10 Ways for Moms to Turn a Bad Day Around

Being a mama is hard, no matter what. Whether you are a working mom and it’s the weekend or a stay at home mom, being home all day with the kids can be trying, even for the most creative mothers. On these long days where there is little reprieve from the chores, whining, crying or running around; small things can start to snowball into bigger things and suddenly a good day can become a rotten one. Trying to balance kids, homework, soccer practices, religious education classes, swimming lessons, playdates, and work all while keeping a clean house and healthy fed kids can be daunting; then throw in some whining, fighting, crying, messes that just keep appearing and knowing you still need to work out- and that’s a recipe for a meltdown!

All moms have had those days that just seem to spin out of control and suddenly you find yourself super stressed out and yelling at things that normally wouldn’t bother you. These are the days that we need to step back, take a few deep breaths and realize that it’s going to be ok. When the world, kids and chaos seems to be crashing in around you, keep this list in your back pocket (or book marked on your computer!) and pull it out. Sometimes even a small act and turn your whole day and mood around.

Feeling stressed and overwhelmed mamas?? Have no fear! We are here to help. Here are 10 ideas that you try to turn that bad day around and change it into a better one.

Sit down and have a cup of tea.

There’s just something soothing about that warm cup of tea that can really seem to lift your spirits. If you are feeling stressed out, boil some water and our yourself a mug of your favorite black, green or herbal tea. For a best results, SIT down and DRINK it ALL. Take that 10 minutes and just sip and relax.  Don’t sip on the go, sit and ignore the messes and yells, it’ll all be waiting for you when it’s done Go hide in a closet if you really need to. We won’t tell where your hiding place is!

Tea’s not working?? Try some wine.

Seriously. Some days just call for a little glass of wine. Just a few sips can relax your body. Same rules as above. Sit and drink it- use the same hiding place if you need to.

Get some fresh air.

Normally when your kids are at each other’s throats you know it’s time to get outside. Go for a walk around the block, play in the yard or take a trip to the park. Fresh air can do wonders for everyone. The kids can run around and you may just get a few monuments to sit in the sun and soak up some Vitamin D.

Have a mommy-time out.

Set a timer for 10 minutes and do something just for you- read a chapter or two in your book, browse Facebook or play Candy Crush- whatever your pleasure is, do it for 10 minutes. That few minutes away can be a life saver.

Put on some music.

Sometimes all the “noise” of the day can get to be too much. If that’s the case, turn off the TV, ipods, ipads and Nabi’s and just listen to your favorite songs- good music is sure to lift your spirits and make all those chores a bit more fun to do. Special bonus: If you turn it loud enough and it can drown out all that sibling bickering! Also, most kids love music and your favorite song can turn into an impromptu dance party- and what’s more fun than that?

Burn a few calories.

Having a blahhhhh day? We feel you! Try a mini workout. Breaking a sweat can help send a surge of endorphins through your body, making you feel less stressed and happier. On days you are stuck home with the kids, getting out for a solo walk or run isn’t usually an option, so look to burn a few calories in different ways. You can turn that music up WAY loud and really get your dance on, or create a mini circuit workout of 3 or 4 rounds of jumping jacks, squats, crunches and lunges.

Want to get your kids involved in your workout? Check out our list of ten fun ways to workout WITH your kids here! These are fun ideas for the whole family and can help to lift everyones moods.

Wash your face.

That may sound weird but it seriously works! Go run some hot water and scrub your face. Wash all the stresses away! If you have extra time throw on a quick face mask. Leave it on for 5 minutes, scrub it off and then you will feel like a new mama.

Product Recommendation

Looking for a great, natural mask? Try the Burt’s Bees Intense Hydration Mask! It has an amazingly light scent and will leave your skin looking amazing!

Try something different.

Sometimes just the monotony of the ordinary can be too much. Try spicing your routine up, your kids will appreciate it too! Instead of lunch at home, pack it up and have a picnic outside or rent a new movie, try a new craft, start a simple Pinterest DIY project you’ve been wanting to do. Doing the same things over and over and over again can be draining, so changing it up every once in awhile can help to make the day feel new. Not in the mood for crafts? We’ve been there! Try serving breakfast for every meal or letting the kids eat desert first- one day won’t hurt!

Complete your tasks in small chunks.

When you have TONS to do and are feeling overwhelmed about it, the first thing is write it all down. Just the act of writing it all down on paper helps make your brain less stressed because its out of there and now on the paper. Highlight the “have to do NOW” jobs in pink, the “should get done today” jobs in yellow, and “these can wait if they must” jobs in green. Explain to the kids you have a few jobs to get done and then you can play. Set that timer for 15 minutes and do as many of the pink jobs as you can. Then fulfill your promise and play with the kids: do a puzzle or play a board game. Then do 15 more minutes of work, focusing on the important jobs first and working down to the less important ones.

And, most importantly…remember tomorrow is another day.

We aren’t perfect, and that’s ok!  So what if you didn’t finish all those loads of laundry or maybe the kids are still in their pj’s. They will survive and so will you. So just relax and have that well deserved wine or secret mom-only dessert. Tomorrow is another chance to get it all done.

Moms tend to put too much pressure on themselves on feeling the have to do x, y, and z everyday (and usually abcdefg too!). Yes, we are all super moms, but even super moms can feel overwhelmed, stressed or like they are going to snap if one more kid asks you for juice! We have all been there. On these days- set your list aside for a bit and try to take a few minutes for you. Yes, you read that correctly: Y-O-U YOU. Now, while these tricks may not work everyday, on most days, just giving yourself the opportunity to de-stress for a bit can give you the energy you need to carry on like the mama warrior you are- until bedtime.

Ok, fess up moms: what are your secret tricks for turning a bad day around? Anything you can share with new mamas out there?

Finding time for yourself throughout the day is so important! Come read about more tips on finding time for mom during the day here. Keep that page bookmarked too.



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Michelle; full time mama, part time blogger, wife extraordinaire. This busy mama to three “peas” is a lover of all things running, crafting and baking. A New England native and current desert dweller, she is the brains and wit behind the blog Our Three Peas, where she writes about the hilarious reality that is motherhood. She strives to live a green and natural life and swears that most motherhood-related dramas can be solved by having a nice glass of wine at the end of the evening.

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