Vego Garden Review: The Ultimate Guide to Creating The Best Raised Garden Bed for Your Backyard Vegetable Garden

Vego Garden allows you to create the raised garden bed of your dreams right in the comfort of your own backyard. Durable, versatile and crafted of premium metal, built to last, designing the backyard garden you’ve always wanted (and have room for) is now possible. With a variety of shapes, sizes, and various configurations, Vego Garden’s modular set up takes the hassle out of raised bed gardening and makes it easy for everyone. 

Whether your space is a small patio garden to extensive configurations ideal for large yard gardens, Vego Garden allows you to become your own vegetable farmer. Creating your own vegetable garden at home is a rewarding and sustainable way to grow fresh, organic produce. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a beginner, with Vego Garden you can now propagate, cultivate, and grow your very own thriving, sustainable garden right in your backyard.

From setting up your Vego Garden to choosing the ideal location to using innovative methods like hügelkultur for filling your raised garden bed, Vego Garden is the best choice for your at-home vegetable gardening year-round, no matter where you live! 

Why Vego Garden is the Best Raised Garden Bed

Vego Garden has taken the raised garden bed concept and made it modular. With the ability to configure your raised garden bed in so many different ways, it allows you to design the bed you need for your space. Unlike other fixed raised garden beds, the curves and contours of the Vego Garden beds let you utilize more of your space and give you more space for growing overall. The durability of their metal beds is superior and avoids rotting like wooden raised beds or cedar garden beds tend to incur. These raised garden beds also give you options for vertical growing that can be affixed directly to the raised bed itself for ultimate stability.

Daily Mom Parents Portal Best Raised Garden Bed

Vego Garden Raised Garden Bed


  • Material: Made of Aluzinc steel with a zinc, aluminum, and silicon coating.
  • Durability: Highly resistant to rust and corrosion, designed to last 3-7 times longer than regular galvanized steel; 20+ year lifespan.
  • Height: 17 inches, providing deeper soil for roots to grow and water to drain.
  • Design: Modular design allows for various shapes and configurations; Vego Garden offers 10-in-1 and 9-in-1 designs ideal for backyards of any size.
  • Assembly: Tool-free assembly with stainless steel bolts and nuts.
  • Eco-friendly: Made from 100% recyclable materials.
  • Aesthetics: Available in several colors to match garden aesthetics.

The steel design of the Vego Garden provides exceptional durability and rust resistance compared to other metal garden beds. Additionally, Vego Garden’s beds are made with food-safe, anti-rust materials ensuring the quality of your fruits and vegetables. The deep bed space is also ideal for root vegetables and deep-rooted plants providing plenty of space to grow. The eco-friendly construction and easy-to-assemble design make the bed ideal for beginner-to-experienced gardeners.

By choosing a Vego Garden raised bed, you’re not only opting for a product that offers practical gardening advantages but also supporting a sustainable and environmentally friendly gardening solution. This combination of benefits makes Vego Garden an excellent choice for those looking to create a productive and eco-conscious garden.

Vego Garden Comparison to Traditional Raised Bed Gardens

1. Greenes Fence Cedar Raised Garden Bed


  • Material: Made from untreated cedar wood.
  • Durability: Naturally resistant to rot and insects but less durable than metal.
  • Height: 10.5 inches.
  • Design: Simple, rustic design that blends well in natural settings.
  • Assembly: Slide-in boards for easy assembly without tools.
  • Eco-friendly: Made from sustainably harvested cedar wood.
  • Aesthetics: Natural wood appearance.


  • Affordable option.
  • Natural resistance to rot and pests.
  • Easy, tool-free assembly.
  • Rustic, natural look.


  • Shorter lifespan compared to metal options.
  • Requires more maintenance (e.g., staining or sealing) to extend life.
  • Shallower depth may not be ideal for deep-rooted plants.

2. Lifetime Raised Garden Bed Kit


  • Material: High-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic.
  • Durability: UV-protected to prevent fading and cracking.
  • Height: 9 inches.
  • Design: Modular design allows stacking for deeper beds.
  • Assembly: Snap-together design for easy assembly.
  • Eco-friendly: Made from 100% recycled materials.
  • Aesthetics: Clean, modern look in various colors.


  • UV-protected for long-lasting durability.
  • Lightweight and easy to move.
  • Modular design for adjustable bed depth.
  • Made from recycled materials.


  • Not as aesthetically pleasing as natural wood or metal.
  • Shallower depth may require stacking for certain plants.
  • Plastic may become brittle over time in extreme weather.

