Dyson vacuums are the ‘cream de la cream’ of vacuums. They’re stylish and well-designed. If you use one to clean your carpets and floors on a regular basis, have you ever stopped and thought about how to clean a Dyson vacuum? Even cleaning tools need to be cleaned so they can work to their full potential!
If you have a Dyson vacuum, we will show you all the tips and tricks to getting a deep clean – which, in turn, ensures a better cleaning job on your carpets! So break out your beautiful cleaning apparatus and get down and dirty with us as we show you step-by-step how to clean a Dyson vacuum and bring it back to life.

Why Is Important to Clean Your Vacuum?
When you want a healthy indoor environment, it’s important to clean your cleaning supplies clean – including your vacuum. Not only does keeping a clean vacuum prevent dirt, dirt mites, and dust from spreading around your home, but it also helps your cleaning appliance run more efficiently. Vacuums that are clogged with dust and dirt will decrease the suction power, which leads to poor performance.
READ MORE: 5 Carpet Cleaning Hacks Everyone Should Know.
Furthermore, as dust & dirt accumulate, it creates more friction within the system, which places additional strain on the motor & other components. Regular cleaning of the canister, filters, and brushes allows your vacuum to last longer, while also providing a higher level of cleaning performance. Learning how to clean a Dyson vacuum will ensure that it stays running at optimal performance and will last for many cleaning cycles to come.
How to Clean a Dyson Vacuum
Cleaning a Dyson vacuum is a simple and straightforward task that you can easily do yourself. We’ve put together 10 simple steps with images to help make each step clear. Of course, the first step is to gather all the materials you will need. Then clear the area in which you will be cleaning your Dyson vacuum. It’s gonna get a bit messy!
Though it seems obvious, before you start, make sure to unplug the vacuum if it’s a corded vac and pick out any large pieces of debris or dirt that are lodged in the brush head.
Materials Needed to Clean Your Dyson Vacuum
Cleaning a Dyson vacuum cleaner is straightforward. To do it successfully, you’ll need to gather a few basic materials from around your house that you probably already have. While a sponge will work for the surfaces, a scrub brush may be more useful for cleaning out any nooks and crannies and for getting into those hard-to-reach places.
- A can of compressed air or an air compressor
- Scissors or knife
- Flathead Screwdriver
- Water
- Dish soap
- Scrub brush and/or sponge
- Paper towels or a dish towel

*Steps 1-5 should be done outside*
Step 1: Empty the Canister
This step can be VERY messy. Empty the canister of any debris into a trashcan, preferably one lined with a trash bag. Remove the outer canister shell by pressing the button on the back between the two red pieces and dump. Watch for flying dust!
Step 2: Remove the Foam Filter
Open the bottom flap and remove the foam filter. Put aside for later. Cleaning the filters doesn’t just keep a vacuum running optimally, but it also prevents dust, pollen, and other allergens from being recirculated into the air. Learning how to clean a Dyson vacuum filter helps to ensure the collected debris is contained and that your home’s air quality stays healthy. Additionally, clogged filters can interfere with suction power and airflow, reducing the vacuum’s performance.

Step 3: Remove the Roller Cover
Flip the vacuum upside down, and using a flathead screwdriver if necessary, remove the bottom roller cover. Flippin Cleaners suggests using scissors to remove any hair that may be trapped on the roller. When clean, use the compressed air to blow out any dust or dirt trapped in visible spaces. Put the roller cover back on.
Tangled hair on the head of a vacuum can pose a number of problems for its user. Not being able to suck up debris, losing suction power, and the motor overheating are all potential issues that can be caused by a clogged head.
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Step 4: Clean the Cyclone With Compressed Air
Put the cyclone part of the vacuum over a deep trashcan, and use the compressed air on every single tiny hole (this part is super messy! Beware!) Make sure that you turn the cyclone part over, and blow the air on the inside as well. Using compressed air is an easy and effective way to get dust and debris out of difficult-to-reach areas.
