Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here’s How To Make A Difference

Though shelter-in-place orders are slowly being lifted, non-profit organizations are still in need of charitable donations to help those most vulnerable.

While there are nurses, first responders, delivery people, store clerks, and so many others on the front lines of the Covid-19 pandemic; many of us are privileged to shelter in place and work from the comforts of our home. Though we are all impacted with varying degrees of difficulty due to the outbreak, there’s something unique about the collective experience by which we all are affected by the pandemic in one way or another that we may never witness again in our lifetime.

The outpouring of community support has been heartwarming and a beautiful indication of what humanity is capable of in unnerving times. The aftermath of this pandemic has left hundreds of thousands dead and millions at risk in its wake. Non-profit organizations are trying to stay afloat and help support people whose livelihoods are being threatened by the virus

Whether you’re looking for ways to support an organization from the comfort of your home or want to volunteer your time to help those in need, consider the following organizations. You may choose to support food distribution efforts, help vulnerable populations, provide protective gear to front-line workers or support an international cause. Together we have the power to make a difference.

Charitable Donations to Support Food Distribution

 Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 1 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Feeding America | Donate

“Help End Hunger Today”

Food Banks all over the U.S. are inundated with people and are experiencing record numbers of people seeking food assistance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Your charitable donations will help Feeding America continue supporting local food banks and partnering with local government agencies to ensure our vulnerable neighbors have the food and personal care products they need to flourish. Want to learn more? Visit their site. In need of services? Find your local food bank, here.

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 2 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
No Kid Hungry | Donate

“No Kid in America Should Go Hungry” 

According to No Kid Hungry, one in four children will go hungry as a result of school closures due to the Covid-19 pandemic. With school’s closing, low-income families and vulnerable children are missing out on meals they would have otherwise had provided by a school meal program such as school breakfasts, lunches and even after-school meals.

Lunch is often the last meal of the day for the majority of these children. Your charitable donation will help feed kids millions of meals every day through initiatives like drive-thru meal services, free breakfasts and lunches to children in rural areas, emergency grants to schools and community groups nationwide. Learn more about what they do, here.   

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 3 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Meals on Wheels America | Donate

“All Seniors Deserve to Live Nourished Lives With Independence and Dignity”

Meals on Wheels is a nonprofit dedicated to addressing senior isolation and hunger. With 5.5 million seniors facing food insecurities and 1 in 4 seniors living alone, the elderly population are at a higher risk for isolation and hunger during the Covid-19 pandemic. Eighty-three percent of low income, food insecure seniors are not receiving the meals they need and your charitable donations will help Meals on Wheels fund local programs to deliver nutritious meals to seniors daily. Find a local Meals on Wheels program provider, here.

Read More: Why Not Donate Some Blood?

Charitable Donations to Support Vulnerable Populations

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 4 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
National Domestic Violence Hotline | Donate

“Here to Answer the Most Important Call of a Victim’s Life

The National Domestic Violence Hotline’s phones are “ringing off the hook” with reports of domestic violence cases increasing during shelter-in-place orders. Survivors are currently in constant proximity with abusers and, due to stay at home orders, are further isolated from friends and family who may be able to help. Your charitable donations help ensure someone is available to provide 24/7 support to someone experiencing abuse or seeking resources like nearby domestic violence shelters. If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse of any form, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233. Visit their website to learn more about what they do and how you can help.

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 5 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Free Wheelchair Mission | Donate

“Providing the Transforming Gift of Mobility to People With Disabilities”

Children and adults with disabilities are amongst the hardest hit when natural disasters (or an outbreak like the pandemic) strike. They often lack mobility or resources to seek out assistance and heavily depend on family members and care providers for care. During the Covid-19 pandemic, Free Wheelchair Mission is committed to helping healthcare workers support children and adults with disabilities and your charitable donations will allow them to continue providing essential medical supplies like masks, gloves, needles, syringes, and blankets. Your donations will also help the organization provide mobility-assistance devices such as wheelchairs, canes and walkers to those in need. Check out their beautifully designed wheelchairs here.

