First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture

First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Whether your child is cautiously venturing into Kindergarten, or heading steadfast into middle school, the first day of school is an exciting time each year. In the midst of the chaos of getting her ready and out the door on time, it might be easy to forget to take a few moments to take it all in and really enjoy this monumental day with your child. The years go by so fast, and before you know it, your child will be heading off to college as you flip through the pages of her memory book. The following is a list of the most important moments to capture on camera on the first day of school each year, so you can look back on these days with a vivid memory as crisp as the photos themselves.

Book bags, Lunch boxes and Supplies

Snap a picture or two of your children’s book bags hung by the door or their new lunch boxes sitting on the counter. It will be fun for them to look back in years to come and remember what these special items looked like each year.

First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Getting Ready

Take a picture of your child’s outfit laid out the night before or of her getting ready in the morning on the first day of school. Be sure to capture the look of excitement and anticipation in her eyes as she mentally prepares herself for the day ahead.

First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Schedules, Class Assignment of Grade Level

Make it a tradition to take a picture of your child on the first day of school each year holding their class assignment, schedule or a sign with their grade level written on it. This will make a cute collage on her graduation day!

First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Waiting For The Bus/Walking To School

Be sure to capture those candid moments of your child walking to school or waiting for the bus. Looking back on these pictures will warm your heart as you remember just how little she was.

First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Greeting Friends At School

Take a few pictures of your child greeting her friends when she reaches her school on the first day. Capture the excitement of seeing familiar faces and the anticipation of the new year.

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Heading Into School

Take one quick picture of your child heading into school. If you can get her to wave, that’s an added bonus!

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After School Celebration

Be sure to take a picture of your children after they arrive home from their first day of school. You will always be able to remember the excitement they exude as they tell you about their fascinating and eventful day.

First Day Of School Photos: Moments To Capture 8 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

For more great tips on making this school year great for your children, check out our SCHOOL section!


Photo credit: Little Miss Eclectic Photography and Erin G.



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Danielle is a Pittsburgh native who has been warming her “black and gold” blood in sunny Northern California for the past 6 years. On any given day, you can find her arranging ridiculous photo shoots of her one-year-old son Graeme and cat Gizmo, or working on any one of her 27,000 writing projects. She enjoys daydreaming about becoming a famous actress and starting a handful of different businesses with her husband over glasses of wine in the evenings. Someday, she hopes to travel the country in an RV with her family… but she needs to sell that novel first. You can follow her journeys through her blog With A Red Bird On My Shoulder

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