Welcome to Daily Mom Military!

Daily Mom Military is coming to you July 2018!

Want more military life? Sign up on our launch page to be the first to know when Daily Mom Military comes to life!

Welcome To Daily Mom Military! 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Military life is it’s own special beast. No one else quite understands the stresses, emotions, and number of wine bottles it takes to be a military spouse much less a military family. That’s why Daily Mom has created our first metro site just for you- Daily Mom Military.

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Daily Mom Military will be your place for all things military life…and beyond. Our goal is provide you- military spouses and moms- a place where you can find resources for deployment, tips on PCSing, advice for transition to civilian life, and career and education resources that work for you. We will have the best spots to visit at your new duty station with our Living Like a Local series or how to make the most of your OCONUS move.

No matter what you need, Daily Mom Military will have the resources to point you in the right direction. If you can’t find the answer, you can always ask in our community groups on Facebook. Because of military spouses are good at doing anything, it’s finding information.

More than a MilSpouse

We are the place you will come to advice on what to wear to a Change of Command, Dining Out, or just around the house. We will have beauty tips for every day looks or homecomings. Fitness advice for those who love to run, jump, and lift. We will have recipes for dinners when it’s just you and the kids (read: always) and for when you want to try your local cuisine in the comfort of your home.

Whether you are looking the best new trends for the summer or just the right car seat for your little one (that will fit in any car because SURPRISE! You have orders to Okinawa and have to buy a tiny little vehicle), Daily Mom Military will be your place for things outside of military life.

We understand that military spouses are more than just military spouses. Daily Mom Military strives to provide the things that you need when it comes to military life but also the things you love- military related or not.


Daily Mom Military will be your place for support. From our community groups to stories of personal experiences, our goal is to make sure you know you aren’t alone. Daily Mom Military is made up of military spouses just like you- with real stories of deployments, loss, PCS nightmares, and tearful homecomings. We have sat on the phone with Tricare for 3+ hours and we have taken all our kids to the ER at 3am because there is no one home to stay with the healthy ones. We have Googled homecoming videos in the middle of the night when the baby won’t sleep and cried tears of joy/pain. We don’t like to ask for help but we do it anyways because our military spouse friends are our sister wives, and we know they get it.

Join our Facebook Community Groups for more support from your fellow milspouses. Here you can ask questions, vent, and learn of amazing resources for you and your family

USMC-Navy Spouse Group

Army-Air Force Spouse Group

Coast Guard Group

COMING SOON: National Guard and Reserves Group

Our Team

Welcome To Daily Mom Military! 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Our team over at Daily Mom Military is filled with military spouses just like you. We come from all different branches all over the world. If you are interested in writing or contributing for Daily Mom Military, please email Lauren at lauren@dailymom.com.

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Lauren Lomsdale- Managing Editor

USMC Spouse- Ft. Leavenworth, KS –> Camp Pendleton, CA

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Kristi Stolenzburg- Editor in Chief

USMC Spouse- Iwakuni, Japan

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Jesse McDonald- Editor of Photography

USMC Spouse- Camp LeJeune, NC

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Lori Ennis- Editor

USMC Spouse- PAX River, MD

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Rebecca Alwine- Editor

Army Spouse- Ft. Gordon, GA

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Brittany Brown-McAnally- Head of Social Media

Army Spouse- Monterey, CA

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Renee Dolan- Facebook Manager

USMC Spouse- Camp Pendleton, CA

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Nicole Weakley- Instagram Manager

USMC Spouse- PAX River, MD

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Heather Walsh- USMC/Navy Spouse Group Manager

USMC Spouse- Camp Pendleton, CA

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Maria Mahoney- Army/Air Force Group Manager

Army Spouse- Fort Carson, CO

Daily Mom Military will be launching soon! Send us your email here so you can be the first to get notified when we go live.

Also be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest!

Photo Credits: Andrea Hauck Photography



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Lauren is a mom of three girls and a proud USMC spouse. She is the managing editor of Daily Mom Military, one half of the YouTube military spouse channel, #TheDependas, and owner of Lauren Lomsdale Creative Studios. She loves to run, lift, and do yoga in her spare time. Lauren is currently in Camp Pendleton, CA with her family and loves to meet new and inspiring military spouses.

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