Oh No, Mom is Sick! 10 Ideas for Helping the Whole Family Survive

Part of parenting is taking care of a sick child and this is normally no big deal- but what about when MOM gets sick? Moms can’t get sick, right? But occasionally they do and when it happens the whole house can shut down. Moms do a lot everyday: cooking, cleaning, playing, and when she gets sick, no one seems to know what to do- it’s amazing how that happens, right? Good moms have a plan for everything, so we’re here to help you make a plan for how to help the family survive you’re sick day.

Oh No! Mom Is Sick

It can be hard for moms to realize that they need to rest and to make time for themselves when they are under the weather, but it’s imperative. How can you expect to get better if you are not resting? What do moms say to their kids when they are not feeling well? “Lay down and rest!” We need to take that advice. The most important thing to remember is that it’s OKAY that you aren’t being the most active and involved mama during this time. Everyone gets sick eventually, even moms, and it’s okay! It’s okay to rest. It’s okay if the laundry sits there. It’s okay if the floor is dirty. Relax. Get better. The world will go on. The underlying theme of all of these ideas is that YOU are resting!

Activities when Mom is Sick

1. Call in the reinforcements.

Moms NEVER want to ask for help, we feel like we can do it all, but remember what we tell our kids? REST! Call some friends, family or neighbors and ask if your kids can come over for a few hours. Explain how you are feeling and almost all moms will run to help. If you get this precious break, TAKE IT! Lay down and rest, try and take a nap. The laundry can wait, we promise! When you are feeling better repay the favor by taking your friend’s kids to the park or playground. It’s a win-win.

2. Rent or order on demand some new movies.

Declare a slumber party day! Everyone can stay in their pjs. Move the coffee table out of the way and make a huge bed on the floor and watch some new movies or old favorites. Don’t feel bad about your kids watching too much TV- desperate times call for desperate measures. If your kids are content laying down and watching Frozen four times in a row, watch it with them! You may even get to close your eyes for a few minutes and even if you don’t, you will be laying and resting; which is THE best thing for you.

3. Order delivery.

Pull out those pizza coupons and call for delivery. Eat it for lunch and more for dinner if you have to. The kids will be thrilled and you won’t have to any dishes. Make up for it by eating nothing but greens for a few days when you are better. Life will balance back when you are well again.


4. Forgo the video game time limits.

Let them play for as long as you need! Tablets, wii, xbox– whatever you’ve got. We promise the American Academy of Pediatrics won’t be knocking on your door. You’re kids will think you’re the best mom ever and you can get some much needed one on one time with the couch. If you are feeling well enough, play with them- race them on Mario Kart for a few laps; they will love it. The most important part is that you are resting.

Product Recommendation

Are you less than thrilled at the thought of handing over an expensive piece of electronics to your toddler? Check out the Leappad Ultra. There are a variety of fun toddler appropriate, educational apps that can be easily downloaded, and is sure to keep their little hands (and minds!) happy for some time.

Michelle Fort Edit

5. Has the electronic entertainment lost its excitement? Build a fort!

Pull over some chairs, cushions and blankets and build an amazing fort for the kids to play in. Close the curtains and give them some flashlights. Let them use their imagination and create a game to play. Maybe they are knights fighting off a huge dragon or pirates protecting their treasure- no matter what their adventure, be sure you lay and rest. Try and read a magazine or a chapter from a book you’ve been wanting to read.


6. Have some art time.

Pull out the crayons, markers, paper and coloring books. Color with them and chat about whatever they are interested in. Have a drawing contest or just stay within the lines- whatever works for your kiddies. If they are really into it- have them prepare an art show for you! Have each child create a “unique” piece to share.

Product Recommendation

We love these Natural Beeswax Crayons that are perfect for all ages and skill levels, paired with this fun Jumbo Coloring Pad from Melissa and Doug.

7. Create a Broadway Show

Pull out the dress up clothes and encourage your kids put on a play for you. Depending on how old your kids are, have them work together to create a story on their own or help them with some ideas. Let them make it as elaborate or simple as they want. They can recreate some classics like The Three Little Pigs or invent their own story! Making sock puppets is a fun idea too.

Product Recommendation

Dress up isn’t only for girls! We love this Doctor Costume, because you can involve your child in taking care of Mommy as well. Have them fetch you fresh water, and take your temperature; they are having fun pretending while also actually helping nurse you back to health.

8. Family game day

Play a few rounds of Go Fish or engage of a battle of the minds with an epic game of concentration. Do both if necessary. Once they are done with the cards, move onto your board game stash! Up the ante and play for mini-marshmallows!

Product Recommendation

Looking to add to your game stash? Consider getting the Game of Trouble from Hasbro. It is perfect for younger children because it also encourages counting!

9. Build, build, build

Build a town complete with a library, houses and a bank. Use wooden blocks, Legos or Lincoln Logs– or a combination of all of them! Use your imagination and create a world for your kid’s dolls or action figures- just be sure you are sitting and resting while you build!

Product Recommendation

Are your children getting tired of their same toys? Having a few different building type toys and rotating them every few weeks will put the life back in those old toys again! Want to change it up? Check out these Stackadoos from B. Toys. We adore the old bristle block style!

10. If all else fails…

Play a game that’s sure to be a HUGE hit with any age kids and will guarantee some couch time for you too. Use one of our favorites- a silly game called “What’s on my butt?

  • Lay on the couch on your belly and close your eyes.
  • Let the kids take turns picking an item and placing it on your butt.
  • Let them give you clues and you try and guess what the object is.

Yes,  it’s a bit ridiculous, but your kids will either think they are in Heaven or Mom has lost her mind- either way, you will get to lay down and they will have fun giggling and being goofy.

Remember, the key with these ideas is for you to rest as much as you can. There is nothing more important than you getting better and you already know the best way to do that is to rest! You are NOT a bad mom because your kids are not eating fresh baked bread on their sandwiches or they are watching ten episodes of Mickey Mouse with you on the couch. Moms rarely get sick and it is perfectly acceptable for you to lay down, be lazy and REST during this time. This is especially true for moms who are home all day with the kids or when you have kids that are not in school yet. Make it up to them by spending lots of quality and quantity time outside when you are better again.

Looking for more inspiration on quiet time activities? Check out these posts:

Playroom Floor Hopscotch

The Many Benefits of Kids Yoga

Fun Travel Games for Kids

Photo Credits: Our Three Peas



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Michelle; full time mama, part time blogger, wife extraordinaire. This busy mama to three “peas” is a lover of all things running, crafting and baking. A New England native and current desert dweller, she is the brains and wit behind the blog Our Three Peas, where she writes about the hilarious reality that is motherhood. She strives to live a green and natural life and swears that most motherhood-related dramas can be solved by having a nice glass of wine at the end of the evening.

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