Compressed air is non-toxic, residue-free, and relatively inexpensive. It is also very easy to use and you can easily adjust the pressure depending on the size and shape of the area you are trying to clean. With a few short bursts of air, you can easily remove dust, dirt, and other dirt particles from a variety of hard-to-reach places. Additionally, the compressed air doesn’t leave behind any liquid residue like some other cleaning products might. It’s a great, ideal choice for quick and easy cleaning of nooks and crannies when you’re learning how to clean a Dyson vacuum.

Step 5: Clean the Canister Too
Like when cleaning the cyclone part, it’s time to also clean the canister section using compressed air. A few simple bursts of air should do the trick. Make sure your face isn’t too close – that air will ricochet back and spray you with dust if you aren’t careful!
Once all the parts are cleaned with compressed air, it’s time to take the cyclone, canister, and sponge filter inside and get set up near a water source.
Step 6: Clean the Sponge Filter
Without a clean filter, the vacuum won’t be able to work efficiently. So, to get it clean, run the sponge filter under water over and over again, and squeeze until the water coming out is clear. This make take quite a few times, but you’ll want to make sure the filter is clean and clear!

Step 7: Rinse the Canister
Now it’s time to start on the canister! Rinse out the canister with water until most of the particles are out.
Step 8: Wash Canister
Let’s really get to work and learn how to clean a Dyson vacuum with soap! With a small amount of dish soap, wash out the canister. This is where a sponge or a dish brush can come in handy. Make sure to rinse fully until all of the soap is out of the canister.

Step 9: Wipe the Cyclone
Using a damp paper towel (NO SOAP), wipe off the cyclone section, and make sure that all the tiny holes are clean, and not plugged.
Vent holes in a Dyson device are an important part of the device’s cooling system. They need to stay clear of dust, dirt, and other debris in order to allow the motor to be properly cooled. If the vents get blocked or clogged, the motor can then overheat, leading to expensive repairs, or worse, a complete system breakdown. This is especially important during periods of heavy usage and for devices that have been in use for a long time, as debris can easily accumulate over time. By keeping the vents of a Dyson device clear and clean, you can help to avoid costly repairs and extend the life of your device.
Step 10: Dry the Unit
Last, but not least, make sure all sections that came into contact with water are laid out to completely dry for at least 24 hours. Leaving any form of moisture in the canister or cyclone part will cause dirt to clump in the holes, and make routine canister emptying much more difficult. Additionally, Dyson does not recommend running the cyclone section directly under running water!
Once you have learned how to clean a Dyson vacuum and have thoroughly dried the unit and put it back together, it’s important to remember to regularly maintain it for best performance. Be sure to occasionally check for blockages, replace any worn brushes and filters, and empty the dust bin after every use. If you have a canister model, it’s also a good idea to regularly clean the outside of the machine with a damp cloth. Additionally, make sure to store your Dyson vacuum in a cool, dry place and keep it unplugged to help preserve the battery life. Properly maintaining your Dyson vacuum is essential to ensure it works properly and lasts for years to come.
How to Clean Filters on Dyson
Learning how to clean a Dyson vacuum regularly, including the filter, is essential to ensure that the unit runs at peak performance. The filter on your Dyson vacuum traps dust and dirt, so it needs to be removed and cleaned to ensure it can continue to do its job. If the filter isn’t regularly cleaned, it becomes full and blocked, reducing the power of the vacuum and making it less effective at cleaning your home.
- Turn off and disconnect your machine at the wall socket.
- Remove your Dyson filters.
- Wash filters in cold water only by rinsing under the water supply then gently squeezing the water out of the filter. Repeat until the water runs clear.
- Dry filters by leaving them in a warm place for 24 hours until completely dry
- Replace the filters.
How to Clean a Dyson Vacuum Animal Cyclone Component
- Remove the clear bin and cyclone component, just as if you were emptying a canister of dirt.
- Make sure the bin is empty, and separate it from the upper cyclone component.
- In the sink, run warm water over the grid of the filtering holes, spinning the unit to allow rinsing of each section of holes until the water runs clear.
- Spray or pour water into the main hole at one end of the unit, pour it out, and repeat until the water runs clear.
- To make sure every part is clean, fill the unit again part way, cover the large hole with one hand, and gently shake the unit to agitate water inside the cyclone. This rinses any last patches of dust or dirt from the interior. Pour it out and repeat until the water runs clear.
