5 minute makeover

You are a mom on the go and there is simply not enough time in your morning to put on a full face of...

8 Simple Ways to Find Work Motivation (And Keep It!)

Find out eight ways of motivating yourself to work

Survival Kit List: Be Prepared for Anything with These Essentials

There is no anticipating when an emergency will happen, so it is important to make a plan ahead of time. Every family should have...

In-Car Emergency Kit: 4 Essential Categories You Need to Get Started

No one wakes up wanting to be labeled a catastrophizing conspiracy theorist or prepper, but the last few years have proven that even the...

Feed Your Brain in 15 Minutes a Day

You’re curious. You have always loved learning. Being a mom, especially to a demanding baby, can be mind numbing. Some days you go all...

4 Ways to Crush Planning for the New Year

New is often associated with a fresh start. A new year is the most common way we think about it, a new year with 12...

The Best Hiking Apparel for Those With Wanderlust

Now's the perfect time to take an adventure. Hit the trails, embrace the outdoors, and be one with nature. But, while jeans and flannel...

The Trendiest Beauty Item for 2019: Hemp Creams

Women are always searching for that elusive product that will make them age backwards. The Fountain of Youth, if you will. Every few years...

The Importance Of Planning For An Emergency

In the last twenty years, we have experienced 9/11, school shootings, weather-related phenomena, such as major hurricanes and superstorms, and now a pandemic. As...

The Pros Of Procrastination: Yes, They Exist

Tomorrow: (noun)--a mystical land where 99% of all human productivity, motivation, and achievement is stored. AKA: A place where procrastination thrives. But don't be...

The Cure for the Postpartum Body

There are a number of reasons that our bodies look and feel different after pregnancy - the weight gain, hormone fluctuation, fluid retention. We...

20 Makeup and Hair Must-Haves for the Latest Looks & Soft-N-Healthy...

Women have so many things to think about on a daily basis. How can we make sure our makeup and hair look is killer,...

Powerful Relief: How To Treat Sunburn Fast In 6 Steps

It's summer and sunburns happen, but summer calls for adventures in the sun, not sitting around performing internet searches for "how to treat sunburn...

What is EMDR Therapy?

EMDR therapy stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy. But what is EMDR therapy exactly? It is a type of psychotherapy that helps...

The Importance of Hydration and Why it is so Critical to...

You have probably heard that you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day to be properly hydrated, but do you...

Gender Pronouns: What are They and Why are They Important?

Most people have heard of gender pronouns. Chances are you have heard people asking what someone's pronouns are or have popped on a zoom...

Don’t Forget Your Breasts: 6 Things to Know about Breast Exams

Raise your hand if you were able to use the restroom alone today. When was your last shower? Last sit-down meal? Anyone? As a mother, you have very little alone time. If you can’t go to the bathroom alone, you probably aren’t getting to your dentist or doctor as often as you should. While it seems physically and temporally impossible, taking care of yourself is imperative. When it comes to breast health, we have the intel for breast exams and mammograms.

17 of the Best Skincare Products for Acne: Facial Treatments Right...

Whether you're a teenager struggling with acne for the first time or an adult fighting a never-ending battle, finding the best skincare products for...

Ten Minutes To A Sparkling Microwave

{Photo credit: With A Red Bird On My Shoulder} Do you dread cleaning the stuck-on splatter your microwave accumulates over time? Who has time to...

Mom Friends: The Constant Struggle To Find Adult Friendship As A...

Sometimes it can feel like forming a new adult friendship is impossible. It can feel even more impossible when you as a mom. It...

5 CBD Oil Products you Need to Try if You’re a...

There is an ever-growing trend in society when it comes to health and wellness, and that is the use of CBD oil. When first...

Yes, Eating Healthy During the Holiday Season is Possible

The military loves a great get together and there’s no shortage of them during the holiday season. Although let’s face it, engaging in social...

5 Important Tips for Setting Boundaries in Your Life

It becomes too easy for some people to say “yes” to too many things. That is because setting boundaries for yourself can be hard,...

3 Ways To Teach Your Child Sun Safety

It's already the middle of summer and for many areas around the country, prolonged sun exposure has become a way for many families to...

Is it Safe to Use CBD While Breastfeeding?

Now that the hemp plant and its derivatives, like CBD, are legal in the U.S. on a federal level, many people are wondering about...

A Healthy Breakfast: Protein vs Carbohydrates

Coffee! If you are a busy mom, this is probably your go-to source for consciousness, your sanity, and comfort (and we totally get that)....

4 Benefits of Fenugreek That You Should Know About

Fenugreek is an herb similar to clover, which smells and tastes a lot like maple syrup. It is native to the Mediterranean, as well...

Ditch the Soda for These Supplements for Mental Clarity

As we head straight to the New Year, many of us are exploring what we can do to help us create healthier bodies. Everywhere...

You ARE Ready For Swimsuit Season

Summer. Is. Coming. Are you ready for swimsuit season? If your answer isn't, "HECK YES, I AM!" then we need to chat about a little mindset shift. For years...

Acne Positivity and The Causes of Adult Acne

From freckles to stretch marks to vitiligo, society is on the rise to make these skin appearances a celebration of individuality and character; something...

The Silent Struggle: Life with a Spouse Suffering from Crohn’s Autoimmune...

This article was done in partnership with Walgreens. So frequently as moms we listen to all the chatter at the playground or on social media....

Fall Styles Cookbook with Aventura Clothing

  With mild temperatures all over the country this fall, we have barely had time to pull out our favorite comfy scarves and chunky sweaters. But...

Skincare Products: Comparison Shop to Save Big

We all live and breathe by our skincare products, whether it’s our favorite shampoo and conditioner that keeps our locks looking model-worthy or the...

Health Benefits Of Cherries

Image courtesy of / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Cherries are a wonderful source of vitamins and nutrients and can have a strong impact on your health, plus...

The 2 Most Important Fitness Tips: Taking a Break and Embracing...

Many fitness tips focus on all the workout strategies, exercise ideas, staying committed, and sticking to it. It may be shocking and seem conflicting...