Every time you hop in the car with your kids, they tell you to “Turn it up!” or “Can you play it again, Mom?!” They love music and they love singing along, dancing in their car seats, and enjoying the emotion that music invokes in people of all ages. The only problem is that some kids music isn’t so great. Those tunes can get caught in your head all.day.long., and drive you one step shy of crazy. You know the ones- the songs about stinky feet, pooping in the potty, and the elephant that sat on a mouse…or something.
The good news is there is other kid’s music that is much more tolerable. Kidz Bop is kid-friendly music sung by real kids. The best part? They sing today’s top hits without the not-so-PG language. Your kids can enjoy the same music that you love without you having to worry about them repeating some of those questionable lyrics while you’re out shopping at Target, turning your face as red as the cart.

This September Kidz Bop Live 2018 is getting ready to kick-off their kid’s concert series, taking their music all around the country for your kids to enjoy. If your kids are true music lovers, and they enjoy singing along to “your songs” in the car, then this is the perfect concert for them. Here are the top 3 reasons Kidz Bop Live 2018 should be your child’s first concert:
1. They Sing Real Music.
The most obvious reason is that Kidz Bop sings today’s top hits. No listening to songs about butts, animals, or armpits. The kids from Kidz Bop will sing songs from your favorite artists like Rhianna, Britney Spears, and Ariana Grande. Now the whole family can enjoy the concert- from little ones all the way to the adults.
2. It’s a Great Option for Pre-Teens.
If you have older kids in your house it can be hard to find that happy medium between kid-friendly activities and things that are not too “babyish.” Kidz Bop offers that- they sing songs your kids know and their friends love. They will love being able to sing along and feel like they are at a “real concert” without all the adult activities.
3. It Shows Real Kids Performing.
If it’s your child’s dream to be a performer, there is nothing better than seeing kids close to their own age up on stage. It’s one thing to see an adult perform, but to see a kid doing something they love? That’s unforgettable. Your child will love seeing real kids sing songs they know, and watching their peers enjoy the concert as much as them.
If your child is a true music lover you may have wanted to take them to a concert for some time. Because most concerts are centered around adults however, you may have felt it was unsafe or inappropriate to take your kids. And for most parents, concerts that are centered around stinky toes and learning to use the potty aren’t exactly their idea of a good time- especially since you are always surrounded by little people with stinky toes and learning to use the potty. Kidz Bop Live 2018 is a happy mix of adult music and kid-friendly performance. And this September you can take your kids to a Kidz Bop Live 2018 near you.
The tour starts September 21st in Austin, Texas and wraps up on November 12th in Winter Haven, Florida. Click here to see if they are headed to a town near you!
Kidz Bop| Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Spotify | Napster | Shazam | Amazon Music | iTunes
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