Are you stressed? Is your schedule jam-packed? With today’s busy schedules, more than likely you’re not alone.
One way to deal with a hectic schedule is learning to say “no” to new commitments. Oftentimes we fear that saying “no” will lead to consequences and for some, that is the case, but for others they avoid saying it to deal with guilt, conflict and that notion of “we can do it all”. It’s important to say “no” to accepting new commitments and can be one of the best things to do for yourself and your family. Learning to say “no” can reduce stress and help you realize what you should be focusing on and what’s important to you.
Are you ready to stop feeling overwhelmed and over-committed? Oftentimes we try to be superman and try to commit to as many functions as we can. We want to make people happy, and it’s in our nature to.
Today we discuss 5 ways to stop being over-committed and overwhelmed.
1. Choose comfort over resentment
Oftentimes we choose discomfort over comfort. We would rather over-commit and end up resenting our decision than to say “no” right away. If you know that you are going to resent committing to something when it actually comes up, then say “no” and do yourself a favor. You want to be comfortable in everything you are doing.
2. If you’re not 100% sure, say “No”
If you’re not feeling 100% about making a commitment, then you probably don’t want to commit. Your gut is telling you that you’d rather not do it, so you should listen to yourself. Saying yes to a commitment and then realizing shortly after that you really don’t want to do it or don’t have the time to do it will cause a sense of being overwhelmed and stressed.
3. Cancel
If you’re too busy and there are other things that need to be done that hold priority, then cancel. Sure, someone might throw shade at you for doing so, but you know what’s right for yourself and your family. Never feel bad about canceling.
4. Choose to do things that make you happy
Wouldn’t you rather commit to things that make you happy rather than to those things you probably don’t care to do? Whenever you’re faced with choosing between two or more commitments, chose the one you won’t regret doing. Choose the one that will make you happy!
5. Commit less on the weekends
Weekends have traditionally always been for family time, but because of the fast-paced lives we all live today, there are always things to do. Make sure that you are only choosing one or two commitments a weekend to ensure that you’re spending as much time with family as possible. As your kids get older, they get more involved in weekend activities and those are going to be the activities you’ll want to commit to.
Although it’s natural to over-commit, it’s important to not try and be a “people-pleaser” all the time. Your happiness shouldn’t depend on the commitments you can and cannot make.
For more ways to do things that make you happy with the family, check out Stay Sane This Summer With Sun, Stimulation, and Staycations.
Photo Credits: Danielle Jones, Vinicius Wiesehofer on Unsplash