Is Your Child Ready to Sit in the Front Seat? Probably...

Picture this: you’re loading up kids into your awesome minivan, counting heads as they all leave the house and making sure the dog isn’t...

Why You Still Matter to Your Teenage Children

As they get older, it is easy to think that your teenage children would choose their friends over you in a heartbeat. And why...

How Fear Impacts Your Parenting Skills

Fear based parenting manifests itself differently depending on an individual's parenting skills and personality. It all depends on the types of fears most prominent...

Age Appropriate Chores For Toddlers

The first thing that comes to mind when adults think about chores is ‘work.’ Naturally, many are not so fond of doing chores because...

Cleaning with Kids: How to Clean With a “Velcro Baby”

Every mother simultaneously looks forward to and dreads the time when her child grows up and leaves the nest. It’s the cycle of life....

How Mind Wandering and Creativity Can Positively Impact Your Child

Typically, when you hear about kids with ADHD or even just kids with a tendency to daydream or let their mind wander, you most...

7 Ways to set your kids up for success

All parents want their kids to succeed. When you provide for your children, it is important to not only meet their living needs, but...

How to Help Develop Your Child’s Sense of Humor

Some people are just natural born joke tellers.  They’re the ones who break the ice and make small talk fun.  For others, they have...

What is Operation Christmas Child?

If you are part of a church organization, chances are you have heard of Operation Christmas Child. Samaritan's Purse is based upon the story...

8 Tricks for Developing Positive Relationships with Children

A parents worst nightmare is not developing positive relationships with their children. These relationships are very important, and being able to have this bond...

Overcoming Math Anxiety So Your Kids Don’t Catch It

Throughout most of the school year, we worry about passing along the flu, stomach bugs, and other yucky conditions to our children (and vice...

The Story Of Hanukkah

Hanukkah is a celebration that takes place over the course of 8 days commemorating the re-dedication of the Jewish Second Temple in Jerusalem in...

Fun Indoor Activities for Kids Over the Holiday Break

The holiday break is quickly approaching, and parents everywhere are so busy gearing up for Christmas, Hannukah, and other celebrations that they often forget...

How To Light A Menorah

The Hannukah Menorah which is also known as a "Hannukiah" is lit around nightfall on each night of Hannukah. Each night, the previous nights'...

Teens and Sleep: What You Need to Know for Optimal Development

Teens and sleep should, and occasionally, go hand in hand. If you know what it was like being a teenager, then you probably remember...

8 Mom-Hacks Using the Amazon Echo with Alexa

Since its debut in 2015, the Amazon Echo has quickly become a household name. The Amazon Echo with Alexa wears many hats including meteorologist,...

How to Find Educational Kids Shows Using Netflix Codes

Finding educational kids shows on Netflix should be easy, right? WRONG! There’s a ton of content out there, and sometimes it’s easier to get...

Does “Babies in Arms Are Welcome” Always Apply?

For those of us that have chosen to have children the "Babies in Arms" concept is a constant reminder of our dual roles. We...

How Parkour Classes Can Benefit Your Son

Parkour is the act of moving from point A to point B using whatever is in your path to move more efficiently. Over time,...

How Much Does it Cost to Adopt a Child and Other...

November is National Adoption Month. Organizations across the country use this month to celebrate adoption as a positive way to build families and to...

What is ABA Therapy and How is it Used to Treat...

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) is a type of therapy based on learning and behavior. Therapists have used ABA therapy to help children with autism...

10 Fabulous Fall Activities for Everyone

Have you been waiting all year for all things Fall? Whether you prefer the Summer sunshine or Winter's snow, we can all agree on...

3 Unique Ways To Enjoy Autumn Scenery On A Budget

The air is buzzing and our senses are totally ready for it-Fall is nearly here, and it is time to enjoy beautiful autumn scenery...

4 Month Sleep Regression and How to Survive It

The first time your baby sleeps through the night, you may wake in a sheer panic thinking something is wrong because the silence is...

Teaching Compassion Through Days of Kindness

It's safe to say that parents want to raise kind, considerate, and compassionate children to grow up to be helpful and contributing members of...

6 Things To Do With Babies on a Day Trip

Being a parent means learning to juggle lots of things. Multi-tasking becomes second nature for parents, especially as they learn to juggle nap times, meal...

The Incredible Benefits of Playing Video Games

Rather than seeing stories about the benefits of playing video games, if you spend any time watching the news or you search online for...

15 Fun Indoor Activities For Toddlers

The big kids are back in school and fall is in the air, for some parents and their little ones, the indoor activities for...

What is Gender Dysphoria and What Parents Need to Know

Imagine feeling like you are a completely different person inside your mind than what you appear to be on the outside. These feelings can...

8 Simple Meals Kids Can Make Independently

What mom wouldn't love for someone to help with the cooking? But, when given the option of having their own children be the ones...

4 Ways to Help Your Kids Deal With Sibling Jealousy

It is inevitable that in a household with multiple children, there will be fighting. Some of that fighting will be because of sibling jealousy....

5 Ways to Ease the Emotional Burden of Motherhood

Motherhood is a glorious, exhilarating, and fulfilling journey. It’s also exhausting. When a mother says she’s tired, she’s not really telling the whole story....

7 Ways to Celebrate World Gratitude Day

Did you know that September 21st is World Gratitude Day? In today’s fast paced world, sometimes people forget to stop and say thank you to...

5 Family Friendly Fall Break Ideas on the East Coast

Fall is a beautiful time to be living on the East Coast. When the weather turns cooler, the leaves begin to change color and...

The Importance of Kissing Your Baby

Love is a language that most people experience in their life; either with a partner, parent, sibling or child, most people know that a...

8 Ridiculously Easy Birthday Party Hacks

Whether you're a seasoned party planner or a party planning newb, it's always nice to have a couple tricks up your sleeve to help...