3. VegTrug Raised Bed Planter


  • Material: Fir wood, often treated for added durability.
  • Durability: Moderate, depending on wood treatment.
  • Height: Varies, but typically around 31 inches (elevated design).
  • Design: V-shaped design for deeper root growth in the center.
  • Assembly: Simple assembly with included hardware.
  • Eco-friendly: Often sourced from sustainable forests.
  • Aesthetics: Rustic, elevated design suitable for patios and balconies.


  • Elevated design reduces the need to bend over, easier on the back.
  • V-shaped design maximizes soil depth for root growth.
  • Suitable for small spaces like patios and balconies.
  • Made from sustainable materials.


  • Requires treatment to maintain durability.
  • Higher price point for the elevated design.
  • Limited growing space compared to larger ground-level beds.

Vego Garden is the best raised garden bed and stands out for its long-lasting durability, versatility in design and eco-friendly materials, making it a top choice for serious gardeners. While it has a higher initial cost, its longevity and flexibility justify the investment for those who truly love to garden or those looking to homestead. From your average kitchen garden to an extensive year round garden, Vego Garden provides the space and sustainability you need with its superior steel raised garden beds.

Benefits of Raised Garden Beds

Raised garden beds offer numerous benefits that make them an excellent choice for any gardener. From comfort for the gardener herself to the growth benefits when it comes to everything from drainage to sunlight to soil quality inside a raised garden bed,  families and farmers get the opportunity to control all elements of their backyard garden to a tee.

  • Better Soil Drainage: Raised beds made from metal allow for superior drainage compared to in-ground gardens, preventing waterlogging and promoting healthier root systems.
  • Fewer Weeds: The elevated design reduces the presence of weeds, making maintenance easier and less time-consuming.
  • Easier Maintenance: Raised beds are more accessible, reducing the need to bend or kneel, which is particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility.
  • Improved Accessibility: The height of raised beds can be adjusted to suit your needs, making gardening more comfortable and enjoyable.

Environmental Impact of Raised Garden Beds

Vego Garden beds are designed with sustainability in mind, offering several environmental benefits:

  • Reduced Food Miles: Growing your own vegetables at home reduces the need for transportation, cutting down on carbon emissions.
  • Sustainable Materials: Materials for your raised beds, such as those from Vego Garden, are made from eco-friendly materials like galvanized metal, which is durable and recyclable.
  • Water Conservation: Raised beds retain water more efficiently, especially when combined with techniques like hügelkultur, reducing the need for frequent watering.

Mental Health Benefits of Gardening

Whether you are an urban gardener, beginner homesteader, retiree, or mama simply wanting to play in the dirt with your kiddos, Vego Garden provides all the benefits of outdoor gardening with the ease and simplicity of raised bed gardening. Gardening is beneficial for your mental, physical and emotion well-being and literally contributes to your overall quality of life.

  1. Stress Reduction: Engaging in gardening activities can lower cortisol levels, a hormone associated with stress.
  2. Mood Enhancement: Gardening can boost mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  3. Improved Concentration and Attention: Nature offers restorative experiences, reducing mental fatigue and improving cognitive function.
  4. Increased Physical Activity: Activities like digging, planting, and weeding provide moderate exercise, which releases endorphins, the body’s natural mood lifters.
  5. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Gardening promotes mindfulness, helping individuals stay present and focused.
  6. Sense of Accomplishment: Setting and achieving gardening goals, such as growing a particular plant, reinforces positive feelings and self-worth.
  7. Connection with Nature: Gardening fosters a deeper connection with the natural world, which can be grounding and therapeutic.
  8. Healthy Eating: Consuming fresh, home-grown produce can improve overall health, which positively affects mental well-being.

Design Your Best Raised Bed Garden With Vego Garden

With quick and easy assembly, your Vego Garden can be up and running within an hour. Putting together a raised garden bed has never been easier. Vego Garden’s modular garden beds and kits come with everything you need to build your bed. From the raised bed itself to your trellis system, compost containers, self-watering planters, and solar lights, Vego Garden’s raised garden beds are easy to put together and come with everything you need, tool included. Let’s go over the steps to creating your backyard garden:

Location: Choosing the Right Spot for your Metal Modular Raised Garden Bed

When planning where to plant your Vego Garden make sure you find a space that receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight daily. Vegetables thrive in sunlight, and this will ensure optimal growth. Additionally, ensure the spot is easily accessible for watering, harvesting, and maintenance. Finally, choose a well-drained area to prevent waterlogging, which can harm plant roots.

Tip: Proximity to your kitchen can also encourage frequent use.

