Daily Mom Military Finds: Troopster

Daily Mom Military Finds is your place for the newest and neatest products, companies, or organizations that we think you’ll love. Our team is always staying up to date on the coolest things that are perfect for your military life, your #momlife, or just for yourself. We love our DMM Finds and we hope you do, too!


When your spouse or loved one is deployed, it is important to send them a little piece of home. But in holding down the homefront while getting care packages put together and sent can be time-consuming, stressful, and downright exhausting. Troopster takes all that worry away by creating and sending care packages straight to your loved one in just a few simple clicks. 


There are plenty of care package options to choose from when deciding which one to pick to send to your service member. They have options for guys and for girls, workout packs, snack packs, bath and body packs, and more. They have packages designed for each branch of the military, a package for football lovers, and packages for the health nut. You can also add personalized notes and pictures to your package, and Troopster will print those and send them out with your care package. They even have care packages for kids, so your service member can send a care package back to your little one while they are gone. 


You can send a care package every month or just every once in awhile. Either way, Troopster gets the care package ready for you and sends it off without you having to walk around the store, pick up the items, get a box from the post office, package the items, fill out the intensely long customs forms, and stand in line again to ship the box off.


Troopster is also a great place to send Aunt Janet or your church family when they come to ask, “What can I send him/her?” Direct Aunt Janey to Troopster and she can pick out a care package that fits her budget. It’s also a 501c3 charity, so your church family can send care packages to deployed troops through their charitable organization site. Troopster not only gives all of us military spouses an easy way to send a package to the ones we love, but also a place we can direct friends and family when they want to send something to our loved ones as well.


Troopster was founded by a Navy veteran and is run by a team of patriotic veterans and civilians who want to continue to support our troops.

To learn more about Troopster, check out the live unboxing from our friends over at #TheDependas.

Check out Troopster for more care package options and use the code DAILYMOMMILITARY for 10% off your next order!


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Troopster | Facebook | Instagram

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Photo Credits: Troopster

Daily Mom Military
Daily Mom Militaryhttps://dailymom.com/category/for-military-life/
Daily Mom Military is a resource dedicated to serving the unique needs of military moms. Through our website, we provide comprehensive advice for all things concerning military lives and families. Our mission is to equip these incredible women with the necessary tools, resources, and community to navigate the challenges of military life. We understand the unique struggles and triumphs that come with being a military mom and strive to be a one-stop-shop for advice, tips, and support.

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