Mother’s Day Shopping for the Momtographer


Mother’s Day is only a few weeks away. If the mom in your life is a bit of a “MamaRazzi,”  encourage her with the gift of photography. Here are a few suggestions that are sure to show her that she is loved and appreciated. 

Mothers Day Shopping For The Mamarazzi


Whether the mom in your life is a hobbyist, a professional or somewhere in between, chances are that she’d love a new camera. Upgrade her current camera body or purchase something that she’ll enjoy just for fun. This could even be the year she graduates to a DSLR.  Whatever the case, ASK HER if she has something specific in mind. Then buy it.

2. Stylish Camera Bag

Mother'S Day Shopping For The Momtographer 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Nearly all moms with a camera want a stylish bag to hide away their camera when they aren’t chasing their child with it. Even better if that bag can double as a diaper bag. We love SHUTTER|bag. Not only do they offer stylish leather camera bags that offer style, function and durability, but this small business also gives back. SHUTTER|bag gives a percentage of all sales to help support the Sweet Nectar Society an organization that offers a network of professional photographers to capture the hope, courage and strength of children undergoing treatment for serious illness, disabilities or injuries.

3. Mentoring Session or Local Photography Workshop

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Photography is a lot more fun if you know what you’re doing, so why not give mom the gift of a photography class, workshop or mentoring session with her favorite local photographer.  She’ll be able to learn everything from photography basics to posing to editing like a pro. Try searching Google or asking around for a session that meets your needs and budget.

4. New Lens


If mom is already shooting with a DSLR, she might like a new lens. If she doesn’t have it already, we recommend the 50mm f/1.8 lens for Canon or 50mm f/1.8 for Nikon. Another option is to give her pro lenses for her cell phone. Photojojo iPhone and Android Lens Series  is compatible with nearly every phone or device that has a lens on it, including those that use a case. You simply attach a removable metal ring to the back of your phone and the lenses attach magnetically. Considering how many moms are shooting on the go with their mobile device, this might be a great Mother’s Day gift for her.

5. Studio Setup

While warm weather may encourage mom to step outside with her camera, you may want to purchase something that she can use during the colder months. A backdrop stand and seamless paper will encourage her to test drive portrait photography with your children at home.

6. Apparel, Jewelry or Drinkware:

Mother'S Day Shopping For The Momtographer 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

If the mother of your children loves jewelry, she’ll love this “i heart faces charm necklace” by the Vintage Pearl. If you think she’d prefer a shirt, go to Etsy and you’ll find a ton of personalized options that will reflect her personality. We like the subtly of “Traveling with My Camera” in peach by Zoeslollipop,  but the mom you’re shopping for may prefer something a little sillier such as “I’m About to Snap!” by Wickedshirts. Either way, she’s bound to love it.

If she’s a coffee or tea drinker, she might like a camera-related coffee mug such as this “I Shoot People” novelty mug by TwistedEnvyRhineston. Another option is this custom “I Shoot People” tumbler by HappyWifeDesigns. Add her name to it to show you took the extra effort to personalize it.

7. Custom Camera Strap

Camera Straps

Handmade camera straps are a wonderful and affordable option for Mother’s Day. There are thousands of options on the web, but we love this hot pink organza camera strap by Capturing Couture. Not only is it cute, but a portion of the sale  helps fund the Susan G. Komen for the Cure® Foundation.  Another option is this chevron camera strap with minky lining by PhatStraps

8. Tripod and Wireless Remote

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Whether mom uses her mobile phone or a DSLR, a tripod and wireless remote can be extremely useful, especially if she wants to step in front of the camera. There are tripods for almost every budget, but we particularly like Dolica tripods for their ballhead, quick release plates and leg locks, bubble level and non-slip rubber feet. You can also get tripods for your mobile device such as the Gorillapod. Add a wireless remote for under $10 and mom can no longer complain about never being in the photo.

9. Magazine Subscription

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If the momtographer in your life enjoys reading, she may enjoy a photography magazine subscription. “Click” is a magazine that inspires and empowers, catering to the social, creative, artistic and business needs as artists, hobbyists and professional photographers. While you’re at Click’s website, check out their boutique for other cool gift ideas.

10. Odds and Ends

Consider pulling together a gift bag of photography essentials such as extra batteries, memory cards, card readers and spare lens caps. Throw in a couple of fun wild card purchases such as an Ezybalance Card, LensPen or gift card, and she’s sure to be happy.

Purchase any of the above for the momtographer in your life and she’ll be thrilled. That said, make sure you order your Mother’s Day gifts soon, you only have a couple of weeks left.

Make sure you check out this post on Mother’s Day Gift Guide of 2014.

Photo Credits: Kim Young at ShutterBag USA, Erin Tole Photography, and Erika Ray Photography.




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Ashley Sisk
Ashley Sisk
Ashley lives in North Carolina with her husband, two kids and Kitty Paw. She’s a work-from-home mom with a natural light photography business and a passion for sharing everything she knows. Since leaving the corporate world, she now spends her time trying to get through elementary school with her daughter, chasing her firefighter loving little boy, writing and finding ways to enjoy life. You can find her on Facebook, Google + or on her website.


  1. What a great list! Wonderful ideas in all price ranges. This is perfect for moms or ideas to give friends. 🙂

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