Father’s Day Canvas Craft


We moms adore receiving those precious handmade gifts from our little ones. There’s just something about seeing that work of art from your kids that can’t be beat. Well, here’s a little secret… Dads love it too! This year for Father’s Day, get crafty with your kids. Help them create a beautiful canvas that Daddy will be proud to display at home or at work, particularly as some creative advertising signs with a personal touch.

Diy Canvas For Fathers Day

What You’ll Need

Father Day Canvas Craft Step 1

Get Started

Father Day Canvas Craft Step 2 Rev

Lay the shower curtain/newspaper on your chosen work surface. You’ll want it to be a surface that can easily be cleaned just in case the mess escapes. With the help of your little van Gogh, decide if you want words on the canvas (# 1 DAD, <3 DAD, etc) or just an abstract design (pictured above is an abstract “D” for Daddy). Carefully cut the ends of the masking tape to keep the ends straight and start laying it out on the blank canvas. Make sure to press firmly on the masking tape.

You may want to use the shower curtain to cover the floor under their work surface to catch any paint drips.

Father Day Canvas Craft Step 4 Rev

You can either pour some paint into cups or let the kids squirt the paint directly onto the canvas. Make sure they cover all the edges of the masking tape with the paint. Stand back and watch your artist at work! To allow for maximum creativity, refrain from making suggestions or taking the paint brush into your own hands. If they want to work with their hands, let them!

Father Day Canvas Craft Step 7 Rev

You can use finger paint instead of acrylic. But if you use acrylic, be aware it DOES NOT wash off clothing so make sure they wear clothes that are okay to ruin.

Once they are finished painting, allow at least 24 hours for it to dry completely. Depending on how thick the paint was applied, it may need more time. When the paint is fully dried, carefully peel the masking tape off to reveal the final masterpiece!


Diy Canvas

This quick, easy project is something not only your kids will love, but it is something Daddy will cherish for years to come.



Be sure to check out this Father’s Day Gift Guide for more ideas.

Photo Credit: CeceLynn Design

Corinne is a part time hairstylist and a full time wife and mom from Pennsylvania. When she's not at work or chasing after her wild-child, she's busy tackling her latest craft or sewing project. She loves inspiring people to tap into their right-brain creativity. You can check out her girls' clothing at CeceLynn Design.


  1. We are huge fans of DIY gifts. My LO gets so proud of her creations, and being able to give a gift all her own. I must say Both a Grandparents & GodParents absolutely love receiving them. On numerous occasions we have literally seen tears in their eyes.

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