Dad Is More Fun and It’s OK

It wasn’t so long ago that dads were mostly absent from parenting — working all day, then coming home to dinner on the table...

Protecting Your Dental Health during the Holidays

Candy cane infused sugar cookies. Hot chocolate laden with mini marshmallows. Tiny gingerbread men coated in sweet royal icing. Mulled wines and Christmas cocktails....

The Significance of Paternity Leave: Bonding Time for the Entire Family

When a baby is born into the family, parents face a life-changing responsibility, and a huge opportunity. They have the chance to give their...

Living Options for Geo-Baching Service Members

If you've been in the military for a while, you know there is this constant: you move a lot. Many branches of the military...

Essentials for a Beautiful Bump & Giveaway

You're pregnant, excited and in love with your little baby bump, but alas, your growing bump, plus the bloat and excess weight gain, has...

Kids’ Christmas Gifts that Aren’t Things

It's the hap-happiest time of the year, but let's be real — you're looking at the toys your children already have and think, "We cannot bring...

Women’s Rights VS The Global Pandemic

When it comes to the pandemic, the first thing that comes to mind probably isn't "women's rights". The Covid-19 pandemic has seen the greatest...

Beat the Summer Slide: Keep Learning and Development Alive with These...

Introduction When the school year wraps up, there is no reason for learning and development to come to a halt. During the summer months, kids can become easily distracted and lose their focus on learning and developing, so it's important to find ways to keep them motivated and engaged. To help beat the summer slide, try out some of these 7 fun and educational activities to keep small kids learning and developing over the summer. Many parents worry about the potential for summer learning loss, which can lead to a setback in the upcoming school year. But that doesn't mean you should sacrifice outdoor playtime or summertime fun! You can find easy ways to keep your kids learning while still allowing them the freedom to relax and enjoy themselves. With a little creativity and a few simple activities, you can help your kids stay focused and continue to learn and develop all summer long. From hands-on activities that allow for creative exploration, to outdoor scavenger hunts and more, these activities are sure to keep kids engaged and interested in learning and growing throughout the summertime. So let's get started!

Indoor Play For Kids: 15 Simple Activities To Enjoy This Winter

It is that time of year again. Yes, holiday season, but also winter, when getting time outside with your busy toddler may be few...

Unique Newborn Mementos

Your nursery is complete, and your new little bundle is finally here! The joy of becoming a parent for the first, second or fifth...

Feeding Baby on the Go: Six Healthy Snack Options

Every parent wants to make the best choice when it comes to providing their children with a healthy and wholesome diet. But busy lifestyles...

5 Reasons Why A Spouse’s Military Rank Is Not a Relevant...

Note: This is an opinion piece is does not necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of Daily Mom Military. I felt compelled to write this...

Politics for Kids: How to Approach Politics With Your Children

As a parent, it can feel overwhelming to talk about politics with your kids. That is because when it comes to politics for kids...

Back to School: Going Beyond the Sack Lunch

Some would argue lunch is the best part of the school day. With lunchboxes like these, there will be no denying that! No matter...

Surviving the 2018 Japan Floods: Part 2

We landed and sprinkles — nothing more, no ferocious pelting rain — dotted the window on the row-20 window of our Japan Airlines flight. Carry-ons...

What to Expect When You’re Expecting a Deployment Baby

You've overcome the most difficult step of having a baby (getting pregnant), and you're ready to welcome that sweet bundle of joy into your...

The Truth About Shipping to APO/DPO/FPO Addresses

You know what they say about people who assume things: They avoid shipping to APO/DPO/FPO addresses because they assume it’s too hard. OK, so...

Ways to Love and Support the Black Community

“Black lives matter.” This topic has been trending since the BLM movement started in 2013 when a 17-year-old boy named Trayvon Martin was shot....

4 Powerful Reasons to Chaperone A Field Trip

As a parent, the invitation to chaperone a field trip at your child's school might initially seem like a logistical challenge. However, saying yes...

CSI: Family Edition – 6 Fun Forensics Investigator Science Projects to...

As parents, we are always on the lookout for activities that not only entertain our kids but also engage their curious minds. One area...

5 Practical Tips For Developing Kindergarten Readiness at Home

Most parents want to make sure that their child is ready for Kindergarten before the time comes. But figuring out how exactly to make...

Does Your Child Have Testing Jitters? Here is How to Help...

Students of all ages are faced with tests. Standardized tests, unit tests, and tests called assessments. Many students have testing jitters, but they aren't...

Year-Round Service Projects for Building Family Bonds: 5 Ideas for All...

Bonding as a family is a key part of keeping relationships strong across generations. Serving others can be an invaluable experience for all ages...

12 Powerful Taylor Swift Lyrics About Embracing Motherhood

Behind every millennial mom dancing in her kitchen is a Spotify account blasting the latest Taylor Swift tunes. Without a doubt, Taylor Swift lyrics...

5 Amazing Stories with Moral Lessons to Teach Your Kids

Introducing your child to moral lessons is one of the best gifts you can give as a parent. But it doesn't have to be...

Understanding Unreasonable Search and Seizure: Protecting your Child’s 4th Amendment Rights...

In the United States, the Fourth Amendment is a fundamental right that grants protection from unreasonable search and seizure. As a parent, it's important...

11 Creative Dr. Seuss Crafts Ignite Imaginations Making Learning to Read...

Dr. Seuss crafts bring literary characters to life. Creating arts and crafts projects with preschool and elementary school-aged children strengthens and builds their love...

Going to a Crowded Place and What to do if You...

    Do you have a trip to a theme park or the beach coming up? Going to places where the crowds of people are thick...

The Best Postpartum Essentials You Need

There are things that you definitely need postpartum and other things that are nice to have but not essentials.  It is important to know...

Fun Family Board Games: Bringing People Together, One Roll of the...

It's a Friday night, and instead of staring at their screens, the family is gathered around the kitchen table, laughing, strategizing, and enjoying a...

Tips For Scheduling Your Child’s First Dentist Visit

As a parent, it seems logical to take your child to your family dentist for their first dentist visit when they begin to develop...

Embracing the Future: Modern Parenting in the Age of Technology

Imagine a world where technology seamlessly integrates with the beautiful chaos of parenting. In this digital era, technological advancements are transforming the way we...