New Years’ Resolution Ideas-Pros & Cons

New Years’ resolution ideas can either be life-changing or just ideas that go nowhere. Soon all the chatter will be about holiday plans, overindulging, and upcoming New Years’ resolution ideas. As many as 74% of adults will make a New Year’s resolution but only half keep their resolutions. Some people love this time of year and setting their New Year’s resolutions and others dread it. Either way, before you make a resolution for the New Year we have some tips for you.

Why Do People Make New Year’s Resolutions-Pros & Cons 

New Years’ Resolution Ideas-Pros & Cons

The thought behind New Years’ resolution ideas is New Year, New You!  A fresh start at the beginning of a brand new year, when everyone wants to make the change to be the best they can be.  Which is really great and can help those who have been dragging their feet to get to where they want to be.  New Years’ resolution ideas are often about self-improvement, from losing weight to spending less time on social media to being more frugal.

People make New Year’s resolutions because they want to be better, reach that goal they have been talking about or start something new.  In theory, it is a really great concept, new year, fresh start!  However, if the cons outweigh the pros for you, then no matter how hard you try the traditional idea of a New Years’ resolution may not be right for you.


-Thinking about and setting goals is helpful
-Great time of the year to reflect back and think of what you want from the year ahead
-Motivated by others around you, although your own New Year’s resolution ideas are just yours, the buzz can be contagious


-Not good for people who already procrastinate
-Not motivated by the new year
-Self-doubt, which will kill any New Years’ resolution
-You pick a resolution that does not actually resonate with you

If you are the type of person to jump on every bandwagon, fad diet, and trendy thing out there only to lose steam a few weeks later. A traditional New Years’ resolution will probably be just another quick fad for you.  There is nothing wrong with that, but if you are not really committed to your New Years’ resolution, it doesn’t matter what it is, it may not work for you.  You will have better luck with other New Years’ resolution ideas.

Read More: New Year’s Intentions For You And Your Kids

Selecting the “right” New Years’ Resolution Ideas

New Years’ Resolution Ideas-Pros & Cons

According to MSN, the top New Year’s resolutions are to exercise more, eat healthier, and spend more time with friends and family. Not to mention spending less time on social media, drinking less, and reducing stress on the job. Overall people want to be healthier, spend more time doing what they want to be doing, be a better friend, spouse by putting themselves first.

There is no perfect resolution, if you are even thinking of making one then you are on the right track to achieve your goals.  However, New Years’ resolution ideas don’t always have to be a huge goal.  It can be as simple as taking a day off from social media one day a week or making sure you move your body every day.  Often in choosing the “right” resolution we strive for perfection that is impossible to achieve.

Perfection is the downfall of even the best New Years’ resolution ideas.  Perfection only exists in our minds and if you think that by selecting the best possible resolution you can achieve it flawlessly, you are setting yourself up for failure. No one is perfect, so when selecting your New Years’ resolution, make sure you are selecting one that fits accordingly for you, your lifestyle, and is actually obtainable. Also, make sure your New Years’ resolution ideas are something that you actually want to accomplish!

Read More: The Best Champagne Cocktails For New Years

Alternatives to the traditional New Years’ Resolutions Ideas

New Years’ Resolution Ideas-Pros & Cons

There are many New Years’ resolution ideas that are not just resolutions and “easier” to stick to.  From goals to checkpoints, we have outlined the ways to make a New Years’ resolution without stressing about how to achieve an unobtainable resolution just because that is what your peers are doing.

First off-failing to plan is planning to fail.  Most New Years’ resolutions don’t stick because they are unrealistic and have no plan behind them.  Want to lose 20 lbs, great…but what is the plan to lose the weight?  Ready for a new job, or that promotion you have had your eye on for a while, outline the steps you need to take to reach your goal.  You can write down whatever New Year’s resolution you want, but without a plan, nothing will happen.

Goal setting-New Years’ resolution ideas are more than just new years resolutions.  They are goals that will help you achieve what you want.  Whether you want to lose a few lbs or find your true love.  The best goals are a stretch but within striking distance, plus they often have checkpoints in order to reach the goal.  

New Years’ Resolution Ideas-Pros & Cons

New Years’ resolution ideas are also not all or nothing.  We are all human and you need to give yourself a little grace to reach your goals or when you are trying to keep a resolution.  It is not realistic to be perfect every day, all year long.  Plus if you are trying to reach perfection, you will fail that much quicker.

Knowing that you might have setbacks or even giving yourself a day off here or there, or heck even a month if you have a busy month coming up, will be better in the long run.  If you want to drink more water, but forget for a few days because you are so slammed at work, you literally forget to drink water, that doesn’t mean that you need to throw your resolution out the window.  If you are striving to be healthier and made a pact with yourself to go to the gym 5 days a week, but within the first month you realized just how unrealistic that is, just reevaluate your goals.

Read More: 10 Ways to Create An Effective Goal Setting Strategy That Sticks

New Years’ resolution ideas should be well thought out, planned for, but also have contingencies in case things don’t go according to plan. Most likely, even the best laid out plans will have setbacks and unexpected things thrown at you, as that is just life. As you ponder whether or not to do a New Years’ resolution this year, really dig down and figure out what you want from a resolution and what the best New Years’ resolution ideas really are for you. It most likely is not what everyone else is doing, but something that you are actually passionate about changing in yourself or a goal you would like to achieve.

Check out this article on Why You Should Always Go Home for the Holidays

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New Years’ Resolution Ideas-Pros & Cons

Photo Credits: Unsplash, Pexels

Sources: MSN, Finder



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Sabra Ritter
Sabra Ritter
Sabra is mom, event designer extraordinaire, explorer, writer, hostess with the mostesses and chef for her family. She has been writing for Daily Mom for over 4 years, sharing her wisdom and experiences with her two little girls and life along the way. From breastfeeding, postpartum anxiety to staying happily married during the trials of newborn life, sleep deprivation, working full time and volunteering more than she probably should, she candidly shares her own experiences on the topics you most want to hear about. You can find her spending time with her family, learning new things and exploring everything northern Arizona has to offer her.

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