No matter where you are in your family planning, learning how to track your ovulation is an experience that can help you manage your health throughout the year. As ovulation is the window during the month when a woman is most fertile, being aware of that time frame can help you to conceive or not conceive, dependent on what your goals and intentions are.
By learning how to track your ovulation can be a critical aspect of family planning. To help you better understand ovulation and your particular cycle, you should know a few critical pieces of information. It starts with understanding your menstrual cycle and the hormones that play a role. Your menstrual cycle is determined by the fluctuation of two hormones: estrogen and progesterone. As your process progresses, the levels of these hormones rise and fall.
Ovulation occurs when the hormone estradiol reaches its peak, prompting the release of an egg. This can vary for each individual but typically happens around day 14 of a 28-day cycle. To monitor your ovulation, you can track your menstrual cycle, body temperature, and other physical signs. By learning how to track your ovulation, you can understand your body better and be more in tune with your fertility.
This can be beneficial during family planning and can help you time sexual intercourse when you are most likely to conceive. Additionally, learning how to track your ovulation can also be helpful if you are looking to avoid pregnancy. Knowing the window when you are most fertile can help you plan ahead and use alternative protection methods during that time. When you learn how to track your ovulation can be a very beneficial and empowering process. With the right tools and knowledge, you can be in control of your fertility and family planning.
How to Track Your Ovulation

Without hormonal birth control, the only way to understand where you are in your cycle is by learning how to track your ovulation. Whether you want to learn how to track your ovulation to not get pregnant or how to track ovulation to get pregnant we have you covered. It is actually quite simple to learn how to track ovulation naturally and you probably already know some of the ovulation indicators throughout your cycle.
So, to understand when you are ovulating and how to track your ovulation, it is important to identify your fertile window. A fertile window is the time frame during which you have a higher chance of pregnancy. This is usually around 5-6 days leading up to ovulation, and this is when the egg is released from the ovaries and moves down the fallopian tube, where it can be fertilized. To identify your fertile window and track your ovulation, you need to be mindful of the following signs:
Pregnancy is most likely during the days leading up to ovulation and the date of ovulation. This is when the body is preparing an egg for release, and each woman’s body handles this time differently. With the average menstrual cycle lasting 28 days, it’s typical for ovulation to occur on or around day 14, but it’s possible for your personal cycle to be anything but typical. To know exactly when you are ovulating, it’s important to understand your menstrual cycle and when the fertile window occurs.
The most reliable way to do this is to use an ovulation tracker or ovulation calculator. It is a device that helps you track and predict your ovulation to increase your chances of conceiving. It can be used with a variety of methods such as temperature tracking, calendar tracking, and urine tests. For example, a temperature tracker uses your body’s temperature to detect when ovulation is occurring. Urine tests also allow you to track your hormones and detect when you are ovulating. Lastly, calendar tracking involves tracking your menstrual cycle and noting down any changes in the pattern.
No matter the method you use, learning how to track your ovulation can help you understand more about your body and fertility. It can also help you form an overall better understanding of your menstrual cycle so that you can make decisions about family planning with more confidence. You have the power to learn how to track your ovulation and learn when you are most likely to get or avoid pregnancy
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Natural Family Planning

Fertility awareness methods of birth control (or FAMs) help prevent pregnancy by abstaining from sex during the most fertile time of the month. Those using a FAM method of birth control may use a condom, diaphragm, or non-intercourse sexual activity on days when ovulation is most likely. The key to learning how to track your ovulation is learning about your body and being in tune with it each month. You and only you know your body the best and with fertility awareness methods you can know exactly how to track your ovulation.
Hormone-based birth control is ineffective for many women, resulting in side effects like acne, mood changes, or other unwanted impacts. If your periods are irregular or you are currently breastfeeding, regular tracking of ovulation can provide a natural and easy way to take control of your fertility. FAM birth control allows women to take control of their fertility without impacting their natural hormone cycles.
For natural family planning to be effective, understanding how to track your ovulation is paramount. With the assistance of technology, ovulation tracking is easy to manage no matter which type of monitoring works best for you. I lot of women prefer to learn how to track ovulation on iPhone as they always have it with them and there are so many apps out there to assist.
READ MORE: When is Ovulation: Modern Fertility Tools for Tracking
Basal Body Temperature