Size and Design for Your Metal Raised Kitchen Garden or Vertical Garden

With Vego Garden’s modular kits, you can design an array or size or shape garden beds with the same modular kit. Start with a manageable size, especially if you’re a beginner. A 4×4 foot raised bed is ideal for starters. With Vego Garden’s 3D Garden Planner, you can use their online tools to determine the right size, shape, and plants for your raised gardening experience.

Plan out your soil and base materials as well so you know what you need to fill your raised bed. Decide whether you are using a weed mat, landscape fabric or cardboard base, filling with compost and soil, or using the hügelkultur method of filling your Vego Garden. Contemplate what plants you would like to grow as well and use Vego Garden’s garden planner to decide how many plants or seeds you need for your size space and desired growth.

What to Grow in Your Elevated Garden Bed

Choosing Your Fruits and Vegetables to Fill Raised Beds

Daily Mom Parents Portal Best Raised Garden Bed

Starting with easy-to-grow fruits and vegetables can ensure a successful beginning to your gardening experience. Here are some beginner-friendly options:

  • Tomatoes: These are a popular choice due to their versatility and high yield. They thrive in well-drained soil and full sunlight.
  • Lettuce: Lettuce is quick to grow and can be harvested multiple times in a season. It prefers cooler temperatures and partial shade.
  • Carrots: Carrots are root vegetables that grow well in deep, loose soil. They require consistent moisture for optimal growth.
  • Other easy to grow vegetables perfect for beginners include: zucchini, radishes, spinach, green beans, and peppers.
  • Strawberries, Raspberries, Blackberries and Blueberries: These are quick to grow and love full sunlight making them ideal for backyard and patio gardening. 

Companion Planting and Garden Design

Daily Mom Parents Portal Best Raised Garden Bed

Companion planting is the practice of growing different plants together in a way that they benefit from each other. This method of growing different types of plants together is used to enhance growth, repel pests, attract beneficial insects, improve soil health, and maximize space.

Benefits of Companion Planting

  1. Pest Control: Some plants repel harmful insects or attract beneficial ones that prey on pests.
  2. Improved Growth: Certain plants provide necessary nutrients, shade, or support for their companions.
  3. Enhanced Flavor: Some combinations can improve the taste of the fruits or vegetables, especially in your herb garden.
  4. Efficient Space Utilization: Companion planting allows for more efficient use of garden space.
  5. Soil Improvement: Some plants add nutrients to the soil, which benefits neighboring plants.
  6. Weed Suppression: Ground-covering plants can suppress weed growth by shading the soil.

Examples of Companion Plants

  1. Tomatoes and Basil
    • Benefits: Basil repels insects such as aphids, mites, and mosquitoes. It can also improve the flavor of tomatoes.
  2. Corn, Beans, and Squash (Three Sisters)
    • Benefits: Corn provides support for bean vines. Beans fix nitrogen in the soil, benefiting all three plants. Squash spreads out on the ground, suppressing weeds and maintaining soil moisture.
  3. Carrots and Onions
    • Benefits: Onions repel carrot flies, while carrots break up the soil, allowing onions to grow better.
  4. Marigolds and Almost Anything
    • Benefits: Marigolds release a substance that repels nematodes and many other pests. They are commonly planted with tomatoes, peppers, and other vegetables.
  5. Cabbage and Dill
    • Benefits: Dill attracts beneficial insects that prey on cabbage pests like the cabbage worm.
  6. Lettuce and Radishes
    • Benefits: Radishes grow quickly and loosen the soil for slower-growing lettuce. Radishes also attract pests away from lettuce.
  7. Peas and Carrots
    • Benefits: Peas fix nitrogen in the soil, which benefits the carrots. The carrots help to break up the soil, benefiting the peas.

Companion planting is a strategic way to enhance your garden’s health and productivity by harnessing the natural relationships between plants which plants like. By selecting compatible plants, you can create a balanced ecosystem that supports robust growth and even eliminates the need for pest and weed killers, keeping your at-home fruits and vegetables free from chemicals and pesticides.

Best Choice Products for Your Seasonal Planting

To make the most of your backyard garden, it’s important to plant according to the season and the zone in which you live. Many crops can be grown in a variety of locations as long as you stagger your crop and keep a close eye on sunlight, water drainage, and pest control. Some of our favorite crops by season include:

  • Spring Planting: lettuce, spinach, carrots, peas, broccoli, cauliflower, Swiss chard, turnips
  • Summer Planting: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, beans, melons, pumpkins, corn, eggplant, okra, sweet potatoes, okra, and basil
  • Fall Planting: Brussel sprouts, cabbage, green onions, Kale, beets

By carefully selecting the vegetables you grow and employing strategies like companion planting and seasonal scheduling, you can maximize the productivity and health of your Vego Garden. This thoughtful planning ensures a bountiful harvest throughout the growing season, providing fresh, home-grown produce for your kitchen.