Once you’ve learned how to clean a Dyson vacuum, we suggest deep cleaning your vacuum once every 3-4 months. It will both elongate the life of your Dyson vacuum, as well as make sure that your carpeting is getting properly cleaned. Having any part of the cyclone clogged will not allow proper air circulation, and will, in turn, not allow the maximum amount of suction for your flooring.
Photo Credits: The Memoirs of Megan
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This is a great, great article and should really help people extend the life of their Dyson vacuum.
The photos are really helpful and the step by step instructions make the job much easier – Thank you Daily Mom!!
Great article, but I can’t find a button to remove the canister. This is the part of my vac that gets the dirtiest.
Thanks for your help.
Hi Gail!
There is a red button on back of your cannister that will take the shell off. Is that what you are referring to?
I really appreciate this info very helpful. I do have one question on how to clean the extension hose? Someone decided to clean up used kitty litter with it and I can’t figure out how to clean it out. Thanks for your help.
Are you saying it’s clumped inside? I think I would try to stick something through it, then use the air compressor to blow it out more. The extension hose will come off the expandable part.
Thanks for the tips! I never really thought about taking it all apart like that, so I will definitely give it a try! The one thing that drives me crazy, is all the hair that wraps around the bar/brushes! We have 3 girls in our house, and all of our hair is pretty long. I have to spend at least 20 minutes every couple of weeks, cutting/ripping all the hair off the beater bar! Any tips or suggestions to make this quicker, or better yet, not happen at all?? Thanks!
Sorry, no tips for prevention. It’ll happen with any rotating vacuum brush. I use scissors or a sharp pocket knife to cut mine faster.
One suggestion on the brush bar/roller.. That thing can be removed. Or at least it can on mine. Saves a lot of time cleaning it.
Basically just flip the vacuum over and you will see plastic fasteners on the bottom plate. About quarter sized with a slit in the middle. There may be up to a few depending on model. Use a wide flat head screwdriver, coin (nickels work good), whatever works for you.. to turn those (make sure all the way) which allows the brush bar to slide out. I do believe some models have a belt on the bar. You just slide it off. This allows you to easily clean it over a garbage can. I personally use a seam ripper or letter opener and run it down the bar a couple times until all the stuff is cut. Then just pull all the hair off.
All in all, I can uninstall, completely clean, and reinstall it in about a minute.
Some models may be slightly different. But should be fairly simple and along the same lines.
Hi Christina!
I touched on taking the roller out under step #3, but I love the suggestion of using a seam ripper! Great tip! Thanks for commenting.
I feel like I should write you a check for $300. I was about to start hunting for a new Dyson (mine is 5 years old). I followed your instructions yesterday and today, it works like new! THANK YOU!!
I have a Dyson with the ball, and there is also a filter in the ball part that can be pulled out and cleaned! Just recline the vacuum part all the way, make sure the opening for the ball part is at the top, and press the button to open it up!
Just kidding! I’m so glad it worked out for you!! I try to do this every few months, myself, just so it doesn’t ever get that bad ever. Thanks for commenting.
I also take credit cards.
Great step by step!!! My Dyson is sparkly clean! Thank you!!!!!!!
I have had the Dyson Animal for several years, when I got mine the sales person told me to take it outside every so often and take it apart and blow it out with the air compressor, my husband does this for me no less then once a month. I got an extra filer off of Amazon so if needed I can wash one and let it air dry and pop my extra in. My Dyson runs like new… so easy and takes no time at all to do.
I have a question about the inside part on step 4. If you turn it over mine gets so dirty inside how do you clean this short of using a baby bottle brush? It has gotten so bad about an 1/8 in build up. I love the Dyson but man this is the only issue that makes mine lag and not such up.
I personally use an air compressor that is fairly high powered and so I blow the air up the inside. I know of other sites that suggest running the entire part under warm water, however, when I contacted Dyson to confirm that, they specifically told me not to get it wet, and that it voids any warranty. If the air pressure doesn’t dislodge the build up, I would personally take it to get it professionally serviced, and then use this tutorial to maintain it every 3-4 months as suggested in the post.
Good luck!
