Summer is quickly approaching and that leads to the question, “So what are your plans for the summer?” Pinterest is filled with summer planning tools from daily schedules to recommended weekly activities for you to do with the kids. You research family vacations, buy season passes to various parks, and set up play dates and slumber parties. All of this planning can make any mom’s head spin. So, what if we take back summer and unplan our summer vacation?
It’s easy to remember the good old days. When we were kids, we would spend mornings outside playing and lazy afternoons at the pool. We wouldn’t know what we were doing the next day and that was just fine by us. Sure, we would have family vacations some times or head to an amusement park one day. But, my mom wasn’t planning play dates or scavenger hunts every day. After all, summer break is supposed to be about taking a break from the stressors of a regular school year. Why would she want to add more of that into our schedules?
However, the pressures of being “super mom” can get the best of us. We see friends, family, and neighbors having these amazing Instagram-worthy moments with their kids. Sight-seeing, vacations, and extravagant outings every day. What happened to good, old-fashioned “let’s just try to make it through the summer without killing each other?” Here are some ways you can unplan your summer this year:
- Don’t plan anything.
The end.
No, but seriously. Everyone is going to get a little stir crazy being with your kids every single day all day long. Your kids are going to complain about being bored. They are going to ask what they can do. They will want you to drive them some place like “Carnival Mayhem” and spend $75 on fried food. In all seriousness, here are some activities and suggestions to give your kids when they tell you they’re “SO BORED.” They don’t take any planning – no packing, no planning, no scheduling – just pick up and go.
- Pool days
- Water balloon fight
- Movie days (it’s totally acceptable. I watched Lady and the Tramp on repeat, and look at me. I stay at home in yoga pants all day, typing on my computer. WINNING).
- Nature walk (or just a regular walk. No need to make anything special out of it)
- Popsicles outside
- Read
- Play board games
- Play video games (again, totally acceptable for short periods of time. Don’t let scary parenting blogs tell you otherwise)
- Go to the local park
- Color/draw/make a craft
- Send your kids outside and tell them to figure it out
There is something to be said about making your kids figure out how to make themselves happy and having fun. It isn’t always someone else’s responsibility to figure out how to make you enjoy your time or provide something for you to do. Let them use their imaginations to create, play, and be active. Or, sit on the couch and enjoy a movie day once in awhile. Not every summer day has to be fun, exciting, and filled with a routine. Sometimes you can just unplan you summer vacation.
So let loose, pour some iced tea (hard or virgin, I don’t judge), and actually take a break this summer.