your BOLT app. You’ll see hundreds of green scooters all over town and you can hop on any open scooter and get where you need to go. All you need to do is scan the QR code on the scooter with your app and your off. The sidewalks are very accommodating for the scooters and walkers alike. You can also hire a BOLT driver with a car if you need to go a longer distance or if it’s raining out. Uber doesn’t work very well in Tallinn and we would recommend only using BOLT.

How to get tickets Attend Mindvalley University 2024

Embarking on a journey to Mindvalley University 2024 is as easy as one, two, three! Join us!

  1. Purchasing Tickets: You can secure your spot at this transformational event by visiting the Mindvalley website. Navigate to the ‘Events’ section and select ‘Mindvalley University 2024’ to purchase your tickets.
  2. Becoming a Member: To enhance your Mindvalley experience, consider becoming a member. Membership not only grants you access to the event but also offers a plethora of other Mindvalley events in 2024.
  3. Membership Discounts: As a member, you’re eligible for exclusive discounts on ticket prices, making this life-changing experience even more accessible.

At Mindvalley University 2024, there are various ticket options available, each designed to cater to different needs and budgets. So, whether you’re a personal growth novice or a self-improvement aficionado, there’s a ticket just for you!

Prepare for the Experience

Start planning your trip early and remember, this is more than just an event – it’s a journey of personal transformation. Be ready to immerse yourself in a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, all set on making the world a better place. You’re going to be challenged in ways you might not expect, but just be open to new experiences. You might very well find your passion here.


And if you’re keen to contribute more, why not consider volunteering at the event? It’s a fantastic opportunity to give back and make a difference. Many of the attendees at Mindvalley University are also volunteers helping make the event the best it can be. There are a lot of moving parts and it takes a lot of people to make things run smoothly. 

Plan out a tribe event

Think ahead about what type of value or talent you could bring to the table and offer all the attendees after the daily sessions. Sky is the limit here. Tribe events are organized outside of Mindvalley hub, so you would need to find a space to meet. Some of our favorite tribe events were:

  • a sailing experience with a professional skipper who helps people get the sailing certification
  • an ecstatic dance with cacao ceremony
  • a masculine feminine energy workshop
  • a volleyball game on the beach
  • breathwork meditation event

What to Pack

Costumes for themed event parties. Check out the website to see what kind of theme parties they will be throwing. Usually there’s an Alice in Wonderland party or a 1920’s Speakeasy party. There also may be a black light party so bring something that stands out well in a black light. Also, there was an outdoor summer solstice party with a massive bonfire where everyone wore something earthy and natural type clothing.  All the party themes will be announced ahead of time.
Warm clothes and rain gear – Estonia is pretty cold and rainy even in the summer with few days of sunshine
Swimsuits, yoga clothing, yoga mat (if you can) – there will be many movement focused workships and tribe events and you should not miss a swim in the Baltic sea or a game of volleyball by the sea near the hub or a dip after the sauna at the Igloo Park.

Other Mindvalley Events

Mindvalley Manifestation Summit 2024 

The Mindvalley Manifestation Summit was an eagerly anticipated event that brings together thought leaders, spiritual guides, and personal growth enthusiasts from around the globe. The summit’s goal was to teach participants the art of manifesting their desires into reality using various techniques and philosophies.

Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 62 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Key Highlights of the 2-day Summit included:

  • Insightful talks and workshops led by world-renowned speakers.
  • Practical sessions on the latest manifestation methods and tools.
  • Opportunities to network with like-minded individuals on the path to personal growth.

Participants enjoyed

  1. Understanding the science behind manifestation.
  2. Learning to harness the power of positive thinking.
  3. Developing a personal action plan to make dreams a tangible reality.

The summit took place at a Wynwood’s based center that is conducive to learning and self-discovery.

Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 63 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Mindvalley puts on different events yearly, so be sure to check out the event page and sign up to be notified of the next amazing get together.

Mindvalley offers such a diverse array of experiences with the explicit aim to foster growth and learning in a community setting. If you manage to access Mindvalley, the opportunities it provides for personal development are unparalleled. Ultimately, judging from the outcomes and testimonials, it’s clear that Mindvalley University is worth the investment for those seeking to infuse their educational pursuits with adventure, real-world learning, and the chance to connect with a global community.



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Mindvalley University 2023 Review: A Personal Growth Event For Everyone 64 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Elena's favorite pastimes are traveling, photography, volleyball, reading business, psychology and spiritual books and finding cool products. Elena started Daily Mom with a vision to provide quality content and help to busy modern women. Follow her life and adventures with her 11 year old daughter on Our Little Voyages. or on Instagram at: @everyavenuelife @everyavenuegirl @ourlittlevoyages

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