How to Quit a Job Professionally on Good Terms – Ways to Gracefully Resign and Leave a Job

Most people have left a job before, for several reasons, and even if all of those are right it can still be hard and even a bit scary. If you are wondering how to leave a job you are in the right place. After the birth of my second child, I returned to work and felt not only completely alienated but also mistreated by my supervisor. At first, I felt as if I had done something wrong, it was a small company with no human resources department, so all I could do was try to talk to the CEO who told me I needed to figure it out.

After a few months of anxiety with every email and meeting I had with my supervisor at taking that home to my husband and two young girls, I reached my breaking point. It was sad, I had been there for six years, worked my way up, and had no plans on leaving, but after being brought to tears during a work outing after being berated yet again by my boss I knew it was time to leave.

I couldn’t continue to bring home that anxiety to my family nor could I continue to work in that environment. Although I was disheartened and felt as if they couldn’t survive without me, I quickly realized that not only could they do just fine without me but never truly valued me. When I quit my job it ended up being the best decision I made for myself, my future career, and my family.

So if you questioning when is the right time to quit a job and wondering how to quit? Knowing when to quit can be a complex decision-making process. You should assess the reasons for quitting, consider your career goals, and weigh your job satisfaction before making this important choice. Leaving a position is never easy but you will find another job and grow professionally.   Either way, there is always something else out there, and figuring out the best place for you will only make you the happiest, in the long run, it will be best for you, and your current and future employers as well.

Considering Quitting Your Job – Why it May Be Time and How You Know 

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So how to know when to leave a job? Knowing when it may be time to quit is crucial. If you find yourself constantly unhappy or unsatisfied at work, it might be a sign that it’s time to move on. It’s essential to think about how to explain your decision to others, including your colleagues and supervisors, in a professional and respectful manner.

There are various justifications for leaving a job.  Maybe you have outgrown your position with nowhere to go or maybe you are ready for a bigger or smaller company.  Or sadly maybe you have been mistreated, bullied, or just can’t seem to see eye to eye with colleagues.  Either way, there is always something else out there, and figuring out the best place for you will only make you the happiest, in the long run, it will be best for you, and your current and future employers as well.

Whether you hate your job, are tired of the work environment or hostile work environment, and want to quit to go find your dream job. It’s a good idea to weigh the pros and cons while thinking about quitting your job. Consider your motivation for quitting and job hunting as finding a new job can take a bit of time. 

For me, I did not have another job lined up and was going to take some time off at home with my newborn and toddler. It was not a snap decision and my husband was fully supportive of me leaving the toxic work environment behind. Leaving that job gave me the opportunity to work on myself and other goals I had and now our family is in a better position than I ever thought possible. 

Ready to Quit? Reasons For Leaving 

People quit their jobs for so many reasons, sometimes there is just nowhere else to go in a company, maybe you can create your next role, or maybe it is just time to move on and find the next best position for you, these are good reasons to leave a job. Some jobs or companies can be a career lifetime fit for both the employee and the employer.  Until the past couple of generations, this is the way it was, people would work at the same job or company for most if not all of their entire working career.

Most people got a job out of school and worked at the same company, moving up in the ranks, and collecting benefits for 20-30 years.  Then retired with a cushy pension plan in their mid-60s.  Over the past 50 years that has slowly changed as real dollar incomes have been steadily declining since 2000.  In addition, no employees want to experience more at jobs and often have 12-15 jobs before retirement.

Entry-level jobs are just that, there might be some room for growth, but often these positions are only meant to last a couple of years till the employee has learned everything they can and will at their current position. This is especially true within smaller companies with few employees and most roles involve the employee wearing many hats, larger companies often have more room to grow and expand.  If there is no upward mobility within your company and you have other reasons to quit your job, this is probably a good time for a job change. 

Often positions are capped at a certain point and even if you exceed you might need to leave to move up.  Especially if it is an entry-level job with no growth in the company and there are plenty of fresh graduates chomping at the bit for the job you have! At the same time, you could have a higher-level position and have still outgrown your job if you desire more. 

Read More: 10 Profitable Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree

How to Leave a Job Professionally and Leave on Good Terms 

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So how to leave your job gracefully? Reasons to leave a job do include wanting more challenges, the next step in your career but you need to know how to resign your job on good terms.  Even the best job may not be a forever job, because as you grow and change in your job you need a role that does that with you, or you may start to feel burnt out, lose your passion, need more money, or think there is just something wrong with you.

