Petals for a Playground


Today, Livie & Luca is releasing limited quantities of their multicolored “Petal” shoes to fund the construction of a much-needed playground in a disadvantaged neighborhood of Richmond, California. The shoes will be sold only on their website and 100% of the proceeds will be used to fund this playground build. Be sure to purchase a pair for your little girl before they sell out!



Livie & Luca are strong believers in the importance of play. They feel it should be a basic right for children to have access to safe and stimulating play spaces no matter where they live. Furthermore, they believe that the biggest way they can make an impact is by focusing on communities where their investment of  time, money, and manpower will make a difference.

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Last fall, Livie & Luca built a playground in another struggling neighborhood of Richmond, California.  You can now see members of this community enjoying a nice afternoon on park benches under the new trees, and watching their children climbing, swinging, playing soccer, and skateboarding. Furthermore, a recent neighborhood report has even noticed that crimes rates in the surrounding buildings have fallen by 20%. 

Recognizing that their work in the Richmond area is far from done, Livie & Luca decided to continue their mission to promote play by building another playground in another nearby neighborhood. They chose the community of Parchester Village, just outside the city of Richmond, because it was a place they felt could be most impacted by their efforts.

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Parchester is a predominantly African American community that was built in 1949 as the first residential development in Richmond after World War II temporary housing was destroyed. With its high crime rate, potholed streets and barred windows, you might think that Parchester is a place that’s been forgotten; but beneath the surface, there’s a town full of pride with memories of the safe town that Parchester used to be.  

Over the years, the people of Parchester have done their best to “keep its heart beating.” Now, with the addition of a beautiful park and playground, they believe that people will finally come out of their houses again and be encouraged to continue rebuilding the energized and happy community they once knew. That playground will include areas to picnic, tetherball courts and dugouts for the current baseball field. It will be a safe place for people of all ages, equipped with many types of sensory experiences.

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So, if you’ve been thinking that your daughter needs another pair of shoes for the playground (or even if she doesn’t), drop by Livie & Luca today and buy a pair of these early release, multicolored Petals. Not only will your little girl look stylish, but you will help to bring hope and joy to the residents of Parchester. 




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Ashley Sisk
Ashley Sisk
Ashley lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and Kitty Paw. She’s a work-from-home mom with a natural light photography business and a passion for sharing everything she knows. Since leaving the corporate world, she now spends her time trying to get through elementary school with her daughter, chasing her firefighter loving little boy, writing and finding ways to enjoy life. You can find her on Facebook, Google + or on her website.

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