Basal body temperature or BBT is one of the most well-known methods of ovulation tracking. By using an extremely sensitive thermometer, you can monitor when your BBT increases slightly, demonstrating an increase in progesterone that occurs when ovulation begins. BBT is a great way when learning how to track ovulation with irregular periods.
Learning how to track your ovulation tracking requires consistently measuring your temperature at the same time, every day. Changing the time of day could result in inaccurate results. Most women using BBT keep a bedside thermometer and check immediately upon waking before getting out of bed.
Cervical Mucus Method

The Cervical Mucus Method is another one of the more popular methods of tracking ovulation and a great place to start when learning how to track your ovulation. It is also known as the Billings Method, monitoring changes in cervical mucus is one method of identifying ovulation. By observing the changes in your cervical mucus throughout your cycle, you can gain a better understanding of when ovulation will occur. Your cervical mucus changes consistency and quantity throughout your cycle, ranging from dry and sticky to clear and slippery.
When the mucus is clear, slippery, and stretchy, it is a sign that your body is in a prime ovulation state. To monitor your cervical mucus, you can use a clean piece of toilet paper. You should always keep in mind that any contact with your genitals should be with clean hands and should be done in the shower or toilet to prevent any chance of bacterial infection.
It is the job of cervical mucus to help sperm reach the egg during your fertile window. As your body approaches ovulation, your body will increase mucus production that looks clear and slippery. This is often described as similar to a raw egg white, with equal viciousness. These are your most fertile days, and to prevent pregnancy intercourse should be avoided at this time.
Using this method to learn how to track your ovulation, cervical mucus is tracked several times per day by checking the color and texture of the discharge or using clean fingers to check the color and texture of the mucus in your vagina. Charting cervical mucus will help identify patterns and show when ovulation is about to occur. This method is slightly more difficult to track, so safe days for sex (without conception) are more limited. Planned Parenthood has a wonderful online chart for Cervical Mucus Tracking.
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Saliva Ovulation Testing

Using a microscope similar in size to a tube of lipstick, ovulation can be monitored in just a few minutes each day. Saliva ovulation monitoring demonstrates when the body has an increase in sodium chloride, which crystallizes into a fern-like pattern upon drying.
KnowWhen Saliva Ovulation Test Kit has made home monitoring of ovulation through saliva an easy and affordable way to monitor your full cycle each month with the help of their reusable test kit and free monitoring app.
With just a drop of saliva, the test shows when ovulation is about to occur by allowing you to see the fern-like crystallization with their compact microscope. Non-fertile days will show the dried saliva results as specs of sand.
To use the KnowWhen(R) kit, apply a drop of saliva first thing in the morning to the test glass surface and wait for it to dry. For best results, do not eat, drink, smoke, or brush your teeth before testing. Place the lens into the housing and hold it up to your eye to view the image and compare it to the ovulation chart to determine if ovulation is occurring.
After checking, mark the results in the KnowWhen(R) App. The digital chart will help keep track of any patterns that emerge in your cycle.
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LH Monitoring

By far the most expensive option, LH monitoring allows those using FAM birth control to track when luteinizing hormones are present in urine, identifying peak fertility. LH levels peak 24-36 hours prior to ovulation, which is prime time to make a baby if that is your goal, if not, prime time to avoid unprotected sex. By testing your urine you will be able to test your LH levels
This method of ovulation tracking requires the purchase of multiple test strips each month, and may not be cost-effective for pregnancy prevention. Typically, LH monitoring is used in conjunction with those intentionally trying to conceive. Learning how to track your ovulation is not just for avoiding pregnancy it can also help you get pregnant as well. The window to conceive is surprisingly narrow and everything is working against you. By learning how to track your ovulation you will increase your chance to get pregnant each month.
Read More: Getting Pregnant: 2 Simple Visualizations That May Help
Learn Your Body

Everyone is unique, and understanding the specifics of your cycle can have a lasting impact on your well-being outside of birth control methods. Knowing where you are in your cycle can help prepare you for hormonal changes throughout the month or remind you to hit the gym before PMS strikes.
When beginning to track your cycle, start with a trip to the doctor to make sure that you receive professional advice before beginning. You may need additional testing to ensure that you have no hormone imbalances that would make natural methods of birth control more difficult to manage. Learning to track your ovulation might seem overwhelming at first but once you learn the cues your body gives you, it will make it a lot easier. It is not overly complicated how to track your ovulation and for additional information, The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has great resources.
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