There are plenty of reasons to leave your job that do not leave either party at fault, sometimes it helps both you and the company if you part ways when you are ready for a change.  If you are starting to feel stuck, unmotivated, or even a little blue these are all good reasons to leave a job.  That being said, don’t up and quit a job after a rough week or even a month, notice you’re having a rough week and really make sure you know if it’s time to leave before you do.

Everyone gets into ruts and sometimes there are little changes that are not reasons to leave a job that can help.  Before you decide to leave a job really take a step back and make sure you are not just burnt out or in a rut.  Take a long weekend to just unplug, and set new boundaries for yourself while at work and at home.  Make sure to take needed breaks along the way, because your job can and will survive without you. If your reasons to leave a job stick with you, don’t falter for long, and if you continuously have these feelings and a need for a change it is probably time you look at other options.  

Read More: 5 Ways To Turn Your Dream Job Into An Exciting Career

Guide on How to Quit a Job Professionally

So how to leave a job professionally and that job on a positive note? Resigning professionally is beneficial for maintaining a good relationship with your current employer. As career experts say it can also impact your future career opportunities positively. Taking care of your mental health and well-being during this transition is equally important for a smooth career move.

What I Did When I Quit My Job 

Editors Note- If you are wondering how to leave a job you love and unsure how to quit when you have invested time and so much energy into that job. Know that taking all of the right steps to quit not only professionally but also to not burn any bridges along the way. That might be easier said than done if you are leaving an untenable situation, but those are the times when it is most important to be the bigger person and keep your integrity.

I did all of the below when I left my job, I set them up for success and although I was very honest when I quit, I did not say everything I wanted to, I kept it professional and only said what needed to be said. It was not easy, it hurt when they didn’t try to fight for me or offer to help fix the situation when they let me quit easily, I knew that was my sign that this was for the best and it was never going to get better. 

How to Write a Formal Resignation Letter 

Writing a formal resignation letter is the first step in quitting professionally. This letter should clearly state your intent to resign and express gratitude for the opportunities you had in your current position. Additionally, preparing for an exit interview can help you leave on good terms without burning bridges.

Writing a resignation letter is a crucial step when you’re ready to quit your job. Ensure you structure the letter effectively, include a reason for leaving, and mention your gratitude towards the company along with your future plans. This is a great guide on what to do and not to do when writing a resignation letter.

What to Expect in an Exit Interview?

During an exit interview, you may face several common questions. It’s essential to promote honest feedback and navigate discussions about your reasons for departure in a professional manner to ensure a smooth transition. This will also help the company learn and grow from people leaving. 

How to Gracefully Resign Without Burning Bridges?

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It is important and good career advice when you are quitting a job to avoid burning bridges. Knowing how to leave a job on good terms it is important to give two weeks’ notice and a formal notice at your current company. Since you never know who you’ll run into again or who talks with whom, it is important that you’re leaving under the best circumstances possible.

It’s best to save any constructive feedback to share with HR during the exit interview.  Communicating effectively with your manager, completing your pending responsibilities, and maintaining a positive attitude throughout the transition are key to resigning professionally without damaging relationships.

Preparing For The Job Search After Quitting

Ideally, you give your notice and already have another company lined up. However, you might have to quickly leave your current job and then find a job. If you leave your job without another job immediately work on your resume and cover letter. You’ll need to find the motivation to search for another job and not get frustrated with the process. 

After quitting, focus on updating your resume and online profiles, seeking recommendations from colleagues, and networking to explore new career opportunities. Being prepared for the job search is essential for a smooth job transition. 

Leave a Job on Good Terms

Communicating with HR about your decision to quit is important for a smooth transition. Leaving your job gracefully involves completing your tasks efficiently and ensuring a seamless handover to your successor. When telling your boss you’re ready to quit, do it respectfully and give ample notice to make the transition easier for your team. Provide a great resignation letter that is not only high-level but if you’d like why you’re quitting. 

 Read More: 15 of the Best Interview Questions to Ask in Your Next Job Interview

There are so many reasons to leave a job, some are big and some may seem small to others but are huge to you. You and only you can know the right reasons to leave a job.  Often times we need to be pushed into uncomfortable feelings to make a change. Knowing how to leave a job can help make this process a lot easier. When we find ourselves in uncomfortable positions that is not always a bad thing and often leads to the change we have been needing to move on.  

Guide for Stay-at-Home Mom Job Opportunities



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How To Quit A Job Professionally On Good Terms - Ways To Gracefully Resign And Leave A Job 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

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Sabra Ritter
Sabra Ritter
Part event planner and marketing guru, part stay-at-home mom, and part blogger. Mom of two toddler girls, who are always keeping her on her toes. On the weekends you can find her at Southern California beaches or hiking with her family. Sabra loves to cook and is always creating something new!

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