Gululu Go: A Smart Way to Keep Your Kids Hydrated this Summer

Summer is quickly approaching and that means kids are going to be spending quite a bit of time outdoors. Pool days, beach days, bike riding, playground dates, and more- these are all favorite summer time activities. We want our kids to be active and to have fun, no matter the time of year but we also want them to be safe and healthy. The hot sun coupled with lots of busy action can lead us, especially kids, to forget to take care of our bodies all the time. Staying hydrated is one way to help take care of ourselves during the hot summer months and prevent things like dehydration or heat strokes. 

What is Heat Stroke?

Gululu Go: A Smart Way To Keep Your Kids Hydrated This Summer 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Heat stroke, also known as sun stroke, is a condition in which your body reaches a temperature of 103 degrees due to exposure to extreme heat for long periods of time without proper care of your body. It can happen to anyone at any age but risks are increased with those very young or those of old age, those with heart disease, skin disorders, and those who have taken diuretics or beta-blockers. Heat stroke can come on gradually or very suddenly, and it can be exacerbated by long periods of physical activity or physically activity in high temperatures.

What are the symptoms?

Symptoms of heat stroke, or sun stroke, are as follows:

  • Internal body temperature of 103 degrees or higher not brought on by another physiological issue (such as a virus or illness)
  • Confusion and disorientation
  • Dehydration
  • Redness of the skin
  • Dry or clammy skin
  • Headaches
  • Weakness
  • Seizures
  • Unconsciousness (i.e., fainting)

Gululu Go: A Smart Way To Keep Your Kids Hydrated This Summer 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

How to Prevent Heat Stroke

Heat stroke can easily be prevented, especially if you know you and your kids will be outside in high temperatures for long periods of time. Here are a few ways you can prevent heat stroke:

  • Take breaks from the sun- Try to take breaks inside every 15-30 minutes to give your body’s internal temperature to come down. If you can’t go inside, try to find a shady spot to cool off or jump in the water if you’re at the beach or the pool.
  • Stop playing- This is always hard for kids, especially if they are having a good time. But every 30 minutes to 1 hour, stop what you’re doing to give your body a few minutes to rest. Go inside, drink some water, have a popsicle, or just lay in the shade.
  • Stay hydrated- One of the best ways to prevent heat stroke is to stay hydrated. The sun and the heat is very dehydrating, so you have to drink more water than you normally would on extremely hot and active days.

Keeping your kids hydrated, especially in the hot summer sun when outdoor activities are endless, can sometimes be difficult especially if your children are old enough to play outdoors without your direct supervision. However, you want to instill healthy habits, like drinking plenty of water, at a young age. Now you can do that easily with the help of a smart water bottle like the one from Gululu.

Gululu Go: A Smart Water Bottle to Help Keep your Kids Hydrated

Gululu Go is an interactive, smart water bottle that helps keeps your kids drinking water all day long, creating healthy habits and keeping kids hydrated. Each bottle has a virtual pet that can only be taken care of as kids meet their daily water intake goals. Your child will soon begin to love staying hydrated because drinking water becomes fun, creating life-long healthy hydration habits from an early age.

Gululu Go: A Smart Way To Keep Your Kids Hydrated This Summer 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Here’s how it works:

  • Every time your child drinks from their Gululu Go, it awakens their pet. As they continue to reach their daily water intake goals they will make new discoveries about their pet and unlock different skills and treasure.
  • Your child’s goal is to help save their pet from the impending doom of the Gululu Universe. With every gulp they are learning how water can be life-saving for those in Gululu and for their pet, giving them incentive to keep drinking.
  • Children learn that their pet needs water to stay healthy and happy, just like them. They will begin to understand the importance of taking care of their pet, and themselves, with every sip.
  • Your child’s fluid intake is measured through an internal sensory app. The more water they drink, the more interaction they get with their pet and the more adventures they can unlock. Water intake can be monitored by parents through Gululu’s free app. 

Gululu Go: A Smart Way To Keep Your Kids Hydrated This Summer 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

The Gululu Go is a great way to create healthy, life-long habits of continuously drinking water for your kids. It is also a wonderful way for moms and dads to keep track of their child’s water intake throughout the day. As life gets more and more busy, especially during hot and active summer days, it’s hard to remember how much water each child has drank. The Gululu app allows you to see how much water they have drank with the internal sensors within the bottle measuring for you. 

And no need to worry about breaking your child’s Gululu Go. It is durable, shockproof, and splash-proof so kids can be kids and you can keep it clean.

Gululu Go: A Smart Way To Keep Your Kids Hydrated This Summer 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families


Gululu Go


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Gululu is all about making a difference in the world. They have partnered with to ensure that kids all around the world have access to clean drinking water. With the purchase of each Gululu Go, you will be providing one child with clean drinking water for a lifetime. 

Be the first to get a Gululu Go for your summer adventures. Presale begins on May 24, 2018 and the first 100 people to place an order will get 35% off of their purchase.

Daily Mom is giving away five (5) Gululu Go smart water bottles  to five lucky Daily Mom Readers! Starting May 29th, you can enter to win! 

Winners will receive their prize in August, when Gululu Go products are available!

This contest is open to all U.S. residents aged 18+. Enter using the rafflecopter below. Earn entries by signing up for the Daily Mom newsletter, visiting social media sites, and following further instructions on the Rafflecopter. Good luck!

Keeping your kids healthy and hydrated is especially important in the hot and active summer months. However, hydration is a healthy habit that parents want to instill at an early age and with Gululu Go’s fun and interactive smart water bottle, they can do just that. Plus, with the tracking app, parents can stay on top of their child’s water intake helping everyone in the family remember the importance of staying hydrated throughout the day.

Here’s something else you might like: Tricks to Keep Your Kids Hydrated

Gululu Go: A Smart Way To Keep Your Kids Hydrated This Summer 6 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families



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Lauren is a mom of three girls and a proud USMC spouse. She is the managing editor of Daily Mom Military, one half of the YouTube military spouse channel, #TheDependas, and owner of Lauren Lomsdale Creative Studios. She loves to run, lift, and do yoga in her spare time. Lauren is currently in Camp Pendleton, CA with her family and loves to meet new and inspiring military spouses.