20 Things That Are a Mom’s BFF That Aren’t People


There are things in this world that we moms cling to for our sanity. Each one of us has something different that allows us to escape the realities of poopy diapers, fights over the same Barbie shoe, and children who think sleep is the actual devil. But there are certain things that are universal to all moms, things that we can all relate to, knowingly nodding our heads yes as we remember that time when our child also threw an epic temper tantrum in the pillow aisle of Target. They are things that we see, do, and keep close to ourselves because they are what makes us feel like more than “mom” or simply allow us to let our minds rests for five seconds. And like our real-life BFFs, these non-human BFFs listen to our venting, take our minds off the piles of laundry and dishes, and make us feel like actual people.


20 Things That Are A Mom'S Bff That Aren'T People 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Human interaction is a vital part of any society, but for many moms, getting out of the house and interacting with adults without half our brain focused on our kids or some other task is not a common occurrence. And although we are often surrounded by little people every waking second, motherhood is a lonely place. Moms will often take refuge in certain things to make themselves feel a little less crazy and *maybe* act a little nicer towards their kids and partners. Here are some of those things:

  1. Coffee – Maybe a strong cup of coffee is what helps you feel like a normal person in the morning (or mid-morning. or afternoon. 0r all of the above). Maybe it’s tea. Maybe it’s a shot of apple cider vinegar to help you feel alive. Whatever your morning drink of choice, we moms need something to prepare us for the day ahead.
  2. Wine – Coffee’s nighttime version. Also see: hard liquor or beer.
  3. Her Phone – You see that mom at the playground looking at her phone while her 4 year old traverses the ladder? Yea, she needs a break. So give her one and don’t judge.
  4. Workout of Choice – Maybe it’s running. Maybe it’s yoga. Maybe it’s lifting heavy weights. Maybe it’s flipping tires. Whatever it is, moms will sometimes cling to their daily workouts like it’s their lifeblood.
  5. Social Media – She takes pictures of her kids and posts it online. Annoying? Maybe. But fellow moms will comment with, “She’s so big!” and “Isn’t he so cute in that tie?” And you know what? That makes us feel like we have real, human friends. #winning
  6. The Playground – Once your kids are old enough to climb things pretty well, the playground is your BFF. If you’re lucky, a real person will come along and you can have that social interaction you crave! Kids can play and you can relax for more than five seconds.
  7. Chat Groups – Oh, Facebook groups. Moms can find one for every single thing they are interested in, whether it be cloth diapering, cooking, fitness, or just general “mom” stuff. These chat groups give us a place to vent, talk, and get advice from real people – something that is lost in today’s modern age.
  8. Netflix – It is the Holy Grail of television. There is something for everyone, allowing you to make dinner without also playing referee (if you’re lucky).
  9. Baby Carrier/Stroller – Whatever your screaming baby loves and makes life easier is what becomes your BFF. Also included: bottles (for babysitters!) and pacifiers.
  10. Drive Thrus – Heck yes. Drive thru everything, please! Anything where we don’t have to get several children buckled and unbuckled 12 times is a lifesaver.
  11. Online Grocery Ordering – Grocery shopping online? Yes, please!
  12. Online Anything – Amazon. Target. Even Wal-Mart. All of them have simple shipping or in-store pickup. All the praise hands from all the moms.
  13. Target – Speaking of shopping. This is only the case if we can go alone.
  14. Salon appointments – Someone shampooing my head? Making me feel like a real person with some highlights? Listening to me talk about the ridiculous thing my 7 year old said to our minister? MmmHmm.
  15. Treats – Whatever your vice, treats are what keeps us going. As long as we don’t have to share.
  16. Yoga Pants – We all wear them. We all love them. #momlife
  17. Pantries/Closets/Locked Doors – Can’t find Mom? Chances are she’s locked herself in the pantry to eat her secret stash of Snickers.
  18. The Shower – A hot shower with the door closed, not being able to hear the WWE match going on in your living room. Heaven. See also: bubble baths.
  19. Work – If you’re a working mom, your job may be your refuge. If you are a stay-at-home mom chances are you’ve found something in this list to make you feel like your brain actually works beyond a special set of skills to know exactly where that yellow thing Cindy played with eight days ago is currently located.
  20. Sleep – Glorious sleep. All the hallelujahs for a good night’s sleep. Or a nap. Or just more than four hours at one time.

20 Things That Are A Mom'S Bff That Aren'T People 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Although motherhood is filled with some amazing moments with some amazing people, it can also be lonely. And exhausting. And difficult. Moms need their BFFS, both human and non-human, to make it through this crazy ride. No matter what your “thing” is, we all have something we do to give us a little pep in our step. We do these things because they make us feel happy, and happy moms mean happy kids. So go ahead, mama – enjoy your coffee (or wine, depending on the time of day) at the playground while you sit in your yoga pants and post pictures of your kids playing to your Facebook chat group. We hear you. We see you. We are you.

Wondering what Mom is doing on her phone all the time? Check out The Online Village: Why Moms are Always on Their Phones.

Photo Credits: Lauren Lomsdale, Stock Snap



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Lauren is a mom of three girls and a proud USMC spouse. She is the managing editor of Daily Mom Military, one half of the YouTube military spouse channel, #TheDependas, and owner of Lauren Lomsdale Creative Studios. She loves to run, lift, and do yoga in her spare time. Lauren is currently in Camp Pendleton, CA with her family and loves to meet new and inspiring military spouses.

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