5 Signs your child might be an introvert

5 Signs Your Child Might Be An Introvert 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

photo credit: Little Miss Eclectic Photography

Do you struggle with a shy child? Are you dealing with tantrums or other behavioral issues? Your child might not be shy, they might be an introvert. Read below to learn if your child might be a introvert and some things you can do to make this burden more like a blessing!


iving in a society that places such a high value on being extroverted can make the life of an introvert tough. And while this view can place a high strain on adults who are introverted, it can be especially difficult on our young children. People expect all kids to be outgoing, to love big parties and loud activities, but this line of thinking is not necessarily true for the introvert. The world today not only rewards extroverts by placing them in popular social groups, but idolizes them in terms of actors, musicians and other high profile careers. Realizing such an important personality trait early in your child’s life can save you much grief throughout their tender growing years, and can help give your child a sense of security in their own skin.

5 Signs Your Child Might Be An Introvert 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

photo credit: Little Miss Eclectic Photography

1. Does your child avoid eye contact with others, especially people who live outside the home? Kids who are introverted can feel embarrassed by making eye contact with others and frequently avoid it. They might seem to be ignoring new people, while they are really just trying to protect themselves from feeling intimidated.

2. Do you find that your child talks more to herself than others? You may find your child having lengthy conversations with herself or her stuffed animals quietly in her room. Having the privacy to express her feelings without fear of judgement is important to an introverted child.

3. Does your child throw tantrums after spending a long day running errands, going to a party, or doing anything that is outside of your usual routine? Introverted children NEED alone time so that they can properly process their feelings and emotions. When they have had a heavily scheduled day or one with a lot of interactions, they don’t have time to think about their new experiences and really take in how they feel.

4. Do you find that your child prefers to play alone? Introverted children often choose solitude, especially in new and unfamiliar situations like play groups or trips to the park.

5. Is your child reluctant to try new things? Trying new foods, activities, or going new places and meeting new people can be difficult for an introvert.


arenting an introverted child can be a challenge. This is especially true if you are outgoing and can’t completely understand what your child is going through. Patience and understanding is the key to raising all children and this is true for the introverted child even more so. Appreciate your child for who they are and nurture them as they develop their own tastes and preferences.

If you feel like your child may be an introvert, we recommend watching Susan Cain’s Ted Talk “The Power of Introverts” and check out her book, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking.
Browse the NURTURE category for more tips on nurturing your children.



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Sara Taylor
Sara Taylor
Sara is a work-from-home mom with a photography business and a passion for capturing real life. She spends her time chauffeuring, teaching, encouraging and cherishing her three elementary aged children. Aside from her family and photography, Sara loves knitting, baking, and Instagram. You can find her on Facebook .

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