From the Soil to Your Skin: Natural Beauty with Amala


All skincare is not created equal. You can’t just walk into a grocery store, grab something off the shelf and assume it is actually good for your skin. Take a peek at the ingredients and you will find some toxic stuff in a lot of skincare. Natural is better. Our skin responds in a positive way to things that come from the earth around us, not from a laboratory.

From The Soil To Your Skin: Natural Beauty With Amala 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

If you are ready to stop harming your skin and start nourishing your skin, meet Amala.

About Amala

What makes Amala skincare so special is their focus on creating a product that is the best for skin and still cares about the environment at the same time. They honor the power in nature and formulate products from high potency organic plants with a process that retains the therapeutic benefits of those plants.

From The Soil To Your Skin: Natural Beauty With Amala 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Just because a beauty product contains a natural ingredient does not mean you actually benefit from that ingredient. Amala makes sure that you do. Their ingredients only come from global fair trade farmers. They ensure that everything is grown organically and sustainably. This is truly responsible skincare that nourishes your skin and leaves the world a better place than before.

From The Soil To Your Skin: Natural Beauty With Amala 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Amala makes it simple to find what you need for your skin issues. There are five categories of products from which you can choose based on your needs: Rejuvenate, Hydrate, Purify, Brightening, and Soothe. In clinical tests, their products are proven to work and they work quickly.

Our Favorite Products

From The Soil To Your Skin: Natural Beauty With Amala 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Amala has so many amazing beauty solutions to choose from. There really is something for everyone, and you can mix and match between the different categories based on what you desire for your skin.

We have five favorite Amala products that we want to share with you. 

Rejuvenating Eye Cream – This eye cream is a tired mom’s dream come true. Using ingredients like cocoa bean, green algae, acai, and licorice root, it helps with pretty much any eye issue from fine lines and darkness to dehydration and loss of firmness. Your eyes will be renewed!

Soothing Moisture Cream – Dry skin is uncomfortable and can lead to damage and the appearance of aging. You will not struggle with this problem using Amala’s Soothing Moisture Cream that contains desert fig seed, nopal leaf, and argan seed. While the cream is full of powerful natural ingredients, what it doesn’t contain is also part of why it is so effective. You will find no synthetic fragrances, dyes, preservatives and emulsifiers that can actually create a cycle of dryness that you cannot get out of.

From The Soil To Your Skin: Natural Beauty With Amala 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Hydrating Yogurt Mask – This mask leaves your skin hydrated and rejuvenated. If your skin feels dry, dull, red, sensitive, and dehydrated, you need this mask. With jasmine, macadamia nut, and wild rose, this mask is naturally healing and feeds your skin. It promotes cell renewal and strengthens your skin.

Intensive Brightening Mask – Channeling the powers of narcissus, red currant, and calendula, it can handle dark spots, age spots, uneven skin tone, loss of radiance and more. This mask is potent. It renews, comforts, and brightens leaving you with a new glow.

Purifying Blemish Treatment – You can naturally deal with clogged pores and blemishes. Skip the harsh and damaging chemicals and beat blemishes with blue lotus, tea tree, and ginger. Your skin can be clear without drying it out. This treatment fights bacteria and other pore clogging junk and soothes your skin at the same time. There is nothing else like this treatment!

From The Soil To Your Skin: Natural Beauty With Amala 6 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Amala is medicine for your skin. But it is medicine that channels the power of the earth. It is as natural as your skin.

Why do we put so many unnatural products on our very natural skin? You might think you are saving money with skincare from a grocery store, but if it doesn’t even work and is actually harming you, is that really worth the savings? Invest in your skin and in your overall wellbeing with natural beauty solutions offered by Amala

While we are on the subject of caring for ourselves naturally, check out this natural deodorant that actually works! 

Photo Credit: everyavenuegirl



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Elena's favorite pastimes are traveling, photography, volleyball, reading business, psychology and spiritual books and finding cool products. Elena started Daily Mom with a vision to provide quality content and help to busy modern women. Follow her life and adventures with her 11 year old daughter on Our Little Voyages. or on Instagram at: @everyavenuelife @everyavenuegirl @ourlittlevoyages

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