November is National Adoption Awareness Month and it is an important resource for couples going through infertility, as it can provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions about adoption. It also can provide support and resources needed to cope with infertility. The goal is to spread awareness and education about adoption.
Each year organizations and individuals host events, create educational materials and share stories about adoption to provide guidance and support for those considering growing their families through adoption. Events often include information about the process of adoption, the different types of adoption, and the stories of those already on the adoption journey.

Many couples undergoing fertility treatments wonder how they’ll know it’s the right time to stop trying for a biological child and start the adoption process. It’s not a simple answer, and for every parent it is different. In your marriage, you may find one spouse arrives at this place before the other, which is completely normal. As a fertility patient herself, Mardie Caldwell experienced seven pregnancy losses. Once she and her husband decided it was time to pursue adoption as their route to parenthood, they were blessed with the adoption of a son.
In honor of Adoption Awareness Month, Mardie shares four signs that it might be time to consider your options through adoption.
1. When you feel being a mom is more important than being pregnant.
This means you realize you don’t want to keep waiting to become a parent. Ask yourself (and your spouse), if you could love a child not biologically related to you. Think about your husband; he’s not biologically related to you and you love him with all your heart.
2. When you’re exhausted from the fertility treatment rollercoaster and the 28-day fail.
The 28-day fail is sometimes used to describe the feeling women get when every 28 days they fail a pregnancy test. Your hopes are up every 28 days, but each time, the test turns up negative. If you choose adoption to build your family, you can go into it knowing that there is a child at the end of the journey. With fertility treatments, there may not be.
Adoption Awareness Month is an excellent time to read about the length of time it takes for adoption. Time can vary if you adopt internationally, a baby, or older children. Adoption can be a very quick process or a bit lengthy, but there is a child at the end of the journey.
3. You, your spouse, or your doctor feels like it’s not going to happen.
Is there a feeling of lost hope? Sometimes, fertility treatments can be like a self-fulfilling prophecy; if you believe it’s not going to happen, your body believes that.
READ MORE: 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Adopting Older Kids
When you’ve lost faith and hope that fertility treatments will work, you may be affecting your outcome. Fertility treatments make your life feel as if it’s out of your control, and they can also put a strain on your relationship. If you get to the point that you hate everything about fertility treatments, maybe it’s time to take a break and explore adoption. And, when your doctor expresses doubt that a couple will get pregnant, it may be the final straw.
4. You’re concerned about money.
In-vitro fertility treatments range from $10,000 to $14,000 or more; they’re definitely not cheap. It’s better to plan ahead than to get to the end of fertility treatments and be deep in debt then turn to infant adoption only to discover it’s not free.
Read More: How Much Does it Cost to Adopt a Child and Other Common Adoption Questions Answered
It’s important to understand that considering adoption doesn’t mean you’re giving up on having a biological child. It simply means that you want to become a mom now, rather than continuing to wait until fertility treatments are successful.
Discover more about infant adoption by reading adoptive couples’ stories. You can learn about open adoption and what families experience during their open adoption journey. Sign up for a free webinar series of open adoption stories.
What is the color for adoption awareness?
Adoption Awareness Month is an annual event where people become educated and informed about the adoption process, the different ways and types of adoption, and the amazing benefits of adoption. Wearing blue during Adoption Awareness Month is a gesture of support for those who have been touched by adoption and those considering adoption.
What day is World Adoption Day?
World Adoption Day is an international event held each year on the second Sunday of May to raise awareness of the need for adoptive families and to celebrate the joys of adoption. It is a day to commemorate the joys of adoption and to honor the efforts of those who make adoption a reality. Celebrations take place around the globe.
Adoption Awareness Month is a great way to connect with other couples considering adoption. This can be a great source of support for couples looking for understanding, advice, and resources. It provides a platform to share experiences and gain insight into the adoption process.
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