5 Signs your child might be an introvert

photo credit: Little Miss Eclectic Photography Do you struggle with a shy child? Are you dealing with tantrums or other behavioral issues? Your child might not be...

The Incredible Benefits of Playing Video Games

Rather than seeing stories about the benefits of playing video games, if you spend any time watching the news or you search online for...

New Age Parenting Books to Inspire You

There are so many parenting books out there that it's hard to know which ones are worth spending your valuable time to read. We've...

Parenting by Design: Using Human Design Parenting Types, Spiritual Practices, and...

Human Design Parenting and Spirituality In today's fast-paced world, where schedules are packed and distractions are many, many parents are turning to spirituality in their journey...

8 Fun Indoor Activities for Rainy Summer Days

Summer is in full swing, and with it comes sunny days filled with outdoor fun. It's warm, it's bright, and most of all, it's...

Indivisible — A Military Marriage Built on Faith

Remember back to the first military movie you watched. Maybe it was as a new military spouse; perhaps it was as a kid. Either...

The Importance of Pretend Play

In this day of technology where young children are continually spending more and more hours each week in front of the TV, smart phone,...

Suspension of RECP is Happening for Army, Air Force; Navy Follows...

Update as of March 6, 2020: At approximately 1930 EST yesterday, the Department of the Navy confirmed that they will be suspending RECP at...


Ladies, are you wondering why your man has developed a scratchy face or a silly mustahce? Men, are you looking for a good reason...

5 Family Friendly Fall Break Ideas on the East Coast

Fall is a beautiful time to be living on the East Coast. When the weather turns cooler, the leaves begin to change color and...

Tips for Nurturing a Road Ready Teenager

When your child hits the age of 16, driving a car becomes a social requirement. Then again, it's still your task as a parent...

Keeping The Romance Alive After Kids

Once you become a parent, your primary focus shifts from your spouse or significant other to your children. Gone are the days of spontaneous,...

Flying While Pregnant: 4 Things You Have to Know

It’s not a secret that flying tends to be draining. Flying tends to dry one’s skin and make the body feel a little out...

Keeping the School Rhythm through the Holidays

In our house, winter break is something we look forward to. It’s a time without crazy schedules filled with family, fun, and relaxation. Pushing pause...

Benefits of Infant Probiotics: Everything You Need to Know

The benefits of infant probiotics range in health advantages from strengthening immune systems to alleviating issues like colic and constipation. Newborn probiotics play a...

A Complete Guide to Lactation Supplements and Galactagogues

New (and new again) nursing moms are often concerned about their breastmilk supply. Lactation supplements and lactation herbs like galactagogues can help increase a...


Your baby is naturally most comfortable in your arms. In fact, they may be so comfortable, that you find that the only way you can...

Electronic-free Ideas to Keep Kids Busy at a Restaurant

  For adults, restaurants are fun. The ambiance. The food. The conversation. Not having to cook. The drinks. It’s relaxing and enjoyable. For kids though,...

Educating Your Child About School Violence

  When considering the discussion you should have with your child(ren) regarding school violence, it seems like a daunting and unpleasant task. How do you...

Podcasts for Moms

Podcasts are a fun way to absorb useful information, be inspired, or simply be entertained. But finding the right podcast can be intimidating. With...

10 Tips: Bath Time Fun for Everyone

Bath time is an essential part of any child’s routine. While some kids just love splashing away, others are more hesitant. And of course,...

Finding The Best Learning Environment For Your Child

  You could be the most organized mom on the planet, but when it comes to your kids, you're always going to feel like a...

Picking the Right Cabernet Sauvignon For You

Indulging in a bit of wine now and again can be a lot of fun. Not only can this delicious drink warm your spirits...

5 Essential Tips for Preparing For a Baby: Your Ultimate Guide!

Welcome to the incredible journey of parenthood! As you eagerly anticipate the arrival of your little one, it's natural to feel a mix of...

Life Changing Hot Chocolate

Thick, rich, and delicious. Cioccolata Calda, also known as Italian hot chocolate, is hot chocolate like no other. Unlike the traditional American hot chocolate,...

Families Love Camp Lincoln and Camp Lake Hubert in Minnesota

Nestled into the woods of Northern Minnesota lies a dreamy and pristine resort. Grand View Lodge was established in 1916 and has become one...

10 Books to Prepare Your Child for a Sibling

You’re expecting another child and, understandably, you’re concerned with how your older child will adjust to the new baby. It’s never too early to...

Packing for an OCONUS Move: Tips and Lists

There's a commercial that plays daily on the American Forces Network (AFN, as the hip folks call it) that dramatizes what not to do...

Homeschool Resources: 17 Must-Haves For Your Shopping List

Back-to-school shopping is a fun and exciting time for everyone! Whether your children are attending public or private schools, they all have things they'll...

15 New Shoes for Back to School & Work the Family...

Shoes for back to school are always a necessity. Whether you are in search of the perfect pair of athletic shoes, soft soles for...

2nd Baby Gifts Every Mom Will Love

Whether you are pregnant with your first or pregnant with your tenth, babies are a blessing. However, we’ve found that after your first child,...

Please Stop Stereotyping My Sons

From the minute my oldest son was born, the threats began…veiled and in a joking manner mind you, but offensive nonetheless. Friends of ours,...

Hands-Only CPR

  CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation which is a lifesaving emergency procedure that involves the repeated compression of a personÂ’s chest who is suffering from...

Yes, Military Spouse Appreciation Day is Real. This is Why.

This post is sponsored by T-Mobile. Military Spouse Appreciation day is today, Friday, May 10th. Many new military spouses might raise a brow to hear...

5 Tips for Finding a Home at Your New Duty Station

This is a guest post from MilitarybyOwner Any fan of HGTV or other home shopping shows will tell you that finding a new home is...