30 Mother Daughter Activities That You’ll Love

Being home for the family is important, but sometimes it is nice to have some quality alone time with your daughter. There are many...

18 Toddler Books Your Preschoolers Will Love

Finding toddler books that will keep your little one's attention throughout the story enhances their imagination and love for learning. Reading bedtime books is...

Wonderful Benefits of Baby Sign Language: First 8 Signs to Teach...

Why teach your baby sign language?  Babies can understand verbal communication before they develop the skills required to verbally communicate. But they can learn...

Acid Reflux In Infants – 4 Safe Ways to Handle

Is your child constantly irritable and continuously spitting up? Do they shriek from pain when they are laying flat on their backs? These may...

Learn How to Swaddle a Baby: Avoid 10 Common Mistakes

How to swaddle a baby properly can be a beautiful art form, while providing comfort for your little one. As many parents experienced, this...

Journal Prompts for Kids Stuck at Home

The world has suddenly been turned upside down by COVID-19, or the coronavirus. Many of us are working from home and most of us...

What Your Kids Should Be Wearing: Under Where? Underwear!

This summer, our kids enjoyed endless days of swimsuits and naked booties. Unfortunately, those days are over. The summer heat will soon be a distant...

10 Activities to Grow Your Mother Son Relationship

The mother-son relationship is different from anything else. It should not be surprising that boys have a special bond with their moms. Moms are...

4 Reasons to Let Your Kids Choose Their Own Hairstyle

Part of being a kid is having someone else make most of your decisions for you. It’s tough. It is certainly frustrating, especially as...

Coping with a Parent’s Illness

There is nothing more real about adulting than when your parent gets sick. As teens and twenty-somethings we not only believe ourselves to be...

DIY Mom Survival Kit

Nothing is worse than when you are running errands with your kids and disaster strikes. The baby has a diaper blowout and you don't...

Your Child’s Friend’s Parents: Your Guide to Navigating These Tricky Waters

Hearing that your child has made a new friend is always exciting news. That is, of course, until you realize that there is a...


Wedding season is upon us. Many young women are proudly showing off their beautiful engagement rings and beginning their wedding preparations. It is a...

When Do Kids Need to Start Using Deodorant?

It is the question on many parents minds: when do I need to start worrying about deodorant for kids? No parent wants their kid...

Do’s and Don’ts When Camping with a Toddler

Camping with a toddler can be both fun and challenging. It’s an experience all children should have at some point. Sleeping in the wilderness...

7 of The Best Ted Talks for Kids

Every parent wants the very best for their children.  As children navigate their way through school and friendship, it is inevitable that they will...

Play to Increase Your Child’s Upper Body Strength and Why It...

  From the moment our babies leave the womb we start documenting their milestones. The first smile, the first belly laugh, and the first time...

Fun And Safe Game Websites for Kids

With nearly five billion pages on the internet, searching for fun and safe game websites for kids might seem like searching for a needle...

7 Tips for Overcoming Mom Guilt with your Second Child

Having one child is easy. All the attention can be put on them without any interference. But that is up until the mother finds...

The 10 Best (and Worst) Children’s TV Shows

Many parents rely on children’s TV shows for their sanity (hello, witching hour!). But did you know that certain children's TV shows are actually...

Oh No, Mom is Sick! 10 Ideas for Helping the Whole...

Part of parenting is taking care of a sick child and this is normally no big deal- but what about when MOM gets sick?...

Bring Your Van to the Next Level with These Minivan Organization...

This post is sponsored by Lloyd Mats. You fought it for so long, but here you are- you own a minivan. It might not be...

Letting go of toxic siblings

You can choose your friends - but you can't choose your family. With all the shared life experiences and upbringing, siblings have the potential...


As parents, it is your job to raise your children to be independent, thoughtful, intelligent adults. You are given the gift of these beautiful,...

15 Fun & Free Out of the House Activities With Kids

There's nothing quite like spending too much time cooped up inside the house with your children to push all of you to the edge...

Ear Piercing Guide for Tiny Ears

  There’s nothing cuter than tiny baby ears all dressed up. If you have made the decision to get your daughter’s ears pierced as a...

33 New Year’s Jokes to Tickle Your Kids’ Funny Bone

Ring in 2022 with laughter as you celebrate with sparkling cider and New Year’s jokes with your family. Humor teaches children to be in...

The Juvenile Baker Act In Florida: Navigating Tricky Waters

Individuals with mental illnesses can voluntarily seek help through the Baker Act in Florida if they are suffering from their mental illness and feel...

11 YouTube Alternatives for Kids

There is a hot topic going around social media about child safety issues with YouTube content. The recent uptick in shares from about a...

What to Do if Your Child Has Pinworms

Warning: The subject of this post will make you feel creepy-crawly all over. It will also generate an intense urge to immediately scrub yourself...

One & Done: Busting Myths about Only Children

Some couples immediately know they want, say, three kids, while other couples know they are done after having just one. Having an only child...

Formula Feeding Basics

Making formula for your baby seems easy, right? Mix a little powder with some water, shake and pop the bottle into the baby's mouth....


One evening at the dinner table your child will inevitably ask where food comes from. The mashed potatoes and green beans are easy to...

10 Books to Prepare Your Child for a Sibling

You’re expecting another child and, understandably, you’re concerned with how your older child will adjust to the new baby. It’s never too early to...

Scheduling Tasks: Unlocking Flexibility and Fun in Your Household With 5...

Scheduling tasks for your family can feel like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can create a system that works for everyone in your household. Assigning chores, creating menus, maintaining a family calendar, and doing other things to bring order to your daily lives can make everyone feel happier. Read on to learn how you can start scheduling tasks and becoming a more organized parent.