Trying to stay sane when you are at home pretty much all day every day is a feat in itself. Add a couple of kids in the mix, work, quarantine time and you have a potential disaster on your hands without any set schedule. Sure, you may feel like a superwoman somedays, but most days you are just happy that everyone is fed and still alive at the end of the day. Making and sticking to a simple yet effective schedule during quarantine time can help make this time a little easier for you and your family.
Prioritizing Your Week During Quarantine Time
First, there are the things that have to get done every day or week, kids need to eat, laundry needs to be done, dishes have to be cleaned, etc. Then there are the things you want to have happened, but also can happen next week or even next month and it won’t make or break the household, such as cleaning out the refrigerator, going through clothes, or cleaning the toilets. It’s important to make sure when you are setting your schedule you are realistic with yourself and other members of the house during quarantine time. Sure, you may want to clean your floors every week, but making sure laundry is done and kids are fed is the priority.
When you are prioritizing your week, make sure you are realistic in what you can actually accomplish during a normal week, especially during quarantine time. You might be able to be more organized and feel less chaotic during the week once you set a schedule but everyone has the same 24 hours in a day. Start by making a list of everything that needs to happen each day, week, and even monthly items that you can handle during “free time”. Make sure you set time for downtime as well. It may sound simple but without downtime, you will burn yourself and your family out.
Read More: 6 Easy Tips To Prep For A Successful Week Using a Weekly To-Do List
Setting a Schedule During Quarantine Time

An ideal way to set a schedule that is realistic and achievable is to write down what has to happen every day and then a list of what you want to happen every week and fill in the blanks. You will have to learn to be flexible with your time but also structured with what has to get accomplished each day. If you have deadlines you know are coming up, you might need to rearrange the week prior. Maybe you prefer working early before the kids even stir or after bath time is your prime time to bust everything out. No matter what works best for you, with a solid schedule and clear priorities you can make this work, even during quarantine time!
School, work, meal times, nap, and bedtime routines are all essentials every day even during quarantine time, plus keeping a regular schedule with these essentials will help everything else run smoothly. Playtime, downtime, socializing, cleaning, exercise are also necessities and need to be worked in too. You may really care about having your house clean and in tip-top shape every day and care less about getting your daily yoga in. Or maybe if you don’t have a little downtime and your cup of hot coffee in the morning, your day is already off. Either way, as long as you know what is important to you and your day the better it will be for all.
Sample Schedule for Working Moms & School-aged Kids During Quarantine Time
6:00-Wake, coffee, and work or workout for mom
7:00 am-Wake and breakfast for kids
7:30 am-Get ready for the day
8:00 am-School drop off or virtual log on
8:15 am-Start workday
10:00 am-Break for all, if kids are home snack and you take a break from work
10:15-11:30 am-Work and school
12:15-2:00 pm-Work, school, and Nap or downtime for younger kids
2:00-3:00 pm-Pick up kids and downtime for school-age kids
3:00-5:00 pm-Snack and free time for kids
3:00-5:00 pm-Work
5:00 pm-Wrap up work and outline priorities for next day
5:15-6:00 pm-Make dinner
6:00-6:30 pm-Dinner
6:30-7:30 pm-Clean up dinner and free time
7:30 pm-Bedtime routine
Sample Schedule for Working Moms & Non-School-age kids During Quarantine Time
6:00-Wake, coffee, and work or workout for mom
7:00 am-Wake and breakfast for kids
7:30 am-Get ready for the day
8:00 am-Organized activity for kids
8:15 am-Start workday
10:00 am-Break and snack for all
10:15-11:30 am-Work and free time for kids
12:15-2:30 pm-Work or workout and nap or downtime for younger kids
2:30-3:00 pm-Story time or other organized activity for kids
3:00-5:00 pm-Snack and free time for kids
3:00-5:00 pm-Work
5:00 pm-Wrap up work and outline priorities for next day
5:15-6:00 pm-Make dinner
6:00-6:30 pm-Dinner
6:30-7:30 pm-Clean up dinner and bedtime routine
Sample Schedule for Stay-at-Home-Moms & Non-School-aged kids During Quarantine Time
6:00-Wake, coffee, and workout for mom
7:00 am-Wake and breakfast for kids
7:30 am-Get ready for the day
8:00-9:00 am-Free time for kids, clean up from breakfast and chores
9:00 am-Organized activity for kids (painting, storytime, sensory play, etc.)
10:00 am-Break and snack for all
10:30-11:30 am-Free time for kids, prep lunch
12:15-2:30 pm-Nap or quiet time, downtime for mom, and prep dinner
2:30-4:00 pm-Outside activity if weather permits (park, playdate, exploring, etc.)
4:00-5:00 pm-Snack and free time for kids
5:15-6:00 pm-Make dinner
6:00-6:30 pm-Dinner
6:30-7:30 pm-Clean up dinner and bedtime routine
Sample Schedule for Stay at-Home Moms & School-Aged kids During Quarantine Time
6:00-Wake, coffee, and work or workout for mom
7:00 am-Wake and breakfast for kids
7:30 am-Get ready for the day
8:00 am-School drop off or virtual log on
8:00-9:00 am-Free time for younger kids, clean up from breakfast and chores
10:00 am-Break for all
10:15-11:30 am-School, free time for younger kids, prep lunch
12:15-2:00 pm-School, and nap or quiet for younger kids
2:00-3:00 pm-Pick up kids and downtime for school-age kids
3:00-5:00 pm-Snack and free time for kids
5:15-6:00 pm-Make dinner
6:00-6:30 pm-Dinner
6:30-7:30 pm-Clean up dinner and free time
7:30 pm-Bedtime routine
Read More: 15 Simple Activities For Kids To Enjoy During Winter
Expectations vs. Reality, Making Sure That Your Schedule is Realistic For You and Your Household During Quarantine Time

Even the best-planned weeks will not go as expected, between kids, school, work, and life, there always seems to be something that pops up and causes everything to shift a little or a lot. You can set yourself up for success by knowing that going into any week, will inevitably not look like what you expect. Or that you can not logically expect to tackle your entire to-do list all while trying to stay sane in quarantine time. Something has to give most days and weeks, and as long as you know what you must have done every day then you will be ahead of the curve.
There is only one of you to tackle probably at least twice as much stuff as you should be trying to do every day. As this article in Goop, points out, you need to make sure you take care of yourself as well, especially in quarantine time. Everyone has the same amount of time in a day and with work, virtual learning, modified schedules, curtailed social activities pulling you in even more directions than before it is easy to lose track of what has to get done and what you want to do. Each week or even month prioritize only a few bigger items to check off your to-do list, this way is much more doable than trying to tackle ten big things and only doing half of them each month. Right them down and cross them off as you accomplish them, share with family members who can assist you as well.
Read More: House Cleaning Tips And A Weekly Schedule
At the end of the day, literally at the end of the day, you can only do so much and get so much done. Somedays you might feel like Wonder Woman and on other days you will wonder where the day went, as you haven’t even cleaned the breakfast dishes. Either way, tomorrow is always a new day and most of the stuff on your list that didn’t get done can be done then or even next week. It’s un-precedented quarantine time and now is the time to stay sane and keep your family safe, not try to be the perfect social media-ready mom.
Start your week off right, check out 5 Things To Do on a Sunday to Organize For the Week Ahead.
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