How To DIY Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Do you have an old baby push car lying around that you want to spruce up? Maybe it is the wrong color, dingy and old, or not expressive enough for your child’s flair? Whatever the reason, we’ve created a step-by-step tutorial to help make your old baby push car feel like it just rolled off the lot.  

Supplies For Baby Push Car Transformation

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car
  • Car: any plastic car will work. In this example, we are converting a pink Step2 Push Car.
  • Tools: wrench to help unscrew the handle
  • Spray Paint: pick the colors (here we used black and yellow) you want, plus a protective spray
  • Batman Decals 
  • Cleaning supplies: dish soap, a hose and an old rag
  • Painters tape

Step 1: Clean

Gather your dish soap and sponge, and hose the baby push car off. Be sure to get your kids involved. Make it a fun activity you can do together. Working at the car wash, yeah!

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Step 2: Take Apart

Unscrew the handle and set aside. Now, carefully remove and set aside all the stickers, so you can reuse them later.

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Step 3: Cover

Next, you will want to cover the steering wheel. Recycle a plastic bag and wrap it around the steering wheel. Tuck it into the bottom of the bag and use painters tape to secure it is covered.

Thoroughly cover the two straps. This is slightly tedious, but if you aren’t careful the buckle won’t work later. Wrap painters tape around the straps, starting from the end closest to the baby push car, until you reach the end with the buckle. Cover the buckle as well.

Break off small portions so that every inch is thoroughly covered. In this picture, the wheels are also covered; this procedure is the same as the steering wheel, but will be completed once the wheels have been sprayed; see next step.

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Step 4: Spray and respray

Spray the wheels FIRST. This way you can easily spray black over the yellow on the wheel walls later.

Wait a few hours and spray again.

The yellow does not take as quickly as the black, so it may take multiple sprays; however, patience is your friend. If you spray too close together, you’ll end up with sticky paint. Also, if there is wear on the wheels it will make it harder for the color to adhere.

Once you are satisfied with the color, move on to the body. Use plastic bags and cover the wheels; wrap and tape them the same way as you did the steering wheel. (Refer to the picture in Step 3.)

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Step 5: Spray the body

Now you are ready to spray the body. Spray with black, let dry, and repeat – same rules apply as the wheels. Be patient with drying time.

The black adheres very well and should only take two coats. Make sure you turn the car over and spray the under-body parts that are visible when right side up. Be sure to pick up the seat belt and and move it around so that you can spray underneath and around it as well. Don’t forget to spray the handle! 

Finally, once everything is dry, spray again with the protective spray.   

Step 6: Reassemble and Apply Stickers

Screw the handle back onto the base. Also, remember the stickers you saved earlier? Re-apply the ones you wish to use again.

Don’t forget to place the Batman decals on to complete your Batmobile! We placed one sticker across the hood on the front of the baby push car. The other two were placed on the back in place of the rear “lights” stickers.

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Final Step: Ride off into the sunset with the new and improved bat-mobile!

Danananana, BATMAN!

Looking for another fun DIY activity to do with your child? Make some fun of your own with our DIY Sidewalk Chalk Paint.

How To Diy Your Batmobile Baby Push Car

Photo Credits: Ashley Wells

Sources: Pinterest



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