If you are in the southwest Florida area, there is a wonderful event just around the corner that will get you and your children in the Christmas spirit in more ways than one. A holiday tea is a classic way to celebrate this festive season, and on December 9th at the Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida, a fabulous one will be held. This event is sure to be an afternoon full of making holiday memories with loved ones, all while supporting an amazing organization that is all about creating memories for special families, Make-A-Wish Southern Florida.
Tea, Sweets, and Fun
On December 9th, bring your family and friends to enjoy “Tea at the Ritz” with Make-A-Wish Southern Florida. This isn’t your typical tea. This is an afternoon full of lovely seasonal activities. The whole event is holiday themed. The Naples Ballet will delight by performing excerpts from The Nutcracker. Since this is a family event, the kids will have their own treats and activities. The kids’ zone includes a cookie and craft decorating station. Write letters to Santa together at the Santa letter-writing station.
The best part about this event is it will start your holiday season off by thinking about others and giving back! We all know it is better to give than receive and when you attend the “Tea at the Ritz” with Make-A-Wish Southern Florida, you are helping to make dreams come true for children with critical illnesses. Presented by Fidelity Private Wealth Management, 100% of the event’s net proceeds will go towards the work of Make-A-Wish Southern Florida.
About Make-A-Wish Southern Florida
Make-A-Wish Southern Florida began in 1983. Since then this organization has made wishes come true for over 11,000 children with critical illnesses. They want to grant wishes that change the lives of children and their families by allowing the children to “be something,” “meet someone,” “go somewhere,” or “have something.” Making these wishes a reality is life changing and the memories last forever no matter what the family deals with down the road. Make-A-Wish Southern Florida is a non-profit and they grant wishes at no cost to the families.
Stay up to date with Make-A-Wish Southern Florida by connecting with them on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.
Mark Your Calendar
“Tea at the Ritz” with Make-A-Wish Southern Florida. is on December 9, 2017 from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. The fabulous Ritz-Carlton in Naples, Florida is hosting this event. Purchase tickets now so you are sure to have a spot! With all the proceeds going to support making wishes come true through Make-A-Wish South Florida, prices are only $125 (adults); $75 (children 13 and under). You can purchase tickets by visiting – www.makeawishtickets.org