Seems like everyone is starting a side hustle or their own business. And kids aren’t exempt. Those 12 and under are cashing in on the entrepreneurial world, and their cute little faces don’t hurt the business either. But selling lemonade isn’t the only avenue these kid CEOs can take. Check out the business ideas below and who knows, maybe your young entrepreneur will be raking in more cash than you next year!

Why It’s Important to Get Kids Started With A Job
Business ownership for children isn’t always easy, but those that try it tend to develop effective problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. For kids, these are skills that will last them a lifetime, so why not get them started early? Starting a business early for a young entrepreneur also improves their odds of successful business ownership later in life, even if the future business is a little more sophisticated than selling lemonade.
Your young entrepreneur will learn to interact with different people, figure out different situations, understand financials, take calculated risks, and most importantly, learn to be independent and self-sufficient. They get to be their own boss! Not many adults can even say that.
Externally, the young entrepreneur market has a huge impact on innovation, and competition, and boosts the local community. Many kids feel the need to help make a difference too, whether with people or the environment. How many businesses do that?
Read More: 5 Easy Ways to Encourage Positive Attitudes in Kids

How to Figure Out What Type of Job They’d Like
Kids these days… they’re so smart, educated, and well-rounded, they make some of us parents look way behind in the times. And many kids are using their skills to find new businesses as a way to make some cash.
Being younger doesn’t mean they’re at a disadvantage. In fact, many young entrepreneurs are successful because the population is excited to help them succeed. But “Succeed at what?” is the question.
The first step is to figure out what type of business your child would like to start. Ideally, the business should revolve around something the child is passionate about. This will keep them motivated and interested in the long run. We suggest sitting down with your child and brainstorming ideas. Some questions to ask would be “What problem can you solve?”, “What is an under-served demand?”, “What can you make/do for others?”. Starting off with these questions will get your kid CEO on track.
For those that still aren’t sure what business to start, we’ve put together plenty of both product and service-based business ideas for young entrepreneur parents. That should help get the mind juices flowing.
Read More: starting a home business

Products Your Young Entrepreneur Can Sell
- Crafts – What kid doesn’t like crafts?
- Jewelry – Bracelets and necklaces are always a winner. Supplies can be purchased from the local arts and craft shop.
- Custom Clothing Art – This one is unique and pretty cool. Check out the local thrift shop, find a few items, and take them home for some decorating in the form of paint. Cool right?
- Holiday Themed – The holidays are a great time to try their hand at selling a product. Think snowman ornaments or custom snowmen.
- Curated Outfits – For fashionistas, shopping and pairing together outfits is a good way to fuel their passion while making money.
- Lemonade Stand – The original kid business. Sure, lemonade is still cool, but what about popsicles, or hot chocolate on a snow day – the ideas are endless.
Read More: Why You Need to Fail in Business in Order to Succeed

Services Provided by A Young Entrepreneur
- Pet sitting/walking – Neighbors are always happy to pay a local neighbor. This could turn into a regular job.
- Babysitting/“mothers helper” – Sure babysitting is great, but for those who are younger, a “mother’s helper” is someone who watches the child while the mother is home doing other work. It’s a great way to get started in the business.
- Tutoring – Older children may find helping other children learn is a great way to earn some money.
- Lawn/garden – Mowing, raking leaves, and shoveling snow are all great business ideas. Have your child “rent” equipment from you, and soon they’ll have enough to buy their own.
- Social media support – Kids these days know way more about social media. If your kid is older they may find helping another business owner with their social is a great way to make money.
- Car washing – Break out the soap and water!
- Extra hands at events (birthday parties, etc) – Parents always need extra help at these things. Whether it’s blowing up balloons, decorating, cleaning up there’s always something that can be done to make money.
Whether your young entrepreneur is 5 or 15, it’s never a bad time to have them start a business. So break out the pens and get planning!
Check out Daily Mom’s Momtrepreneur 101 – Businesses You Can Run From Home.
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