I just purchased my first Dyson DC65 Animal. Appreciate your instructive steps on routine maintenance. What type of high powered compressor would you recommend? I use compressed air in a can to clean electronics but I’m not comfortable using that method on my Dyson. The spray button on the can is too short & makes it difficult to maintain a sustained release of air pressure, and the whole can thing is uncomfortable.
Hi Lois,
The word “air compressor” is a link that takes you to amazon. The linked one is the one I use- so I recommend that brand highly!
For cleaning a dyson vacuum,that’s such a very difficult task and your step by step information is very helpful to cleaning it and i just follow your steps.
Good Tip! You didn’t mention the second filter that is to the left of bottom of the canister. That one also needs to be cleaned to replaced periodically.
If you have the Dyson Ball vacuum, there is indeed a second filter. Thanks for commenting for people to remember that one as well if they have that model!
The method that you show requires an air compressor, which most people do not have, but most people who have a vacuum have running water. I take the entire vertical section of my Dyson apart, 3 little star screws on the purple top section, and put the cyclone parts and handle section in a laundry tub of soapy water,squish around, gray dusty gunk comes out and the rinse under running water and hang up to dry. Same with the hose and vertical reach tube. I found your site while looking for other suggestions on cleaning the Dyson.
Hi Marie,
Thanks for your suggestion. If you do not have an air compressor, I also mentioned that you can easily use a can of compressed air, easily purchased at any store. Per the Dyson website, I do not suggest submerging your vacuum into water, because it *can* void your warrantee. But I know many people that successfully use your technique as well. I just prefer to “play by the rules.”
Thanks for commenting!
I have the DC50 animal Dyson. My vacuum has the worst smell which I compare to a vomit smell, which we have never vacuumed vomit with it. I have had it professionally cleaned at the vacuum shop but the smell is still there. Its very sad because I paid a lot of money for this Dyson, but we just can’t stand smell when we use if. If you have any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it, I’m not afraid to take this machine apart if it helps
Hi Stacey,
Have you tried using baking soda in the canister? Maybe dump a bunch on your carpet and then vacuum it up and let it sit in there for a while? I’d also suggest a vinegar bath, but I would call Dyson and ask them about your warranty before doing that. Maybe even talk to their customer service? I hear they have good CS.
Hope this helps!
I know you said it already, but is is *really important* that everything is very dry if you do this, most especially the washable filter. If water is sucked through to the motor in your Dyson, it can cause the motor to go bang in a spectacular manner.
But nice guide and good photos.
Don’t use baking soda, it will clog your filters and thus hinder the suction you vacuum has. Baking soda does not rinse out and you will need to replace the filters. Just food for thought…been there done it
Do you know why? Most carpet powders (including the one that came with my Dyson Animal) has the main ingredient of baking soda. I can see not using it with any sort of moisture but dry baking soda will clog it?
Interesting. Thanks for commenting.
Thank you Megan, I’m going to try the baking soda today. I’ll let it sit for a couple of days and see if I notice a difference. First going to do all the cleaning steps you show on your post. Keeping my fingers crossed
I was vacuuming and it sound like sand was sucked up and then a bad burning smell started to take over so I shut if off took apart cleaned the filters and the beater brush but it seems like something maybe stopping the brush from rotating. Any ideas?
Everything is perfectly explained the pictures speak for themselves. Thank you.
What air compressor do you have? On my computer, the word “air compressor” does not lead to any link. Thank you!
I use this one: https://www.amazon.com/Campbell-Hausfeld-FP209499-3-Gallon-Compressor/dp/B002O15NRS/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1374700591&sr=8-2&keywords=air+compressor&tag=bomllcdm-20
l clogged both filters in both dyson vacs after cleaning my mattresses with baking soda. I did not have compressed air so l took the vacs outsidr,disassembled,and used my leaf blower. Worked!
Does your brush bar come out ? There should be a little hole on the side of the brush bar that locks and unlock take a knife to turn and pull it out
I have a tip first cut the hair in one place then pull it off and keep going until it’s all gone
on my cyclone v10 absolute the hose lite keeps coming on, how do I clean this, Luv the machine ps I have misplaced my owners manual hope you can help me, it is the lite just above the 3 charging lights