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 6 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Love For the Elderly | Donate

“Combat Social Isolation With Love”

Social distancing has led older adults living in long-term care facilities to be isolated from their loved ones, increasing feelings of loneliness – which can lead to a poorer quality of life. Before the Covid-19 pandemic, Love for the Elderly volunteers delivered handwritten letters and visited senior facilities, but are no longer able to do so due to strict shelter-in-place orders placed on senior facilities. Your charitable donations will help the organization mail letters to as many elders as possible. If you’d like to write your own letter, find out how to do so here.

Read More: Why Children Need Grandparents And Extended Family

Charitable Donations to Support Front Line Workers

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 7 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Direct Relief | Donate

“Anytime. Anywhere. Anyone in Need”

Direct Relief is working tirelessly during the Covid-19 pandemic to provide protective gear and critical care medications to as many health workers around the U.S. as possible, sending emergency deliveries to medical facilities, clinics and public health agencies on a daily basis. They are also delivering equipment for patients in need of oxygen supplementation. Your charitable donations help Direct Relief continue to provide N95 masks, gloves, protective suits, critical care medications, and essential medical items to those who need it most.

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National Domestic Workers Alliance | Donate

“Take Care of the People Who Take Care of Us”

The National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA) is committed to fighting for the respect, dignity and rights domestic workers deserve. Many domestic workers have lost work due to the Covid-19 pandemic and do not have a safety net to fall back on which places a heavy financial and emotional burden on these workers who often do not have healthcare and are already struggling to make ends meet. Your charitable donations help the NDWA provide financial assistance to those experiencing financial hardships due to the pandemic.

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 9 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
American Nurses Foundation | Donate

“Nurses are the keys to the health of the nation”

Nurses are on the frontlines of the Covid-19 pandemic and are in dire need of support. The foundation created The Coronavirus Response Fund for Nurses to provide financial, emotional and educational support to nurses who are caring for an overwhelming number of virus victims around the clock. Your charitable donations say “thank you” to nurses and ensure extended support for nurses on the frontlines all over the nation.

Read More: 30 Coronavirus Memes to Add Laughter to Your Day

Donate Internationally

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 10 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
KIVA | Donate

“Loans for Entrepreneurs Doing Amazing Things”

Kiva is a crowdsourcing, micro-loan lending organization that helps give people access to financial services and capital they would not otherwise have access to. With these loans, people can start businesses, pay tuition, invest in farm equipment or cattle and rise out of poverty. Many of these small businesses have been impacted negatively by the pandemic, directly threatening the livelihood of their families. Learn more about how a Kiva micro-loan works, here.

Charitable Donations During A Pandemic: Here'S How To Make A Difference 11 Daily Mom, Magazine For Families
Helping Hand For Relief and Development | Donate

“Serving Humanity By Integrating Resources for People In Need”

Helping Hand for Relief and Development (HHRD) launched a $2 million dollar campaign for Crisis Response to help families affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. They have distrubuted tens of thousands of personal protective equipment to healthcare workers on the frontlines in underdeveloped countries, riddled with poverty. In addition, hygiene kits and food packs are currently being distributed in countries like Kenya, Pakistan, Nepal, Jordan, and Bangladesh. Your charitable donations directly support HHRD’s efforts to ensure healthcare workers in developing countries are able to care for the people in need. For a full list of the initiatives they support click here.

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International Rescue Committee | Donate

“Helping Refugees Feel At Home”

Refugees and recently displaced people tend to have higher rates of underlying health issues due to impacts of war, disease and famine. As Covid-19 continues to spread globally, people living in conflict zones in countries like Yemen, Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq will be hit the hardest due to weakened health care systems and shut down medical facilities. These countries need immediate international assistance for supplies and clinics to detect, prevent and treat the coronavirus. Your charitable donations will help the organization continue to provide essential health care services to refugees and displaced people.

To help others is one of the most beautiful expressions of humanity and luckily, there are always opportunities to make a difference. A pandemic gives more reason for us to come together to support those most vulnerable and those who are risking their lives to keep us healthy and safe.

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Laila Barakat
Laila Barakat
Laila is an aspiring writer with a love of poetry and the outdoors. A sampling of her many interests include hiking with her family, learning about nutrition and herbal medicine, and personal development. When she's not researching her latest blog topic or avoiding laundry, she's cooking or crafting with her four littles in sunny Northern California.

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