4 Wallpaper Options that Aren’t Wallpaper for Base Housing

Nothing is constant in a military family’s life. They will have a new neighborhood, a new dentist, and new friends every couple of years. To combat all of this change and uncertainty, a family should establish a place where they can truly feel at home. We often use paint to give our spaces a personal feel, but the unique challenge of how to decorate base housing can be daunting

When it is time to move again, anything that was altered inside the home must be returned to its original formOtherwise, you could face major fees. Therefore, painting carries the built-in burden of having to repaint the walls at move-out, which is a stressful enough time without that addition. Thankfully, there are many alternative ways to decorate base housing walls to give home a warm personal touch. Here are four of our favorite temporary ways to bring life and color the walls of your base housing:

Decorate Base Housing Tip #1:

Temporary Peel-and-Stick Wallpaper

This wallpaper is as amazing as it sounds. This all-in-one wall solution can transform a room in minutes. The thick, heavy-duty material has a repositionable adhesive backing, so you don’t have to stress about placing it perfectly the first time. It comes in rolls that are applied in vertical strips. This washable wall covering can be purchased from Amazon and other large retailers. From the experience of online reviewers, it seems like this option works best on smooth walls. For those stuck with textured walls, don’t worry, the rest of these methods should work well for you!

4 Wallpaper Options That Aren’T Wallpaper For Base Housing

Decorate Base Housing Tip #2:

Contact Paper

Contact paper is much like the peel-and-stick wallpaper, but is generally thinner and lighter. This means that it has an enhanced ability to stick to a textured surface since it can get into crevices where thicker material cannot. It also means that the texture of a wall can easily be seen through this type of paper. It is especially noticeable if the contact paper has any metallic details. For those still feeling hesitant to make these dramatic changes to your wall for fear of a big investment, this decor strategy is a great place to start. You can find it at the Dollar Tree, which means that an adorable quatrefoil print kitchen backsplash could be yours for only $3 or $4!

4 Wallpaper Options That Aren’T Wallpaper For Base Housing

Decorate Base Housing Tip #3:

Starched Fabric as Wallpaper

Did you know that you can attach fabric to walls using only liquid starch? And that it will stay there for years and years? It’s true! Military spouses have been using this sneaky trick for quite some time to decorate base housing.

Most types of fabric work well for the job, but stay clear of anything stretchy. The stretchier the material the harder it is to lay evenly. The colors, prints, and textures are otherwise up to you, and the selection at your local Hobby Lobby or Joann’s is nearly limitless. Bloggers and DIY decorators gush over how easy and approachable this project is. Purchase enough fabric to allow for some shrinking as the liquid starch will completely soak it in the process.

4 Wallpaper Options That Aren’T Wallpaper For Base Housing

Decorate Base Housing Tip #4:

Grown-Up Wall Decals

Stick-on wall decals have been around for quite a while. Colorful character stickers adorn the walls of the pediatrician’s office. More recently, gorgeous, modern adhesives are gaining popularity. Golden circle decals can be used to create a graduated ombre effect when emanating from a corner in the room. Large palm frond decals give the walls a tropical elevation. Almost any decal you can imagine, you can find on Amazon or Etsy.

4 Wallpaper Options That Aren’T Wallpaper For Base Housing

These effective, yet truly temporary, wall decor techniques will bring a greater sense of ownership and joy to a home. That should help to make it feel like a place you really want to be. Even if it’s only for three years.

Looking for something to listen to while you’re making over your white walls? Check out our list of Podcasts for Moms.
4 Wallpaper Options That Aren’T Wallpaper For Base Housing

Photo Credits: Thomas Litagen | Marisa McDonald Photography | Dan Gold | Anna Sullivan
Resources: The Homes I Have Made



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Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Militaryhttps://dailymom.com/category/for-military-life/
Daily Mom Military is a resource dedicated to serving the unique needs of military moms. Through our website, we provide comprehensive advice for all things concerning military lives and families. Our mission is to equip these incredible women with the necessary tools, resources, and community to navigate the challenges of military life. We understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a military mom and strive to be a one-stop-shop for advice, tips, and support.

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