What You’ve Always Wanted to Know About Home Waxing

Home waxing is a wonderful way to set aside some ‘me’ time to relax and focus on a personal beauty routine. Less intrusive than stripping down to your skivvies in front of a stranger, home waxing provides convenience and all the benefits of waxing, without the cost of going to a salon.

In this post we’ll outline the basic questions about home waxing and help you decide if home waxing is something you want to try for yourself.


Does it hurt?

What You'Ve Always Wanted To Know About Home Waxing 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Waxing feels a bit like ripping away a bandaid. It’s going to hurt, but it’s not nearly as painful as you may think it might be. Over time as your body acclimates to the waxing experience you won’t even notice the pain.

As you apply the wax you should be able to feel the heat of the hot wax (if you use the kind you microwave) but it shouldn’t burn or sting. If you feel a burn, the wax is too hot. Allow it to cool some before continuing. If you use a wax strip that does not require heating, you will not feel any heat at all.

Pulling the wax away from the skin WILL HURT. It’s wax after all, but as noted before, this is something you will acclimate to over time.

What areas should I wax?

Any body part that can be waxed in a salon can be waxed at home – you may just need another set of hands to help. For home waxing alone, some of the easiest areas to wax are:

  • Legs
  • Eyebrows
  • Upper lip
  • Bikini

If you have a willing helper or are very flexible, you can probably do your underarms. A full Brazilian wax would be very challenging to accomplish on your own, but you could take care of ‘most’ of the below the belt area yourself. If you want to do your back area, you will definitely need help. 

What You'Ve Always Wanted To Know About Home Waxing 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

How to use a home wax kit 

When using a home waxing kit, use the following steps to ensure an effective waxing experience.

  1. Prior to starting to wax, exfoliate the area you wish to cover. This will prevent ingrown hairs later. 
  2. Test the temperature of the wax against the inside of your forearm. Like a baby’s bottle, it should be warm, but not hot.
  3. Apply the wax directly to your skin. Cover an area approximately the size of the epilation strip you plan to use. This will vary dependent on the body area you will be waxing. Legs are usually done in 2″ x 5″ blocks. Facial hair will be much smaller. Expect to cover an area 1/2″ x 2″ wide.
  4. If using a kit with epilation strips, cover the wax fully with the cloth strip. If using a hard wax, allow it to dry fully.
  5. Once the wax has cooled and is no longer warm to the touch, you can remove the strip. Hold the skin taut and pull in the opposite direction of hair growth.
  6. Repeat until the area you wish to wax is complete. DO NOT REWAX AN AREA IF THERE IS STILL HAIR. Your skin is very sensitive after waxing, and repeating an area right away may leave irritation and broken blood vessels.
  7. Remove any excess wax by wiping the area with a piece of paper towel dipped in oil. Baby oil is best for the skin but you can also use olive oil, avocado, canola or whatever you have on hand. If you spilled any wax on the floor, oil will also help with the cleaning process. 
  8. Avoid the sun (or a tanning bed) for at least 48 hours after waxing to prevent a bad sunburn.

Should I test waxing before doing a full area?

Yes! Everyone’s body is different and you may find that you are allergic to a type of wax or scent. Before proceeding with any product do a small test area to see if your body and skin is okay with the product. Wait 24 hours and if you are fine, continue with the rest of the area. No one wants a rash on their eyebrow area.

Reactions are rare, but they can happen. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

How long does the hair need to be?

Allow the hair in the area you wish to wax to be at least ¼ inch long before proceeding. This provides enough of an area for the wax to grab onto and to get the full follicle. This is why waxing lasts much longer than shaving! Shaving removes just the hair above the skin, waxing pulls it out at the root.  

What product should I use?

BodyHonee Home Waxing kits offer a ton of options for your next waxing experience.

If you typically shave the area you intend to wax, the BodyHonee Spa Wax kit is a great solution to try. This product is all natural, looks like honey, and heats up in the microwave in just 20 seconds. The full kit includes a jar of hair removal wax (with avocado oil that is GREAT for your skin), cleansing cloths for removing excess wax, epilation strips for hair removal and wooden application spatulas.

What You'Ve Always Wanted To Know About Home Waxing 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

For sensitive areas, the BodyHonee Hard Wax Kit will help with even the toughest to remove hair. Hard wax is heated, applied and pulled directly off without the need of any epilation strips.

Now you know, waxing at home is just that easy! By swapping your personal care routine from the spa (or the blade) to a home waxing solution you can save hundreds of dollars and hours of time. Sound off in the comments with what other spa services you’d like some at home tips for!

Photo Credits: RockyMtnBliss

What You'Ve Always Wanted To Know About Home Waxing 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families



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