How to Fill Your Raised Garden Bed Using the Hügelkultur Method

Introduction to Hügelkultur & Filling Your Planter

Hügelkultur is a centuries-old gardening method that involves creating raised garden beds filled with decaying wood and other organic materials. This technique offers several benefits:

  • Natural Fertility: As the wood decomposes, it releases nutrients into the soil, providing a rich, fertile environment for plants.
  • Water Retention: The organic materials retain moisture, reducing the need for frequent watering and improving drought resistance.

Types of Raised Garden Bed Materials Needed to Grow Plants using the Hügelkultur Method

To create a hügelkultur bed, you’ll need the following materials:

  • Logs and Branches: The foundational layer, which can be made from fallen trees or branches.
  • Twigs and Leaves: Smaller organic matter to fill gaps between the larger wood pieces.
  • Compost: Adds immediate nutrients and helps kickstart the decomposition process.
  • Soil: A final layer of garden soil or compost to plant in.

Step-by-Step Process, including your Soil & Water Needs

  1. Prepare the Bed before adding soil.
    • Clear the area where your raised bed will be placed.
    • Lay down a layer of cardboard or newspaper to suppress weeds.
  2. Layering Materials:
    • Base Layer: Place large logs and branches at the bottom of the bed.
    • Intermediate Layer: Add smaller twigs, leaves, and other organic matter.
    • Compost Layer: Spread a layer of compost over the organic materials to add nutrients.
    • Top Layer: Cover everything with a thick layer of garden soil.
  3. Planting:
    • You can plant immediately after building your hügelkultur bed, or wait a season to allow the materials to decompose further.
    • Choose plants that benefit from rich, well-drained soil, such as tomatoes, squash, and leafy greens.

Maintenance Tips for Your Raised Garden Bed

Maintaining a hügelkultur bed is straightforward and involves a few key practices:

  • Mulching: Add a layer of mulch on top to retain moisture and suppress weeds.
  • Watering: Initially, you may need to water more frequently until the bed’s moisture retention improves. Over time, the need for watering will decrease.
  • Monitoring: Keep an eye on the bed’s height, as it will settle as the materials decompose. Add more soil or compost as needed.

By utilizing the hügelkultur method to fill your raised garden bed, you can create a sustainable, nutrient-rich environment for your plants. This approach not only maximizes the productivity of your garden but also minimizes the need for expensive soil and fillers, making it an eco-friendly choice for any gardener.

Vego Garden Accessories to Maximize Your Backyard Garden & Grow Plants

Vego Garden offers a ton of accessories to maximize your backyard gardening experience. By simplifying the way you grow your garden, Vego Garden makes it easy for you to reduce your carbon footprint and become a backyard gardener. Whether you are on your way to homesteading or simply want a summer garden of fresh veggies to impress your friends and family, Vego Garden’s accessories will help you support and sustain your vegetable garden.

A few of our favorites include:

  • Wall Trellis System: Maximize your growing experience with Vego Garden’s Wall Trellis system. Giving you more space to grow, their wall trellis systems can by customized to the modular planter design of your choice and offer additional growing space and support for your large plants and climbing crops. Built to last, their rust-proof connectors are simple to install and attach directly to your garden bed.
  • In-Ground Worm Composter: Compost directly in your garden with Vego Garden’s in ground worm composter. These eco-friendly containers allow you to begin vermicomposting at home. Simply add worms and your food scraps and let the magic happen! Designed to be buried in your raised garden bed, the in-ground worm composter allows worms to break down your organic waste (kitchen scraps, coffee grounds, eggshells, and paper) into nitrogen compost you can then add to your garden, hassle-free. As your worms travel in and out of the composter they will not only provide plenty of nutrient rich worm castings for your plants, they will also aerate your soil naturally.
  • Self Watering Tomato Planter: Perfect for patios or small spaces, the Self Watering Tomato Planter is easy to assemble and hassle-free. With a rolling base and the ability to fill the external reservoir with water, this is set it and forget gardening at its best. The attached water gauge keeps track of your water levels while the water level regulating lever allows you to change the water storage volume based on the needs of your plant. This popular raised bed on wheels is perfect for a small garden on a patio or deck.
  • Garden Tool Box: Keep your gardening tools close at hand with the convenient garden tool box that attaches right to the side of your Vego Garden raised bed. With a hinged lid and drain holes in the bottom, your tools will stay safe and conveniently stored right on the side of your garden bed.
  • Dappled Solar Lights: Enjoy your Vego Garden in the evenings with the Dappled Solar Lights. These awesome lights connect magnetically to the metal garden beds for ease of installation and use. They charge during the day and illuminate your Vego Garden with soft, ambient light in the evening. Waterproof and durable, these solar garden lights add an elegant touch to your garden at night.

