Back-to-School Tips with Meg from MilKids Ed

If you don’t know Meg of MilKids Ed or missed this awesome video interview with her best tips for starting back to school, we need to get you up to speed. MilKids Ed is the milspouse-owned business of entrepreneur Meg Flanagan. She uses her teaching skills to help parents navigate the sometimes-confusing world of moving children from school to school.

Here we are wrapping up another summer and transitioning back into school mode, so we asked Meg for the best ways to approach the new year. Read on to find out what we learned.

Meg’s Top Back-to-School Tip

Take each new year as a chance to start fresh, even if you’re in the same school or district. Make it special with something new: planner, backpack, lunchbox, shoes, coffee mug.

The Best Way to Contact a Teacher with Concerns

Be honest and upfront, while also remaining polite and professional. There’s a fine line between blunt or rude and honest. Start by sharing something positive about the school, teacher, or a recent learning experience. Then, explain your concern or question clearly and without emotion. End by expressing your willingness to work together to resolve the question or concern.

Back-To-School Tips With Meg From Milkids Ed

The Best Way to Share with a New Teacher About the Previous School Year

Sharing a letter [from a previous teacher] is a great way to approach this! Giving details, without emotions, helps the new teacher get a clear picture of your child beyond their cumulative file and test scores!

What Meg, as a Teacher, Wishes Parents Knew

I love your child, and I am operating from a place of love with all of my lessons and expectations. The things I share with you come from a place of love. [I’m] looking to help your family support a wonderful human being during this stage of life. However, I am not a miracle worker and progress takes time. Be patient and supportive. Your child will blossom into the person they were meant to be.

What Meg, as a Parent, Wishes Teachers Knew

I don’t know what happens to my child while she is in your care all day. I have so many apprehensions and concerns, but I also don’t want to seem like a helicopter mom or question your professional judgment. That’s a fine line to walk when one of the most precious souls in my life is in your capable hands.

Recommendations on Adding Learning to Travel

  • History — With little ones, research locations beforehand and share tidbits as you explore. For older kids, read the info markers or guides together, putting things into kid-friendly terms.
  • Reading — Read a book about the location or culture you are traveling to.
  • The Arts — Listen to music, check out fabrics, go to a museum, buy a piece of art, look at the architecture.
  • Math — Count everything. Talk about converting money between currencies. Give your child a budget to spend on souvenirs. Talk about the distance between places.
  • Religion — Openly discuss the differences between your belief system and those of your destination. Go to a local temple or place or worship to look around. Dip into religious myths or stories or practices. Find out about the common courtesies that are prescribed by a religion (removing shoes in Asian places of worship, directing your feet away from Buddha, etc.).

Meg’s Advice for Approaching Teachers About Taking Time Off From School (Travel, Deployment Leave, Etc.)

Travel is good for the soul, and experience is the best teacher! Take the trip or the time. Let your child’s teacher and school know in advance, and work together to find ways to put an educational spin on your adventures.

Back To School Tips With Meg From Milkids Ed

Putting Your Best Foot Forward This School Year

Start your relationship on a positive note. Be upfront about your family and child — what they need in the classroom, where you’re coming from geographically, and other concerns for the school year. Share your positive thoughts. Offer to help as needed and within your reasonable ability. Smile.

A Few Fun Facts About Meg

If she had to pick a favorite book, she would go with a classic like Little Women by Louisa May Alcott or Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery, and her favorite movie is A League of Their Own.

Back To School With Meg From Milkids Ed

From a teacher who has taught in a classroom, here is Meg’s list of recommended school supplies to start your kiddos off on the right foot:

Want some ideas for incorporating school into your next trip? Check out From Mainstream Classroom to Worldschooling.
Back To School Tips With Meg From Milkids Ed

Photo Credits: Unsplash



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