4 Simple Ingredients to FIGHT Acne

4 Simple Ingredients To Fight Acne 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families{Photo credit: Cookies For Breakfast}

Sadly, acne doesn’t stop when we graduate high school.  Adult acne – whether it be a permanent condition, related to pregnancy hormones, or caused by stress – is an annoying and often embarrassing condition.

If you get an occasional blemish or if you are constantly battling with your skin, try our simple, all-natural, 4-ingredient acne-fighting face mask! 



Believe it or not, strawberries are a natural source of salicylic acid – a compound frequently used to treat acne.  Salicylic acid cleans out your pores without drying your skin, so the end result is a reduction in blemishes and blackheads.  Strawberries have anti-inflammatory properties, and also help exfoliate your skin.


Lemon juice helps to brighten your skin, exfoliate, and refine your pores.  It also helps lighten the appearance of scars from previous acne breakouts, and is great at fighting oily skin.  Lemon juice acts as a natural astringent, which helps to dry out existing blemishes


Raw, unprocessed honey contains enzymes that are extremely beneficial to your skin.  Honey contains antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an incredible natural acne fighter.  It also acts as a humectant – meaning, it draws moisture from the air and binds that moisture to your skin, making it a powerful natural moisturizer.  Honey also refines your pores and tightens your skin.

Brown Sugar

The brown sugar in this face mask helps to exfoliate your skin.  Exfoliation is critical in the prevention of new acne, since it removes dead skin cells before they can accumulate and lead to blemishes.

4 Simple Ingredients To Fight Acne 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

Here’s What You Need:

5 large fresh organic strawberries
1 tablespoon honey (like this virgin sage honey from Pacifica)
1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon brown sugar

Here’s What You Do:

Trim the stems off of the strawberries and place the berries in a food processor.  Blend until the strawberries reach a smooth consistency.  Add in the brown sugar, honey, and lemon juice, and blend until incorporated.

Apply the mixture to your face, rubbing gently in small circles, and let sit for 10-15 minutes.

The ingredients in this mask are gentle enough to use frequently, so you can enjoy this mask up to 3-4 times per week for problem skin.  It smells delicious, tastes delicious (yep, we tried!), and will leave your skin fresh, dewy, and acne-free!

4 Simple Ingredients To Fight Acne 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families

For more great skincare tips, check out our SHINE section!
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Heather is the mom behind the blog, Cookies For Breakfast. Reality TV addict. Natural living enthusiast. Accidental hippie. Comedy ninja. Loves big sunglasses, seasonal cocktails, and of course, cookies for breakfast.

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