Moms Working Out Together: Sweat Like a Mother
Lunges and pushups and burpees, oh my! Stroller Strong Moms is a fitness program like no other. And it’s changing the way moms workout....
5 Ways To Beat Winter Blues with a Seasonal Affective Disorder...
With the holidays behind us and decorations packed away, there can be an unpleasant shift this time of year. For some, moods can drop...
Facts About Brushing Your Teeth: It Doesn’t Prevent Cavities
Brushing teeth in our modern world is just what we do. Brush your teeth after every meal. Brush your teeth at least twice a...
Why the Medical Community is Failing Us with Their “Standard of...
No matter who you are, no matter where you live, and no matter what you do for a living, each and every person is...
9 Ways to Help a Mom with Postpartum Depression
Do you know a mother who recently had a baby? You’re probably over-the-moon excited for her and can’t wait to ogle over pictures or...
5 Key Health Screens Millennials Should Get in 2019
With more and more millennials skipping out on annual health exams in favor of a quick, as needed, visit to an urgent care facility,...
5 Things to Do With Your Pelvic Floor Exercises
It is not uncommon to see memes or hear other moms talk about it. We joke that we pee our pants when we run....
4 Reasons To Start Dry Brushing Today
If you're not already dry brushing, you need to start, pronto. The health benefits are countless, and you will see and feel a difference once...
Benefits of a Month Long “Booze Break” For Dry January
If you are thinking about taking a break from booze, do it! Dry January is a New Year's trend that marks January 1st at...
How to Sleep Better with a Dust Mite Allergy
After months of red eyes, congestion and sinus issues you might go to the doctor for formalized allergy testing. If you are lucky the...
6 Things to Do When You’re Feeling Inadequate
Would you ever tell your best friend she’s not good enough? Would you tell her that she isn’t stacking up to other women on...
My 7-Day Sugar Detox Meal Plan
I recently completed a 21-day sugar detox. It was, well, interesting, and I will be sharing exactly what happened in a separate post. Let's...
CBD For Pets: Why Pets Love CBD
While the use of CBD-based products continues to grow and grow for humans, it's also growing in popularity for our pets. There's everything from...
5 Simple Tips to Maintain Healthy Eating Habits
Recent generations have grown up on chips, soda, Kraft and candy. Dinners out with family and friends likely involved a Chili’s or McDonald's, and...
5 Things You Should Be Adding To Your Protein Shake
When I started this health and fitness journey a year and a half ago, one of the first things I did was begin drinking...
A Healthy Breakfast: Protein vs Carbohydrates
Coffee! If you are a busy mom, this is probably your go-to source for consciousness, your sanity, and comfort (and we totally get that)....
5 Amazing Benefits of CBD Oil You Need to Know
CBD is a trending health and wellness supplement that has been found to have many positive effects on a person's mental and physical health....
Ditch the 800mg Ibuprofen for Something More Natural- CBD Oil for...
There is a running joke in the military that a military doctors way of treating any sort of ailment for the service member is...
Top 5 Ways On How To Avoid Overeating
There is literally food everywhere! The temptation to eat and eat and eat some more, even when you aren't hungry, can feel rather overwhelming. It may...
Does Your Nursing Baby Have a Food Allergy?
When my second son was born, he cried. He cried all the time. Sometimes, he cried for up to eight hours straight. I was...
A New Kind of Prenatal Vitamin
No matter your age, doctors recommend a good multivitamin to ensure that you are taking in all the nutrients you need to be healthy....
The Benefits of Active Sitting and the ‘Wobble Stool’
'Sitting is the new smoking.' This saying has taken the internet by storm along with the introduction of everything from standing desks to gel...
New Year, New You! How to Stick to Your Resolutions Beyond...
It's a new year, and you're ready to hit the ground running! You've got your resolutions lined up, and you know this is the...
5 CBD Edibles You Have to Try in 2019
One of the biggest health and wellness trends this year is CBD oil. In just a few short years, CBD oil has been found...
5 CBD Oil Products you Need to Try if You’re a...
There is an ever-growing trend in society when it comes to health and wellness, and that is the use of CBD oil. When first...
What is GOTS-Certified and Why You Should Insist on GOTS-Certified Kids...
It may not come as any surprise that there are harmful substances used in the textile industry and the most publicized example of these...
Happiness Hacks
We live in a time where we’re not only constantly on the go, physically, but also mentally —running around inside our own heads. We are...
How Air Duct Cleaning Impacts Your Air Quality
Have you ever thought about the amount of time your family spends indoors, at work or school, in the car, and at home? It’s...
Holiday Hacks for a Happier, Healthier, Holiday You
The holidays seem to start earlier and earlier each year, and as soon as that first PSL drops at Starbucks it's off to the...
Physical Symptoms of Stress
You’ve been experiencing physical symptoms like headaches, back pain, upset stomach, and trouble sleeping. You visit your doctor, thinking you may be coming down...
I Did A 21-Day Sugar Detox & This Is What Happened
I'm fresh off the heels of a 21-day sugar detox. Well, kind of. But you'll understand it all later in this post. Why would...
My 7-Day Vegan Challenge Meal Plan
I just completed a 7-day vegan challenge (which I actually extended to 11 days because truthfully, I felt amazing). It was about five times...
4 Things That Happened In My 7-Day Vegan Challenge
Never in a million years did I expect to say this. But I just completed a 7-day vegan challenge and I loved it so...
Top Household Items to Clean to Avoid Spreading Germs
If runny noses and sore throats spread like wildfire in your home, a few common household items may be to blame. Each year, cold...
23 CBD Products that Will Change Your Life
CBD oil or ICYMI cannabis oil has recently become one of the biggest trending health and wellness items. Products are popping up for health,...