Vego Garden Review

Vego Garden was easy for me and my kids to install in a day. With the included tools and hardware, the raised garden beds come with it was so simple to construct the bed in our backyard! For us, the height is ideal because we have big dogs and tortoises who otherwise love to climb in our planters and eat our fruits and veggies!

We cleared the area where we wanted to grow our garden and combined 2 of their modular kits to create one larger bed. My six and nine-year-old boys were able to easily screw the panels together since they make raised beds with pre-drilled holes; the older boys then helped tighten the screws and attach the trellis. Unlike wood beds or plastic beds these steel-raised bed kits come with all the hardware and tools you need.

Living near the beach our existing garden soil is not ideal for vegetable gardening and consists of a very sandy type of soil so we have not had much luck growing in the past. Using raised beds on top of the sandy soil allowed us to fill the raised garden beds with the nutrient-rich compost vegetables like. Also, the first raised bed we tried was made of wood and unfortunately, where we live, it rotted out right away because of the salt, sand, and heavy rains in our area thus the reason we decided to try Vego Garden’s metal planters.

We used the hügelkultur method of filling our garden bed because of the size, cost of soil, and soil quality in the yard. First, we lined the bottom with cardboard, then we layered wood and logs from a tree we had recently removed along the bottom. Next, we filled the bed with dead leaves and dried plant material. After that, we added compost and finally soil and plants. 

My little ones love to water plants in a raised garden bed and add compost to the in-ground worm composter. They also love checking the growth of their plants and do so everyday! The Vego Garden Raised Garden Bed has provided a great experience so far giving us easy access to our garden, being super simple to water and maintain, and really getting my kids involved in backyard gardening. We are just waiting on our first crop (and the sweet potatoes are growing like crazy!).

FAQ About the Vego Garden Raised Garden Bed

What is the best material for a raised garden bed?

The best material for a raised garden bed is usually considered to be cedar wood due to its natural resistance to rot and insects. Other popular choices include galvanized steel and composite materials for their durability. Vego Garden beds have taken this to the next level with a steel substrate design coated with USDA approved non-toxic, food-safe paint and stainless steel hardware meant to last 20+ years.

How do Vego Garden raised garden beds compare to other designs?

Vego Garden raised garden beds are known for their modern and sleek design, making them a popular choice for those looking to enhance their garden aesthetics. The modular design of Vego Garden beds also allows for easy customization and configuration.

What is the best height for a raised garden bed?

The best height for a raised garden bed typically ranges between 10 to 12 inches for root vegetables and 18 to 24 inches for deep-rooted plants like tomatoes. Vego Garden offers options with varying heights beginning at 17 inches for both optimal plant growth/depth and the comfort of the gardener.

Can Vego Garden raised beds accommodate shallow-rooted plants?

Yes, Vego Garden raised beds are suitable for shallow-rooted plants like lettuce, radishes, and herbs. The 12.7-gallon raised garden beds from Vego Garden are particularly well-suited for growing these types of plants.

Where can I purchase Vego Garden raised garden beds?

Vego Garden raised garden beds are available for purchase on the Vego Garden official website as well as through select retailers both online and in physical stores. You can also find them on e-commerce platforms like Amazon.

Whether you want to feed your family or provide a homeschool hands-on lesson for your children, gardening with Vego Garden will give you that and so much more. Learn about crops, science, biology, agriculture and more with Vego Garden’s raised modular beds and add on’s like the in-ground worm composter; reap the rewards of your garden and experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with successfully growing your first foods.

Gardening with Vego Garden gives you an eco-friendly, sustainable solution to growing your very own fresh, organic produce right at home. From your backyard (or patio) to your kitchen table, Vego Garden has what you need to become a successful backyard farmer today!

17″ Tall 6 In 1 Modular Metal Raised Garden Bed Kit | Dappled Solar Garden Light | Garden Tool Box | In-Ground Worm Composter | Wall Trellis System | Rolling Self Watering Patio / Indoor Planter with Trellis
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Want more gardening tips and tricks for creating your backyard oasis? Check out 8 Tips for Using Rain Barrels: A Guide to a Stunning Eco-Oasis.



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Vego Garden Review: The Ultimate Guide To Creating The Best Raised Garden Bed For Your Backyard Vegetable Garden 12 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families



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