Every Easter moms around the world go all out decorating eggs with their kids, hiding candy filled plastic eggs for easter egg hunts, and filling easter baskets full of egg themed treats and gifts. But how many of us have ever actually stopped to think about the actual easter egg meaning and where it came from?
Here is the answer to all your Easter related questions: The real meaning behind that oval shaped holiday symbol.
Easter Egg Meaning

Easter egg decorating is believed to date back to the 13th century. While Easter is a religious holiday, some people believe easter eggs are linked to pagan traditions. The pagan festivals celebrating spring included the egg, an ancient symbol for new life.
For Christians, the easter egg meaning is said to represent Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. But why decorate and paint them? Some believe this custom started because eggs were formerly a forbidden food during the Lenten season. The eggs were decorated and painted to represent the end of the period of penance and fasting, and then the eggs were eaten on Easter to celebrate.
Read More: Beyond the Basket: Teaching Children the History of the Easter Story
For centuries now, people have been celebrating Easter by decorating eggs, and we carry on that tradition each year as moms with our kids. Maybe you even have your own easter egg meaning and traditions in your household. To keep things interesting and fun, we’ve compiled an awesome list of decorating ideas for you to try with your kids this Easter!
Read More: The Ultimate Easter Reading Guide for Kids
30 Easter Egg Decorating Ideas
Shaving Cream Easter Eggs by Skip to My Lou

Dyed Eye Designs by Organized 31

Glitter Easter Eggs by Skip to My Lou
Easter Eggs with Shaving Cream by Sixth Bloom

Silk Tie Dyed Eggs by Skip to My Lou
Tie Dye Easter Eggs by All Because She Saved

Pretty DIY Easter Eggs with Gold Leaf and Vinyl Sayings by The Best Vinyl Cutters

Kool Aid Easter Eggs by Dine Dream Discover

Naturally Dyed Easter Eggs by Momables

Instant Pot Easter Eggs + Natural Easter Egg Dye by Sparkles to Sprinkles
Creative DIY Cactus Easter Eggs Craft for Kids by The Homespun Hydrangea

Decoupage Eggs by Confessions of an Over-Worked Mom

How to Marble Easter Eggs With This Nail Polish Hack by The Socialites Closet

Natural Easter Egg Dye with Onion Skins by Fiber Artsy

Marimekko Easter Egg Decorating by Pillar Box Blue

Felted Easter Eggs by Fiber Artsy
Disney Princess Inspired Easter Eggs by As the Bunny Hops

Yarn Wrapped Easter Eggs by Fiber Artsy
Disney Themed Silhouette Easter Eggs by Mommy Enterprises
The Nightmare Before Christmas Jack and Sally Easter Eggs by As the Bunny Hops

Decorating Easter Eggs by Try It Like It
Dying Easter Eggs with Cool Whip by Mommy Made That

Watercolour Easter Eggs for Beginners by Family Maven

Kids Craft Easter Bunny Easter Egg by Kids Crafts
Confetti Conversation Starter Eggs by One Lovely Life
Tattoo Easter Eggs by Uncommon Designs
Thread Wrapped Easter Eggs by Uncommon Designs
Bunny and Carrot Egg Decorating by Live Laugh Rowe
Carrot Fingerprint Easter Eggs for Kids by Raising Whasians
EggMazing Striped Easter Eggs by DoodleCraft
Fun fact: The largest easter egg ever made was over 25 feet tall, weighed over 8,000 pounds, and was constructed out of chocolate, marshmallow, and internal steel frame.
Read More: My Mom Still Colors Easter Eggs with Me
Once your easter eggs are decorated, you might use them for an egg hunt, the centerpiece of your Easter table, or simply as a bright and cheery Easter gift to bring a smile to someone’s face. You could even try your hand at hosting your own Easter Egg Roll this spring! An Easter Egg Roll is a race where children push decorated eggs across the yard and the White House has been hosting an annual Easter Egg Roll since 1878! The event is held on the Monday after Easter every year. However your choose to celebrate Eater in your home this year we hope you’ll have fun decorating some beautiful eggs with these creative and inspiring ideas.
Prepping for an Easter Egg Hunt? Check out these Easter Egg Stuffer Alternatives to Candy.