Homeschool Preschool: The Surprising Reasons Why It Might Be The Best for Your Family

Formal preschool may not be for everyone, as more and more households have two parents working outside of the home, preschool has become more popular.  Once a child ages out of daycare, they naturally go to preschool before starting kindergarten.  Maybe you don’t want to pay for preschool or would rather keep your kids home with you just a little bit longer, there are other options out there.  Homeschool preschool is a great balance if you have the time, desire, and patience to homeschool preschool.

Do kids need preschool?

Homeschool Preschool: The Surprising Reasons Why It Might Be The Best For Your Family

Like most things in life, there are pros and cons to preschool.  Although most would agree that some sort of preschool is a good idea to get a child ready for kindergarten, a formal preschool is not always needed.  Studies have shown that kids that attend preschool are better prepared for kindergarten.  Discover Early Childhood has great resources and lists, in addition to their pros and cons list of preschool.

The majority of preschools are play-based and kids will spend more time during the day playing, socializing, and learning the “rules of the playground”  than anything else.  There will be structured learning time and lessons that are presented in a way that is not as formal and rigid as elementary school might be.  During this time, kids are not only prepared for elementary they also learn to socialize, listen and obey another authority figure, and learn from other kids.

Preschool is a great way to get your child ready for the next transition – kindergarten.  The requirements are similar to when you went to school, however, with more children going to preschool, the schools now expect that the children come in knowing more than ever before.   From counting to 50, ABC’s, knowing how to spell and write their name, and already being introduced to sight words.  All of these things (and more) can be taught in a traditional preschool setting or a homeschool preschool, either way, children need to have the best knowledge possible going into kindergarten to feel confident and comfortable to learn more.

Read More: Ten Busy Bag Ideas for Preschoolers

Benefits of Homeschool Preschool?

Homeschool Preschool: The Surprising Reasons Why It Might Be The Best For Your Family

There are many benefits of homeschool preschool, from costs, logistics, to being able to control the environment. Here are the top reasons why you would want to homeschool preschool.

Cost-Even a public preschool program will cost you money, it might not be as pricey as a private institution, but the cost is comparable to a full-time daycare program.  Homeschool preschool is virtually free, you will only need to spend money on minimal supplies, outings, and food (which you are already paying for).

The logistics-Every parent knows that getting out of the house with toddlers is no easy feat.  Sure it may not seem like a big deal to get dressed, eat breakfast, brush teeth and go, but for some reason for toddlers that is a way bigger deal than needed.  You may not care what your child wears to school, but you probably are not going to let them wear their pajamas, but if you homeschool preschool, that fight of leaving the house saves you at least an hour, plus your sanity.  You can use that extra hour for free playtime for them and check whatever you need to off your list of things to do.

Control-Let’s be honest if you are even considering homeschool preschool, you probably want as much control over your children as possible.  With homeschool preschool, you have control over the curriculum, activities, and outside influences that they are exposed to.   Eventually, they will leave the nest, but for now, you have as much control over everything they are exposed to, from the curriculum to outside influences. 

Read More: Homeschool Resources: 17 Must-Haves For Your Shopping List

How to Homeschool Preschool

Homeschool Preschool: The Surprising Reasons Why It Might Be The Best For Your Family

Just the word-homeschool, might send you into a bit of a frenzy.  You may think you have to come up with the curriculum, activities, or even do it all yourself.  However, in practice none of that is true, there are so many ready-to-go curriculums on the market that already have everything lined up for you.  Luckily homeschooling is very common these days that you can find so much information and materials.  You really don’t have to buy any special homeschool preschool curriculum if you don’t want to, there is that much out there that you can find on your own.

If you are thinking it will take up your whole day, homeschool preschool is actually only 20-60  minutes a day.  Most preschools are much longer programs, but if you were to break down the actually teaching per child it would be similar. The rest of the time is spent playing, doing arts and crafts, reading, rest time, and free time.  If you are at home, you can develop your own schedule that works best for you and your family.  

Homeschool Preschool: The Surprising Reasons Why It Might Be The Best For Your Family

Find your homeschool preschool tribe, there are lots of groups out there that join together to homeschool together.  By sharing information, resources, and even sharing duties you can easily create a homeschool preschool for your child that rivals a traditional preschool.  Often, homeschool pods will playdates, take field trips together, and take turns teaching different specialty lessons (such as music, art, dance, foreign language, etc.).  This way it is not all on you and your children get exposed to other adults instructing them, various learning environments, and other stimulation.  

Read More: A Complete List of Free (or Cheap) Online Educational Homeschooling Resources for Kids

Homeschool preschool gives you and your child a chance to slow down just a tad more and enjoy less rushing each day.  Our daily lives are so busy and on the go non-stop, homeschool preschool allows a little more flexibility in the rigid schedules we have become accustomed to.  From being able to monitor curriculum, day to day activities and take the pressure out of getting out of the house and to school on time.  Homeschool preschool really has more benefits than not, plus you might be surprised at how much your child learns in less time than if they went to a preschool outside of the home.

Check out this article on How To Decided Between Homeschool And Public School.

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Homeschool Preschool: The Surprising Reasons Why It Might Be The Best For Your Family

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Sabra Ritter
Sabra Ritter
Sabra is mom, event designer extraordinaire, explorer, writer, hostess with the mostesses and chef for her family. She has been writing for Daily Mom for over 4 years, sharing her wisdom and experiences with her two little girls and life along the way. From breastfeeding, postpartum anxiety to staying happily married during the trials of newborn life, sleep deprivation, working full time and volunteering more than she probably should, she candidly shares her own experiences on the topics you most want to hear about. You can find her spending time with her family, learning new things and exploring everything northern Arizona has to offer her.

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