Cleaning without Chemicals

Cleaning your home is an everyday task that you just can’t avoid. However, cleaning can be harmful to your health and harmful to the health of your family. Have you ever thought about how much you fill your home with unnecessary chemicals? What makes cleaning products dangerous? Is it possible to clean safely yet effectively? Let’s take a look at the dangers of conventional cleaning and a better way to clean your home that is so safe that your kids can actually help!


The Dangers

One of the scariest things about household chemicals is we don’t really know what is in them and how it can effect our health. The information just isn’t available. The National Research Council states that “No toxic information is available for more than 80% of the chemicals in everyday use products.” Why is that? The Environmental Working Group found that only 7 percent of household cleaners disclosed all their contents. This organization studied tons of cleaners and found lung-harming ingredients in 53 percent. Even cleaners labeled as “green” can still have harmful chemicals in them.

Cleaning Without Chemicals 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Here is a scary statistic –“Women who work at home have a 54% higher death rate from cancer than women working away from the home.” The study found that household chemicals were directly linked to this alarming result. We are poisoning ourselves and our families and we don’t even give it a second thought. Just because there are countless bottles of cleaning products on the shelves of our local grocery and superstores, we assume they are safe. However, they are not. If you use chemical cleaners, you are leaving a residue on any surface cleaned with those chemicals. You kiddos touch those surfaces, eat off those surfaces, crawl, sit, and play on those surfaces.
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All this sounds scary because it is. However, bacteria is also scary and can make your family just as sick. The dangers of bacteria are well documented. The question is, how can you eliminate bacteria from the surfaces in your home without covering everything in dangerous mystery chemicals? Dust is also harmful, causing allergies, breathing problems, and it can be carcinogenic not to mention it is unslightly. Can you dust without an aerosol dusting spray?

The Safe Way To Clean with Cleaning Cloths

You can make a change for the better in your home. You can clean without dangerous chemicals and your house will actually be cleaner, making your family safer from germs and harmful chemicals. Put the bottle of toxic spray down and let’s chat about cleaning safely!

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e-cloth is a chemical free way to clean that is scientifically proven to be effective. Here is how it works:

This is more than a microfiber cloth. Cleaning cloths from e-cloth use superior fiber composition, fiber size, fiber processing, and and fiber density to allow you to clean and remove bacteria from your home safely. This microfiber technology belongs to e-cloth and e-cloth alone. There are millions of tiny fibers in every e-cloth cleaning cloth, the highest density of fibers in any cloth in the world. e-cloth is scientifically proven to remove 99 percent of bacteria.

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e-cloth cleaning cloths are reuabable and washable. This makes cleaning with e-cloth the most environmentally friendly way to clean your home! After cleaning with an e-cloth towel or wipe, rinse with hot water or just toss it in the washing machine. Use them over and over. Quit throwing away money on paper towels and costly cleaning chemicals that are bad for you, your children, and our planet.

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Parents rejoice! Because of the super safe cleaning power of just e-cloth and water, your kids can help and you don’t have to worry about their health. You cannot hand your child a bottle of glass cleaner and leave him to take care of the mirrors in the bathroom. With these cleaning cloths you can do just that, with even a young child. A kindergartner can clean up with e-cloth. You just spray the mirror with water and he can wipe the mirror clean. Kids can help all over the house. Teach your children responsibility. Let them participate in the care it takes to run a home. Without harmful chemicals involved, kids can help in practically every way.

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e-cloth for Every Room in Your Home

Living and Bedrooms

The e-cloth Dusting Cloths, 2 CT will replace chemical dusting products throughout your home. No gross dust rags or feather dusters to keep up with either. You dust with the e-cloth dusting cloths, wash them and store them all clean until you need them again.

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You know your kid’s tablet is covered in finger prints and germs. Guess what? So is your smartphone. Keep them clean and keep your screens looking their best with the Personal Electronics Cleaning Cloth from e-cloth. This little cloth removes smears, fingerprints, makeup, oils, grease, grime, and dirt, while protecting the protective coatings and is machine washable like all of e-cloth’s products so you can clean your screens over and over.


The Kitchen Cleaning 8 Piece Set is a great value and has everything you need to switch from chemical cleaning to effective cleaning with just e-cloth and water. Cleaning your kitchen this way will save you money and is better for the environment not only because you will ditch the chemicals, but you will also use less disposable products like paper towels. This set includes:

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For your bathrooms, you cannot go wrong with the Total Bathroom Cleaning Set. Again, you save money on cleaning products and paper towels all while removing bacteria and leaving your surfaces, even glass, residue and streak free. This 6 piece set includes:

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You get all those products at a discount when you buy them bundled together. You will be amazed at how easily your bathroom is to clean and how much better you will feel by avoiding all the toxins you normally breathe in when spraying your bathroom down with a mystery chemical.

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Windows and Other Glass

The Glass & Polishing Clothes, 4 CT are amazing. You seriously just spray glass with water, wipe, and the result is a clean mirror or surface. No chemicals. No waste. And your kids can clean their own bathroom mirror without worry of them harming themselves with chemical glass cleaner!

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Cleaning windows is not normally an easy task but with the Window Cleaning Cloths, 2 CT from e-cloth, it is. As with all their products, you will have clean and clear windows using only the cleaning cloth and water.

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Quit ignoring the facts that common household cleaners can harm! Protect the health of your family and everyone who enters your home. Your home will be cleaner and healthier than ever if you can make the switch to natural, chemical free cleaning. You only need e-cloth and water to keep your family safe!


e-cloth | Facebook | Twitter | Pinterest | Instagram

Photo Credits: Kristen Lee Creative

Resources: 15 Facts About Dust, Worst Cleaners: EWG’s List Of Most Harmful Cleaning Products For Your Home

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Kristen Douglas
Kristen Douglas
Kristen lives in Alabama with her handsome hubby and sweet son, along with her cat who thinks he’s a dog. Happily, she left behind the life of a Washington D.C. attorney to be a stay at home mama in the south.

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