3 Ways to Ease the Stress of a Friend in PCS Limbo

Not that long ago, the word “coronavirus” was a mere mention of something happening afar, but today, we are seeing the affects of it. Not only are people in grave danger from this virus, but every family is walking into a new normal, however long or temporary. Parents have become primary educators to their children, with schools postponements and closures. And as of late, I have seen how all of this is affecting military families. 

Just within the last month a dual military family (where both parents are in active military) across the street, had their world torn upside down. The house they were living in was sold after mere hours being on the market. A company came to pick up their HHG (household goods) and right when they were ready to hit the road to their new duty station, travel restrictions kept them from doing so. Now they are living in a hotel room with their young son, for upwards of 6 weeks or more, awaiting word that it’s okay to make their move. 

RELATED: DoD Extends Travel Ban to 30 June- Here are the Details

PCS season is upon us…..but we are not seeing any military families move. In fact, we are in unchartered territories. This is a trying time for everyone, especially our military families. Do you have a friend experiencing a PCS halt? 

Here are 3 Ways to Help Ease the Stress of a PCS Friend in Limbo 

Spend A Lot of Time Checking In 

3 Ways To Ease The Stress Of A Friend In Pcs Limbo

This is a stressful time, especially for military families awaiting next steps. Imagine it being your PCS year and all of your household goods are gone. You are having to pay out of pocket (temporarily, let’s say), for a hotel room. Restaurants are closed and all you have is a microwave for meals. Recreations are closed. Parks are closed. Life seems bleak. What to do? Check on them. Schedule regular “check ins” via phone call or video time. Zoom is a free video platform that offers 40 minutes of video chat time. Be their shoulder to cry on. Be there in any way you can, however small the act. I know if I were in that situation, just a few minutes a day talking with a friend would make all the difference in the world. 

Get your friend connected to resources 

There are so many resources available at this time for military families. Military OneSource connects you to information, answers and support to help you reach your goals, overcome challenges and thrive. As a military family, you are eligible to use this Department of Defense-funded program anytime, anywhere and they are up to date on how the coronavirus is affecting military families. Military OneSource is there if you or anyone you know needs to talk with a mental health counselor as well. 

Need a mentor during this time? Military Spouse Advisory Network aims to create stronger military families through education, empowerment, and support. They pair new military spouses with mentors who will be available to talk you through any part of your journey. 

Get your friend connected to a realtor who knows their situation 

3 Ways To Ease The Stress Of A Friend In Pcs Limbo

Putting your house up for sale? Where you planning to buy at your new duty station? There are so many varying scenarios right now during this time that the best advice I have is to find a trusted realtor that understands the military and the impact of the current events on their real estate choices and journey. There are so many changes taking place that it could have your head spinning unless you are well connected to a realtor that has their finger on the pulse. Cover all the bases you can in this unstable time and head to MilHousing Network, where you’ll find qualified agents with a passion for working with military families.

Until then, stay healthy. Stay safe. 

As a military family, you need a real estate company that understands your unique needs. At MilHousing Network we connect military families with pre-screened military real estate experts all over the country. We’re built by military spouses to help military spouses and military families PCS better. Every home sold within our network directly supports the military spouse community by creating employment opportunities for our fellow spouses. Join our Facebook group or visit MilHousing Network.

3 Ways To Ease The Stress Of A Friend In Pcs Limbo

Sonia Garza is a proud Green Beret wife, mother of two, founder and editor of Spouse Connexion, and online publication for military spouses, and is a content writer for MilHousing Network. She resides at JBLM, WA. You can reach her at soniagarza@gmail.com

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3 Ways To Ease The Stress Of A Friend In Pcs Limbo



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Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Militaryhttps://dailymom.com/category/for-military-life/
Daily Mom Military is a resource dedicated to serving the unique needs of military moms. Through our website, we provide comprehensive advice for all things concerning military lives and families. Our mission is to equip these incredible women with the necessary tools, resources, and community to navigate the challenges of military life. We understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a military mom and strive to be a one-stop-shop for advice, tips, and support.

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