Baby Gender When Can You Tell? 6 Early Prediction Methods That Reveal Gender of Unborn Baby

Are you having a boy or a girl? It tops the questions you find yourself asking from the moment you learn you are pregnant: Baby gender when can you tell? Learning your baby’s gender now can be done much earlier than an ultrasound with a gender DNA test.

Non-Invasive Prenatal Test

That’s right, an early gender test is now a simple blood test from the pregnant woman. The gender DNA test, also known as a non-invasive prenatal test (NIPT), can determine the gender of a fetus as early as 8 weeks into pregnancy. The NIPT analyzes the fetal DNA present in the mother’s blood sample.

NIPT precisely determines the baby’s gender more than 99 percent of the time. The gender DNA test is recognized as a reliable method by medical professionals and various scientific organizations, including the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the International Society for Prenatal Diagnosis (ISPD).

Compared to an ultrasound, which typically provides gender information around 18-20 weeks of pregnancy, NIPT is significantly earlier and more accurate. Ultrasounds rely on seeing the physical characteristics of the fetus, which may be less reliable than directly examining the genetic material in the blood.

The NIPT test is not required by doctors. But, when you are pregnant and want to find out the gender of your unborn baby, waiting 20 weeks for an accurate ultrasound feels like an eternity. However, there are other methods for learning a baby’s gender before birth.

Early Gender Test: The Genital Tubercle Angle Theory

You wonder: Baby Gender When can you tell? Research suggests that the gender of your baby can be 98.7% accurately determined by an early gender test via ultrasound around 12 weeks utilizing the genital tubercle theory. The genital tubercle is the medical term for the “nub” that forms around Week 4 of gestation that eventually becomes either a penis or clitoris. While this early gender test cannot clearly make out boy or girl parts at 12 weeks gestation, apparently the gender can be determined based on the angle of the nub (the genital tubercle).

Read More: Baby Gender When Can You Tell? Earlier than you think with Genital Tubercle Angle.

To determine gender based on a 12-14-week ultrasound, a profile view of the genital region is needed. A horizontal line can then be drawn along the lower portion of the spine and then another one through the genital tubercle (see below). Based on the angle of intersection between those lines, you can determine: It is a Boy if the angle is greater than 30 degrees. It is a Girl if the lines are parallel or the angle is less than 10 degrees.


The tricky part of this early gender test is getting an ultrasound technician who is either familiar with this method or willing to get you a good shot of your baby’s goods so you can try to figure out the gender yourself using the Genital Tubercle Theory! The genital tubercle theory, also known as the “angle of the dangle” theory, has been around since the late 1960s. It is important to note that the accuracy of the theory is limited. The angle of the genital tubercle can vary from person to person. There actually is considerable overlap between boys and girls.
Method 2: Baby Gender When can you tell?

Ramzi’s Method of Baby Gender Prediction

According to original research conducted by Dr. Saad Ramzi Ismaal involving more than 5,000 ultrasound scans, gender can accurately be determined as early as six weeks gestation based on the position of the placenta. Ramzi found that 97 percent of the male fetuses had a placenta attached to the right side of the uterus while 97.5% of female fetuses were attached to the left side. So, when you go in for your very first ultrasound and you can’t wait to find out the sex of your baby, ask the technician what side of your uterus the placenta is attached.

Baby Gender When Can You Tell? The Skull Theory

Skull theory is another method some use to predict the gender of a fetus based on the shape and characteristics of its skull as seen on early ultrasound images. However, it is important to note that there is limited scientific evidence supporting the accuracy of skull theory for gender prediction. The theory is believed to have originated from the field of anthropometry, which is the study of human body measurements.

READ MORE: Can You Choose Your Baby’s Gender?

It suggests that male and female skulls have different characteristics and can be differentiated by analyzing specific features. According to skull theory, a boy’s skull tends to have a more prominent forehead, a square jawline, and a larger overall shape. And, a girl’s skull is said to have a rounder forehead, a less defined jawline, and a smaller overall shape.

The accuracy of the skull theory is still debated. Skull theory typically is done to predict a baby’s gender at 12-14 weeks gestation, as the fetal skull is more visible and developed at that stage. Do you get a clear profile skull shot with your ultrasound? If anything, it is fun to see if this early gender test was right when your baby arrives.

At-Home Early Gender Test: DNA Testing

At-home gender tests continue to gain popularity among expectant parents. These tests offer a convenient and private way to find out the gender of your unborn baby without having to wait for a doctor’s appointment. An at-home gender test can be taken as early as 9-10 weeks into pregnancy. Companies like SneakPeek, IntelliGender, and Gendermaker are popular choices among parents-to-be. Costs range from about $50 to $80. Some tests are done with blood samples, and others with urine samples. It’s important to follow the instructions provided by the specific test kit to ensure accurate results.

READ MORE: 10 Fun Ways to Reveal Your Baby’s Gender

At-home baby gender prediction tests offer an exciting way for expectant parents to bond with their baby and satisfy their curiosity whether it’s a boy or girl. Although the question remains, baby gender when can you tell? Remember, it’s always recommended to consult a healthcare professional for accurate and reliable information. Always read reviews, check for certifications, and consult with healthcare professionals if you have any concerns about an at-home early gender test.

DIY At-Home Gender Predictor Tests

Don’t knock it until you try it. DIY at-home gender prediction tests have been around for a long time. Here are a few at-home gender predictor tests that you can try to determine your baby’s gender. As far as we can tell, none of these are backed by any legitimate research, but some women swear by them!

The Cabbage Test

The Cabbage Test apparently works because the cabbage reacts to the pH level of your urine. High pH = boy and low pH = girl. Here’s what you do:

  1. Buy a red cabbage (they are actually purple), any size.
  2. Chop up the cabbage into small chunks and put in a pot of boiling water.
  3. Boil the cabbage for 10 minutes then remove it from heat.
  4. Head to the bathroom and pee in a clean cup.
  5. Combine equal parts of your urine with the boiled cabbage water.

If the mixture turns PINK or RED, you are having a boy. If it turns PURPLE, you are having a girl.


The Baking Soda Test

Similar to the Cabbage Test, the Baking Soda Test works by testing the pH (acidity) of your urine. All you have to do is add a tablespoon or so of baking soda to your urine sample. If it fizzes and bubbles a lot, you are having a boy. If there is no reaction, you are having a girl. Definitely easier than boiling a cabbage.

Read More: It Takes a Village: Building a Good Support System for You and Your Kids

The Ring Test

The Ring Test is an old wives’ tale that is always fun to do in social settings! Take one of your rings and tie it to a long piece of string, dental floss, or even a piece of your hair (which some believe makes the test more accurate). Lie on your back and dangle the ring directly over your pregnant belly. You can also have someone hold it for you. Be patient and the ring will eventually start to move. If the ring swings in a circular motion, you are having a girl. If it swings side-to-side in a straight line, you are having a boy. Believe it, or Not!

Baby Gender When Can You Tell? Early gender tests let you bond with your baby as you dream of him or her. But, when can you truly tell whether any of these baby gender prediction methods are accurate, only when you are holding your little boy or girl in your arms. Enjoy the journey of pregnancy. And, for those who really like surprises, feel free to skip all the tests and wait for your baby’s birthday! Most Moms choose to learn the baby’s gender, what will you do?

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Photo Credit: Baby 2 See, Dreams To Do
Sources: Baby 2 See, (“The Relationship Between Placental Location and Fetal Gender” by Dr. Saad Ramzi Ismail)



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