All parents of boys want them to grow up to be good men. In today’s ever-changing world, it’s easy to think that goal is harder and...

10 Tips to Designing small organized playrooms

Playrooms. They are the epitome of a double-edged sword; A must have if you have any hopes for a (somewhat) toy-free living area, but...

5 Tips for Finding a Home at Your New Duty Station

This is a guest post from MilitarybyOwner Any fan of HGTV or other home shopping shows will tell you that finding a new home is...

7 Effective Toddler Discipline Strategies To Try Now

Communication is an effective part of any relationship and that is exactly what a toddler is trying to do when they throw objects, scream...

Repeat C-Section Prep: 10 Tips For Success

Whether your first cesarean section was emergency or planned due to special reasons, you will most likely decide with your doctor early on whether...

The Ultimate Family-Friendly Camping Gear

With 13,000 public campgrounds in the US and Canada (and that doesn’t even count private ones or go-pitch-a-tent-in-an-abandoned-field ones), we have good reason to...

Finland Will Become the First Country in the World to Get...

This article originally appeared on Truth Theory. A revolution is coming for schools in Finland in the form of a destruction of all formal school subjects. The...

10 Profitable Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree

Growing up you were likely told that you have to graduate high school, go to college, get married, and then settle down to have...

5 Easy Potty Training Tips For Success

Are you ready for the days of no diapers and wipes and ready to conquer the transition to the toilet with your little one?...

8 things to do before your baby heads off to college

The summer before college is an amazing and beautiful time. While you may be working to cope through that your baby is officially (unless...

Embracing the Future: Modern Parenting in the Age of Technology

Imagine a world where technology seamlessly integrates with the beautiful chaos of parenting. In this digital era, technological advancements are transforming the way we...

Learn How to Swaddle a Baby: Avoid 10 Common Mistakes

How to swaddle a baby properly can be a beautiful art form, while providing comfort for your little one. As many parents experienced, this...

15 Fun Road Trip Games to Keep You and the Kids...

You're packing up the car and you know the drive ahead is going to be a long one. While most people may groan about...
military family

8 Tips When Taking on Deployment After a New Baby

Military families are constantly dealing with change. Often, things come up at less-than-ideal moments in our lives. As you know, this makes it pretty...

10 Creative Kids Birthday Party Ideas

We all know that planning a birthday party can be a lot of work and not only that – it can be very expensive!...

Raising Resilient Children: Why It’s Important and 3 Key Tips

Children are especially resilient. They are adaptable and flexible. They are also remarkably strong and have the ability to come back from the most...

What to Do if Your Military Family is Quarantined during PCS

Update March 12, 2020: As of March 11, 2020, President Trump made a sweeping ban of travel restrictions from Europe into the United States...

7 Tips for Setting Boundaries with Grandparents

  You’ve just welcomed your first child and during all of the excitement of becoming a new parent, you’ve failed to recognize that life has...

10 Parenting Lessons To Learn from The Walking Dead

Raise your hand if you love The Walking Dead! We are big fans here at Daily Mom. We’ve been watching for years. For many...

25 of the Coolest Advent Calendars for Kids

What better way to count down to the best day of the year than with Advent calendars for kids, filled with prizes for each...

Surviving the 2018 Japan Floods: The Conclusion

We made it across the bridge and kept going until I saw a sign for Route 2. This, when we weren’t in a hurry...

Overcoming Math Anxiety So Your Kids Don’t Catch It

Throughout most of the school year, we worry about passing along the flu, stomach bugs, and other yucky conditions to our children (and vice...

Parenting Styles: Parenting a Child of Another Race

Parenting a child of color in a white household takes different parenting styles than parenting a child of the same race as yourself. As...

Benefits of Infant Probiotics: Everything You Need to Know

The benefits of infant probiotics range in health advantages from strengthening immune systems to alleviating issues like colic and constipation. Newborn probiotics play a...

A New Kind of Prenatal Vitamin

No matter your age, doctors recommend a good multivitamin to ensure that you are taking in all the nutrients you need to be healthy....

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Deployment Baby

You've overcome the most difficult step of having a baby (getting pregnant), and you're ready to welcome that sweet bundle of joy into your...

10 Award Winning Toys For 4-Year-Old Girls

Having trouble finding the perfect toy for a 4-year-old girl? Look no further, our list of award winning toys for 4-year-old girls is just...

Remaking The Greatest of Your Grandma’s Family Recipes

There is something nostalgic and comforting about grandma’s cooking and old family recipes that have been passed down for generations.  Whether it be her...

Changes to Come for PCS Moves as Summer 2018 Ignites Fury...

Summer Permanent Change of Station (PCS) moves are the things that keep families awake at night, wondering not only if their household goods will...

20 Trendy Gender Neutral Names

It’s so secret that gender neutral names are rising in popularity. Parents are no longer staying within the traditional “lanes” of boys or girls...

Early Literacy and the importance of Reading to Young Children

“The more you read, the more things you will know. The more you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss A child’s education...

Easy Prayers For Children To Learn

What could be more challenging for a parent than trying to teach the concept of God to a small child? How about finding easy...


Let’s face it, Grandparents are just hard to shop for. They are usually the one person on the list that you just are not...

The Top 7 Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in Singing Lessons-...

“If I cannot fly, let me sing.” – Stephen Sondheim When you think about children’s singing lessons, you generally believe that the children who take...


Almost half of the households in the United States have a dog. Adding a new baby into the family can change the dynamics and...

To Nanny or Manny? That Is The Question

  If you ever thought about hiring a nanny… think again. There are “Manny’s” out there too! Meet Florence Ann Romano, author of Nanny and Me,...