10 Things Night Shift Workers Should Do To Get Better Sleep

Dolly Parton may sing about working 9 to 5 but maybe you, along with many other mamas, are night shift workers and are in...

Starting An Oral Hygiene Routine With Your Baby

Your baby's first tooth has finally popped through. Now what do you do? Start a good oral hygiene routine! That's right, once that first...

Staying Fit and Eating Clean During PCS Limbo

Going through a permanent change of station (PCS) is a real pain. But it’s what military members and their families do. Most have gotten...

5 Foods to Avoid if You Have Sensitive Teeth

There are several foods to avoid if you have sensitive teeth to prevent pain and added dental problems. Teeth sensitivity is surprisingly common. But...

The Whole Truth About Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormone replacement therapy in women is more complex and multifaceted than in men. If a man needs only testosterone for substitution, a woman needs...

Why Your Family Needs Blue Light Glasses

Blue light technology is everywhere we turn these days making blue light glasses a must in today's world. Whether we are at work, school...

How to Discover the Best CBD Products for Your Needs

With so many CBD products available, it can be very difficult to discover the absolute best CBD products out there. This is especially difficult...

5 Tips for Cold and Flu Season to Keep Kids Healthy

This is a guest post from Children's Urgent Care Cold and flu season is well on its way, and parents want to do everything they can...

4 Reasons To Do An Oatmeal Face Mask

Ever thought of making oatmeal face masks? If not, you should! Oatmeal has many benefits when used as a mask because it is high...

4 Things to Know About Having a Baby in Germany

I remember the day we got orders to Germany like it was yesterday. We were so excited, ready to continue our married adventure in...

Benefits of Folic Acid Everyone Should Know

Most people who have been pregnant or are trying to get pregnant have been told to take folic acid. Maybe you knew why and...

How To Host The Perfect Summer Picnic

The snow has melted away and so has the school year. Summer has arrived! Finally, families are carving out time to make memories and...

4 Reasons Why You Should Be Cooking With Coconut Oil

{Photo credit: Cookies For Breakfast} It seems the whole world is abuzz about coconut oil right now.  Health gurus are touting its benefits, and regular everyday...

The Symptoms And Solutions Of Mastitis

What Is Mastitis? Mastitis and clogged milk ducts are an inflammation due to the obstruction of a milk duct. This obstruction can sometimes be caused...

So You Want to Be a Spartan?

There are few things more motivating for a mother to work out than that pesky baby weight still hugging those hips. Yet, as frustrating...

7 Dynamic Ways Frequency Healing Empowers Your Wellness

If you've ever been curious about the sometimes elusive concept of frequency healing, hang on to your hat. This one gets a little wild...

Fermenting: Benefits and Recipes

  Fermenting is a simple way to implement remarkable nutrition into one's diet. Fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, have been made and consumed...

Fighting Mom Burnout: The Mindful Parenting Guide For Finding Better Balance

What is motherhood? It is the hardest job on God's green earth. That is exactly what it is. It is a job that will...

How Turmeric Powder Is a Must-have For New Moms

Would you like to take a trip to a high-end spa, but can’t because, oh yeah, you have kids? No problem, turn your home...

9 Signs That You Need a New Mattress

There are some big purchases that we all have to make. Some things are just necessities, and even though we might not like opening...

Holiday Hacks for a Happier, Healthier, Holiday You

The holidays seem to start earlier and earlier each year, and as soon as that first PSL drops at Starbucks it's off to the...

Raising a Family with a Spouse suffering from a Chronic Disease

As I sat breastfeeding my infant while entertaining my toddler, half-listening to a doctor (a gastroenterologist to be exact) tell myself and my husband that...

The Surprising Benefits of Extended Breastfeeding

Nursing beyond your child's first birthday is referred to as Extended Breastfeeding. This is a common, healthy act practiced in many countries. The western...

When the Military Treatment Facility Wants You Back

When you found out that you would be seeing your new Primary Care Manager (PCM) off-base, you were shocked, then intrigued. TRICARE Prime patients...

Tips for Making More Time for You

  As a busy mom being pulled in one million directions, you may often feel that the days of “me time” are long gone. Or...

Optimize Your Morning Routine For School

After a long summer of sleeping in and hitting the snooze button, trying to get the kids up early for school may seem daunting....

Parenting & CBD Wellness by vTerra Farms: Nano CBD Easily Outperforms...

Parenting is hard work. Parenting combined with working during a global pandemic, a teacher shortage, and a looming economic crisis leaves parents feeling overwhelmed,...

How Breathing Exercises for Anxiety Can Help You (and Your Kids)...

When you were little, chances are that when you got upset and cried uncontrollably to the point where you were gasping for breath, your...

Ways to Beat Food Cravings

  It's 3 pm, you have a craving. Usually it's for something sweet-chocolate or a cookie. Sometimes you indulge, but often you find that it...

20 of the Best Meditation Apps and Tools to Help You...

There is so much going on around us. That is where the best meditation apps and tools come in. It is important to turn...

3 Things You Should Tell Yourself Before Getting into Your Swimsuit

It’s swimsuit season, usually a dreaded time for women everywhere, except for the ones whose bodies we ogle over, whose Instagram pictures we stare at...

7 Ideas To Keep You And Your House Cool During Hot...

The warm summer months are as sweet as iced tea and sometimes as hot as blue blazes. There are so many things to enjoy...

Effective Foods For Relieving Constipation

When dealing with constipation there are a few dietary choices that can ease our suffering and get us back on track. Try these simple...

The Benefits of Vitamins for Breastfed Babies

Throughout pregnancy women around the world become accustomed to hearing the mantra “breast is best.” From doctors to family and friends who have breastfed their...

Is Your Food Affecting Your Kids Mental Health?

Whether or not you are aware of the health complications, kids’ mental health can be caused by what your children are eating on a...

Scheduling Tasks: Unlocking Flexibility and Fun in Your Household With 5...

Scheduling tasks for your family can feel like a challenge, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right approach, you can create a system that works for everyone in your household. Assigning chores, creating menus, maintaining a family calendar, and doing other things to bring order to your daily lives can make everyone feel happier. Read on to learn how you can start scheduling tasks and becoming a more organized parent.